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  • What happened was I was failing algebra, I failed algebra, I failed geometry, I failed uh calculus and chemistry.


  • And uh there was this calculus teacher that said, "All right, I'm going to offer uh calculus tutoring for anyone who's willing to come to the campus during the winter break."


  • And I thought, "This is an opportunity, someone's going to tutor me, this is great."

    そして、"これはチャンスだ、誰かが僕の家庭教師をしてくれる、これは素晴らしい "と思ったんだ。

  • And and I remember specifically it cost $1.35 to get on the bus to to get the bus there and back, and I didn't even have that.


  • And I will never forget, it was the gas attendant.


  • He knew I was so dedicated to go to school, he loaned me, not loaned me; he basically gave it.


  • Because I never had a chance to pay him back for it.


  • He gave me $1.35 each way so I could catch a bus two hours to get to the campus.


  • And sit there, and I thought everyone's going to show up.


  • There was only myself.


  • I thought to myself, "This is such a blessing."

    私は、"これは本当に幸せなことだ "と思った。

  • And I sat there and I I picked his brain, I'm like, "What does an integral mean?


  • Uh, what does the instantaneous rate mean?" and these are all words for derivatives in in calculus.


  • And I got a chance to sit down with him, and that was the first time ever that I realized I was smart.


  • And when I sat with him uh it was amazing because I realized what was stopping me was my own fear, it wasn't anything with my educational aspect.


  • It was me thinking I couldn't do well in mathematics.


  • And when I learned to remove that fear and think, "I'm going to do this no matter what's going to happen.


  • I may fail it, I may not fail it, I'm going to do well at this and I'm going to just just see where it goes.


  • I'm going to put my all into it and find out."


  • And I put my all into it and I failed.


  • I put my all I I I put my all into it and I failed, but it it something inside of me shifted.


  • I realized failing wasn't that bad.


  • If I can if I can like spend a little bit more time at it, I can actually do really well at this.


  • And that was a shift in thinking.


  • I'm like, "All right, I'm just going to spend some more time in it and I'm going to actually get this."

    私は、"よし、もう少し時間をかけて、実際にこれを手に入れよう "と思った。

  • And I went to Cal State Northridge and I'm very thankful that was the best school I could have gone to.


  • Because I had taken calculus and I'd taken those classes over, I scored relatively high on the placement test.


  • And so the job, the oh this is how ironic life is; the only job that I got first when I was in college.


  • Was a math tutoring job.


  • I remember telling the boss that hired me, I told her, "I don't know half of these stuff."

    私を雇ってくれた上司に、"私はこれらの半分も知らない "と言ったことを覚えている。

  • And so she says, "That's all right, just sit down with them and just read the book with them."

    それで彼女は、"大丈夫よ、一緒に座って一緒に本を読みましょう "と言うんだ。

  • And I looked and I'm like, "Are you sure?"

    そして、私は "本当にいいのか?"と思った。

  • And she said, "Yeah, just just sit down and read the book with them."


  • I'm like, "Okay, I mean, if I get paid to do this, sure."

    私は、"オーケー、つまり、これをすることでお金をもらえるなら、もちろん "という感じです。

  • So I I sat down with the with the uh students, and it was they were it was stressful too because I didn't know what half of the terminology or anything was in the books.


  • And I would sit down there I'm like, "Okay, I'm here to tutor you."

    私はそこに座って、"オーケー、家庭教師に来たよ "って言うんだ。

  • They're like, "Well, how do you do this?" and I I just tell them the truth, "I have no idea, I'm going to read the book with you."

    彼らは、"どうやってこんなことをするんですか?"という感じなんだけど、僕はただ本当のことを言うんだ。"全然わからないよ、一緒に本を読もう "ってね。

  • And they thought I was joking.


  • And so we literally sat and read the book together, and I found myself reading the algebra books, reading the geometry books, reading the calculus books, reading the statistics books.


  • Literally reading and studying and I thank Jane Pinkerton because had she not hired me into that role, I would not have graduated.


  • Top five out of a 6,500 graduate in class.


  • It was because I sat down and worked with those students, I had when I overcome my own fear.


  • It was when I was working with someone else and recognizing that the person next to me.


  • Was the exact mirror of myself, and as if as I could help that person right next to me.


  • I was helping myself at the same time.


  • And it became this teamwork.


  • Every single person on the campus needed mathematics.


  • And so I got a chance to know everybody on campus, became one of the most popular people because everyone needed mathematics, and that confidence that was built from taking something that I failed at before.


  • And shifting my thinking about it and embracing it.


What happened was I was failing algebra, I failed algebra, I failed geometry, I failed uh calculus and chemistry.


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    hu に公開 2025 年 03 月 18 日