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  • Hi. It's Mr. Andersen and welcome to Biology Essentials video 42. This is on

  • biological molecules or sometimes we call those macromolecules. This right here is a

  • picture of DNA that's been extracted. We do this every year in AP bio. We take DNA out

  • of a banana so you can hold it and wrap it around a little nichrome wire. Where is DNA?

  • Well DNA remember is going to be found in the nucleus. And so to get to it in our lab

  • we use soap to dissolve through the lipids in this membrane, this membrane. We filter

  • out the proteins and then we eventually can add it to cold alcohol and it will come out

  • of solution. You can hold it on a little nichrome wire, the secret of life. But to get to it

  • we have to go through all of the other macromolecules. In other words nucleic acids, like DNA and

  • RNA, are just one of four different types of macromolecules. And so in this podcast

  • we're going to spend a lot of time talking about the other three. And so biological molecules,

  • there are four different types, nucleic acids, proteins, lipids, carbohydrates. You simply

  • have to memorize those and then memorize the monomers. So what are monomers? Well monomers

  • are the small building blocks that make up these biological molecules. In other words

  • the analogy I'll give you is those are like the letters that string together to make the

  • words or even the stories. Biological molecules. Now let's start with lipids because lipid

  • are not actually made up of monomers. They're simply one monomer. Why are lipids important?

  • Those make up all of the cell membranes but they're also a great source of energy. And

  • what's a defining characteristic about them is that they have polarity. In other words

  • they're generally non-polar but certain parts of certain lipids can actually be polar. Let's

  • go to nucleic acids then. Nucleic acids are going to be the DNA and the RNA. The building

  • blocks of those are nucleotides, which are simply a sugar, a phosphate group and then

  • a nitrogenous base. Why are nucleic acids important? Well they carry genetic material

  • and they pass it from generation to generation. Next are the proteins. Proteins really make

  • up almost everything that you're looking at right now. When you're looking at me, I'm

  • mostly made up of proteins. Proteins, the building block of proteins are going to be

  • amino acids. And what makes amino acids different is going to be their r group. It's just a

  • portion of the amino acid that differentiates them from the other amino acids, but gives

  • them really important characteristics in the structure of a protein. And the structure

  • of the protein is what's important. Remember lipids don't have monomers, but carbohydrates

  • or the sugars are going to be the monomers of carbohydrates. So starch is an example

  • of carbohydrate, but regular sugar like glucose is a carbohydrate. Building blocks are going

  • to be sugars and depending on where we build off of those, where the bonds come, we can

  • get different structures of sugar. Give us energy, lipids are are going to make up those

  • membranes, proteins make us and nucleic acids are going to give us the genetic material.

  • Now if you have monomers, when we stack those monomers together, there's going to be clear

  • directionality. In other words in each of these nucleic acids, proteins and carbohydrates,

  • depending on which direction we're adding the monomers we're going to get different

  • structures and different functions in each of those different molecules. And so like

  • I said, monomers are the building blocks of polymers. And so over here, the letters, the

  • analogy is going to be the letters, when you put them together, the monomers eventually

  • become polymers. And the polymers are made of monomers. In other words we can take monomers,

  • put them together and then we can have meaning. Now what do I mean by putting them together.

  • It's not like letters inside us, it's chemicals. Chemicals that are going to be bonded together.

  • So an example, let me get a pen, an example would be an amino acids. So remember proteins

  • are made up of amino acids. So here would be first amino acid, amino acid 1, amino acid

  • 2. They're not attached together but we're going to attach them together to build a protein.

  • And so to attach them together we do what's called dehydration synthesis. And it's going

  • to be important that you understand dehydration in just a second. So let's look at this amino

  • acid right here. And this amino acid right here and you can see that we're forming a

  • bond between the two. But what actually is missing in that bond? Because we have a C

  • here, so a carbon and we have a nitrogen here. So there's a carbon here and a nitrogen here.

  • So what's missing when we bond those together? Well we're missing an oxygen and two hydrogens.

  • And so what are we missing when we attach those together? We're missing water. And so

  • what happens in dehydration synthesis is that we lose a water and we form a bond. In this

  • case it's just a covalent bond and more specifically we call that a peptide bond because it's between

  • two peptides. So we can attach another one on this side, another one on this side, another

  • one on this side and eventually we have a protein. Now that's how we put sugars together.

  • That's how we put amino acids together. That's how we put nucleic acids as well as amino

  • acids together. It's through dehydration synthesis. Now let's say we want to break them apart.

  • How do we do that? Well let's look. Here's our peptide bond again. How do we break that

  • apart? Well now we're going to add a water. And so if we add H2O here that's going to

  • actually break that and now we're going to have monomer 1, monomer 2, those two amino

  • acids again. And so where do we get the building block of proteins? We get it in our diet.

