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  • Today you're reacting to this.

  • Oh what is this? It looks like dirt!

  • What's that? I don't know what it is.

  • Do you eat it?

  • It looks like Oreo, mushed Oreo.

  • Is it something related to blueberries?

  • It smells disgusting.

  • Smells like fish.

  • It does smell like the ocean. Maybe some fish eggs?

  • Come on! Is this salmon eggs?

  • Wait, caviar?

  • I've had normal fish eggs, like

  • the orange ones, like Nemo.

  • I don't think I'm going to eat that.

  • Oh! Hell...o there.

  • Oh no! Do I have to try this?

  • Okay

  • I can't do this!

  • No, this tastes horrible.

  • Tastes like sadness.

  • It tastes like eating another thing's dead body.

  • It tastes some sort of salty substance.

  • It reminds me of the time I accidentally drink my grandma's pool.

  • Like you're tasting orbs.

  • It's definitely fish eggs.

  • This is totally fish eggs. Yeah it's yummy.

  • So good. I like it.

  • Yuck. What was it?

  • That is actually caviar.

  • What caviar?

  • Caviar…I think I've heard of that word.

  • Wait, isn't…isn't caviar fish eggs?

  • Caviar is actually salted fish eggs.

  • What? There's fish inside here?

  • Oh gosh! Yuck! You made me eat that?

  • So it is fish eggs!

  • Does that mean fish are gonna grow in my belly?

  • That's…yeah, I had fish eggs now.

  • Isn't caviar like really expensive though?

  • That jar in front of you, how much would you pay for that in a store?

  • 99 cents

  • A dollar or two

  • I would pay zero cents for that.

  • If you say like 10,000 dollars,

  • I'm just gonna walk out this room.

  • The jar we brought out before would cost 150 dollars.

  • 150 dollars!

  • For this mess here?

  • Ohwhy? It's not good.

  • Is it so hard to get this stuff?

  • You must have to find that in like the jungles of Africa or something.

  • I watched this documentary about how they make it. They like

  • cut the fish open and the eggs will just pour out.

  • It was gross but cool at the same time.

  • I feel like a king now.

  • I just ate 150 bucks on a cracker.

  • Yes or no should people try caviar?

  • Not ever! You're eating

  • fish eggs people!

  • I do not recommend.

  • I won't eat this in entire life.

  • Yes.

  • Kids should definitely, definitely try caviar.

  • At your own risk, I would say.

  • No, don't eat it. It's disgusting! You won't like it.

  • Just don't! No.

  • If you're super fancy, I mean

  • you should go buy some caviar.

  • No, but I think parent would like this.

  • Kids do not want to taste orbs.

  • I just think it's really bad. The crackers good!

  • Can I have another one of those crackers?

  • Thank you for watching this very very expensive episode of kids vs. food.

  • Please recommend other better food in the comments.

  • Awesome new stuff on this channel all the time.

  • Don't forget to subscribe.

  • Bye guysmaybe.

Today you're reacting to this.


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    Go Tutor に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日