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  • Participant 1: I was in the police academy and I got injured.

  • Participant 2: My grandpa has prostate cancer. Participant 3: I lost my dad in January of this past year.

  • Participant 4: On April 19 I faced a life threatening surgery, which it caused me to be paralyzed

  • and my major concern was that I could not walk again

  • but as you see, I am here and I've got work to do.

  • Julian: Glass is half full. Could have been worse. Look on the bright side!

  • When life knocks you down, these are the things you hear people say. There's no way what they're

  • telling could actually be helpful could it? Well buckle up, because psychologists have

  • found that a substantial amount of your happiness in life is determined by your ability to focus

  • on the positive. We gathered a group of volunteers who experienced a significant and sometimes

  • difficult life event in the past year. First we handed them a test to gauge their current

  • level of happiness. Now, in order to be super scientific, we split them into two groups,

  • a control group and a variable group. Now what about that control group. Well, we asked

  • them to think of something they had no opinion on whatsoever. They didn't feel too strongly

  • about it one way or the other. And then, we asked them to share that story with us.

  • P5: I found apples to be rather neutral because they don't really taste particularly good

  • or bad. P6: I think the color yellow is a nice color.

  • People like the color yellow because it looks very nice and that's all I had to say about yellow.

  • P5: I think they're rather bland and fairly innocuous looking

  • They're cheap to purchase which helps to make up for the rather obvious

  • lack of flavor. P7: The feeling I get when I watch a show

  • that I think is just okay when I really don't want to watch it is a feeling of not wanting

  • to be there. I want to get up and get ready to go.

  • P5: I think overall the pros and cons of this fruit tend to balance itself out when you

  • compare it to other fruits and hence that was why I chose this fruit, apple.

  • Julian: For the variable group we brought them in, sat them down and asked them to think

  • of a recent time in their life when they experienced something positive. Maybe something they achieved,

  • something good that happened to them, something good they did for somebody else. The idea

  • was to put them in a positive state of mind. We asked them to focus on the details and

  • three strengths that they had. Of those three, we told them to choose their biggest strength

  • and tell us a story that showed off that quality of theirs.

  • Would you mind reading for us what you wrote? P3: Yeah sure. I wrote, I have a top notch

  • quality of caring and being sympathetic with those people close to me.

  • P4: I have a talent for and the gift for helping young people who don't like school.

  • Helping them to become intelligent and enjoy learning. P1: The one quality I like most about myself

  • is that I am very caring towards other people. I do a lot of volunteer work, which is good

  • for the person in need and lifts my spirit immensely.

  • P8: My strongest strength is my knowledge. Not only because it's a tool I use on a daily basis,

  • but also because it's a tool that helps me get myself out of a lot of trouble.

  • P2: My favorite part of my personality is basically my self motivation. Because when

  • a lot of people doubt me and tell me I can't do stuff, I just take the stuff people say

  • I can't do and use it as motivation and prove them wrong in the end.

  • P4: Well one thing I ask everyone to do is to be your authentic self. Stand up and be

  • who you are no matter what. What you think of me is no concern of mine.

  • P1: I deliver for the meals on wheels program at the senior center and I love seeing my

  • elderly recipients each week. They truly light up my day and I don't feel complete without

  • giving them a big hug and making sure everything is okay with them.

  • P3: Recently a friend of mine, his father also died and I was able to come together

  • and help him with his mourning and with his understanding process of death. And to let

  • him know that you are not alone and it hurts like hell but you'll get through it with the

  • help of good friends and that's what life is all about just overcoming and advancing.

  • P2: Well my uncle was doubting me calling me dumb and stuff like that and then they

  • were telling me I wasn't going to pass the California High School Exit Exam, I was a

  • dummy, I was a failure and other stuff like that. But then I passed it so that was when

  • I just realized that all the doubts that people give me, I just use it as motivation and just

  • use it to keep going on. Julian: When they were finished we had them

  • take another test. After they finished we measured their happiness again to see what

  • kind of effect the positivity exercise had. Now keep in mind, our findings show an instantaneous

  • increase in happiness. Changes ranged as high as 43% increases in happiness and drops as

  • low as 31%. For those who did the exercise we saw a much narrower range. For some people

  • happiness went up 18% and the lowest drop was as little as 6%. So, maybe instead of

  • focusing on your weaknesses, you should focus on your strengths instead. What are your strengths?

  • When was the last time you really got to show it off and use it? Let us know in a video response

  • We'll do something awesome with it. I'm Julian, and this has been The Science of Happiness.

  • SoulPancake, Subscribe!

Participant 1: I was in the police academy and I got injured.


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A2 初級

幸福の科学 - 明るい面を見る (The Science of Happiness - Look on the Bright Side)

  • 193 23
    Eating に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日