  • So when I eat something, let's say I eat a big steak, what happens first, well that goes

  • through my digestive system where hydrolysis occurs. We break that protein apart into its

  • amino acids. Then I weave that back together again through a polymer to make a protein.

  • That's what makes me. So we get that through our diet. So let's go through those four different

  • macromolecules. Remember nucleic acids, proteins, lipids, carbohydrates. So the first ones are

  • going to be the nucleic acids. Nucleic acids are the genetic material. And they pass that

  • on. The two different types are RNA and DNA. And we've talked about those before. But let's

  • talk about the nucleotides. So nucleotides are going to be the building block of a nucleic

  • acid. And so what are the three parts of it? Well one part is going to be the phosphate.

  • So we have a phosphate group. Remember with ATP, you're familiar with what a phosphate

  • group does. Next we have a five carbon sugar. In the case of DNA it's going to be called

  • deoxyribose. In RNA it's going to be ribose. So now we've got a phosphate group attached

  • to a sugar and then we're going to attach to a base. And so the three parts of a nucleic

  • acid in both RNA and DNA are going to be a phosphate group attached to a sugar attached

  • to a base. And so if we draw this up here, let's get a place where we can actually see

  • them, there would be a phosphate here. That would be attached to a sugar here and a phosphate

  • here and a sugar here. And so the backbone is actually made of this portion right here.

  • It never changes. It's a phosphate attached to a sugar attached to a phosphate attached

  • to a sugar. And then what actually goes out here are going to be these things. These are

  • the nitrogenous bases. These are the letters of RNA or the letters of DNA. Cytosine, guanine,

  • adenine and uracil in RNA. Cytosine, guanine, adenine and thymine in DNA. The other difference

  • here is in DNA. We actually have a double helix so those attach together. But the one

  • thing we haven't talked about is the sidedness or the directionality of nucleic acids. So

  • if we look here at this one sugar, if I count these off, let me find a color that you can

  • actually see. This is called the 1 prime carbon right here. This is the 2 prime carbon and

  • the 3 prime carbon would be right here. This would be the 4 right here and then this would

  • be the 5 prime, you see that right up here, 5 prime carbon. So what does that mean? If

  • we're looking at RNA there's going to be a 3 prime end at this end. And that means there's

  • going to be a 5 prime end on the other side. In other words, RNA flows in one direction

  • from 3 prime in this case to 5 prime. If we look over here on this side, this would be

  • the 3 prime end of this strand. That means if we follow it all the way up this would

  • be the 5 prime stem of this one. Likewise, this one runs in the opposite direction. This

  • would be the 3 prime end and this would be the 5 prime. And so when you see 3 prime and

  • 5 prime, what does that mean? It's just referring to that sugar. In this case it's deoxyribose

  • if we're talking about DNA and which carbon it's attached on to. So is DNA parallel? Yes.

  • But it's also, we sometimes refer to it as antiparallel and what that means is that this

  • one runs in this direction and this one runs in the opposite direction. It becomes really

  • important when we start copying our DNA. Okay. Let's go to the next one. Next one's are going

  • to be called proteins. Proteins are made up of amino acids. And this is myoglobin. It's

  • one of the first ones that we got the structure of. You can see an alpha helix here. I don't

  • see any beta plated sheets. A pretty simple kind of protein. What are the building blocks

  • of proteins? Those are amino acids. And so how many are there? There are 20 amino acids.

  • Those 20 amino acids make up the proteins that we're made up of. And so we have to get

  • these 20 essential amino acids in our diet. But let's break down the parts of an amino

  • acid. What do we got? Well we have a carbon in the middle. We have a hydrogen off one

  • side. We have a carboxyl group, a functional group, on this side which is a carbon, two

  • oxygens and hydrogen. And then we have an amino group on this side which is a nitrogen

  • attached to two hydrogens. And so if you look through everyone of these amino acids, they

  • all have that. So this would be the carbon here in the middle. This would be our carboxyl

  • group, our amino group, so everyone of these amino acids has that same part to it. All

  • of this up here is going to be exactly the same. So what makes every amino acid different

  • is going to be the side chain. So all the stuff that's hanging off of these are the

  • r chains. And you can see that we get different chemical characteristics. So these ones are

  • going to be electrically charged. These are polar side chains. These ones are going to

  • be hydrophobic. These ones right here would be hydrophilic. And so we're going to have

  • chemical characteristics depending on what amino acid you are. You don't have to memorize

  • all of the amino acids but you have to know that that's what gives the structure to proteins.

  • Because it's amino acid after amino acid after amino acid. And if you think about it, let's

  • say I'm a hydrophobic amino acid, I'm going to fold myself really far on the inside of

  • the protein to give it the specific structure. Now it also has directionality just like in

  • DNA we had a 5 prime and a 3 prime. Well, what are going to be the sides? We're going

  • to have a carboxyl side and we're going to have an amino side. And so as we hook those

  • together we're going to have sidedness to a protein or a directionality to that. So

  • example. When I eat that big steak we have to have two enzymes that break down those

  • proteins called trypsin and chymotrypsin and they're each going to work on different sides.

  • And they're going to gobble up that protein until we eventually break it down into its

  • amino acids, which we can use to make our proteins. Okay, next ones are going to be

  • the lipids. Lipids give us energy but remember they also make the membranes inside us. Lipids,

  • these are all different types of lipids, cholesterol, triglycerides. This would be regular fat that

  • makes ice cream taste so good. Phospholipids, you remember, phospholipids are going to make

  • up the cell membranes. But if you look through all of these can you see one thing that ties

  • them together? Well it's this long kind of a jagged line that comes out the end. And

  • what is that long jagged line? It's a carbon, carbon, carbon, carbon, carbon, carbon, carbon

  • and then there's going to be hydrogen around the outside. And so you've got hydrogen around

  • the outside, you've got carbon on the inside and so we call that a hydrocarbon tail. And

  • so hydrocarbon tails are going to be found in cholesterol, fatty acids, all of these

  • have hydrocarbon tails. What makes those interesting, well there's a huge amount of energy that

  • we can release from that, so fat has a large amount of energy. But the other thing that's

  • important is that makes them non-polar. Since they're non-polar they don't like to grab

  • onto water. And that's why if you throw fat in water it doesn't mix. Except a phospholipid.

  • Remember a phospholipid is going to have this non-polar portion back here, and then it's

  • going to have a polar portion up here. So it's amphipathic. It has this charged portion

  • which is polar up here and that's going to be what faces the outside of a cell membrane

  • and then this is going to face the inside. Now another important characteristic of lipids

  • is are they saturated or unsaturated. What does that mean? Well you can see that a lot

  • of these, these are simply free fatty acids, are going to be straight. And a lot of these

  • are going to be bent. And the reason that these are bent is because they have a double

  • bond. If you get a double bond right here, that's going to cause this to actually bend

  • on itself. If you are unsaturated that means that you don't have hydrogen all the way down

  • and so you're going to be bent. If you are saturated, saturated means you're going to

  • have hydrogen all the way around the outside. It's going to be straight. What's a consequence

  • of that? Butter is a saturated fat. What does that mean? It's straight and it's going to

  • be a solid at room temperature. Margarine has had hydrogen added to a normally unsaturated

  • fat, and that hydrogen if you add it here can straighten it out. So margarine would

  • normally be just a vegetable oil but adding hydrogen, bubbling hydrogen through it, you

  • can make it straight. And so what's a trans fat? A trans fat are fats that have been,

  • hydrogen has been added or just naturally occurs. And so what we're finding is that

  • trans fats are bad in our diet. It's generally better to have unsaturated fats. It doesn't

  • lead to heart disease. But I digress. The last one then is going to be carbohydrates.

  • Carbohydrates give us energy. So all of this, what we talk about as carbs, is giving us

  • energy. But it also can give us structure as well. So chitin for example in insects

  • or cellulose is plants is structure. What's the building block then? The building block

  • is going to be sugar. So glucose is that quintessential sugar. Here's a couple of different types

  • of glucose, alpha and beta. And it depends on where this hydroxyl group comes off of

  • this. So this would be a simple monomer, glucose, but you can put it together. So amylose, for

  • example, is what makes up most of starch found in spaghetti. It's just a glucose attached

  • to a glucose attached to a glucose. Now directionality, what we talk about in carbohydrates is where

  • that bond comes off. Does it come off here or does it come off here? And that's going

  • to give us the structure. So for example amylose might be very linear but glycogen is going

  • to be, almost, you can have a big glycogen molecule, it's almost spherical in shape.

  • And so the bonding is important as far a carbohydrates go. So again, building block is going to be

  • glucose, building block is going to be sugars. How do we put those together? How do we attach

  • these together? It's going to be that dehydration synthesis. And so those are the four building

  • blocks of life. Four macromolecules. You should know what they are, what they do, what the

  • monomers are and I hope that's helpful.

Hi. It's Mr. Andersen and welcome to Biology Essentials video 42. This is on


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生体分子 (Biological Molecules)

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    Cheng-Hong Liu に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日