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Ryan Reynolds brings us Deadpool This must feel great for you because I'm this has been a labor of love getting this made Yeah, it's it's been the the best and worst relationship.
I've ever been in 11 years I've been trying to get this movie made and and then about a year and a half ago Somebody accidentally leaked it on the internet.
It's super crazy Oh Making the movie now And it just went nuts the people just started writing and flooding Fox with Begging and pleading for the for the Deadpool movie to get made and then within 24 hours.
We had a green light We're making a weird sir.
Is that quick?
It was that quick They just it was so undeniable and it was a group felt really good Hugh Jackman You're you're back being Wolverine.
Yep, so presumably That is the blueprint for actors like when we saw this Every actor wanted to mimic what he did and listening to his diet and his workout regimen that this is the blue This is a CGI Right before you shoot But I wasn't directly the same time But I mean so obviously there's a lot of gym work, but the diet is even worse in a way That's the thing.
I didn't realize bodybuilders will always say Their body is 70% their diet and only 30% their training because I assumed it was all about pump and iron But it's a science the whole eating thing is a science and I complain about it all day long I'm in this thing right now where I'm eating 5,000 calories a day.
I'm just loaning eating eating and I'm complaining my wife's like shut up But yeah, Ryan you and Blake can be married for oh god, don't do this to me to two for years three years Okay, good luck with getting to four That's A good shot right there.
Look at you just beautiful and happy.
Yeah, so annoying.
Yeah No, but the cheer is up when you started kind of being interested in girls you weren't as that cool or smooth with it No, no, no, not at all.
I don't believe it.
No, I really I went through puberty at like 27 Freak thing.
Yeah, it's not good I Was the girl in school the first the first girl the first walk.
I was obsessed with this this girl Fiona Gorchansky And she's to actually she used to take the bus the the the opposite way of my actual home and I would get on the Bus just to sit next to her Wow for 45 minutes the wrong way.
There's something wonderful about there was something Yeah When you're young, it's so cute when you're older, it's just stalking Some kind of watch list But I remember when I was I couldn't have been more than I don't know 11 years old I and I I was just about to get off the bus because enough is enough.
I'm about to enter like Seattle or something So I'm starting to get off the bus and I decided like kind of hit her with like this cool Look or something like this like one of these like real sort of Don Johnson, Miami I Do this movies I'm getting down off the bus and I sort of delay a little too long and the bus doors close on my Backpack and the bus just starts to leave Banging on the side of the bus driver finally stops opens the door Let's releases my you know, then idiot bag backpack and I could never look at her again.
Yeah She's looking at you now He's the guy with the backpack The idiot with the Ren and Stimpy back I don't know if this story is true.
ええ、彼女は今、あなたを見ていますよ。 彼はリュックを背負った男で、レンとスティンピーの背中を持ったバカです。
It sounds on is this story true?
It sounds unbelievable.
Oh, okay I know the story.
It's true.
It's how is that possible was my most?
Embarrassing moment in life when I was getting these headaches.
It was my first job I'd done in a musical and I was getting headaches and I went to a Naturopath and he said oh you're dehydrated you're sweating every night.
So you need to drink three liters of water a day I was like three liters so, of course Me being me.
I drank four liters, right?
So I have a routine when I go on stage and I was on about five minutes after the show goes up I always pee when they say places places.
Ladies and gentlemen, you hear and I go pig so paid I'm waiting backstage No, I I gotta go again.
I've got to go again No, I've really got to go again.
And that was my cue So I walked on stage really needing to go again.
And that first number was very energetic and During that number where I pick up Bell, I literally have to pick her up and as I'm picking her up like Now that's what I realized the the muscles you need to release to sing at the very ones you need to tense to hold on So by the end of the number I was literally bursting on it It managed to hold on and I remember the girl playing Bell was looking because I was singing I Came to the last night I was humiliated I have to demonstrate this so front of the stage here and The very final notes a big f-sharp and big and I say will you marry me and I say a little line I'm thinking if I sing this note, I'm peeing my pants If I don't sing this note, I'm humiliated in front of 2,000 people You Get to wear the suit, yeah, which is a nice, you know kind of like I'm wearing a suit.
最初のナンバーはとてもエネルギッシュで、ベルを抱き上げるナンバーでは、文字通り彼女を抱き上げなければならなかった、ベルを抱き上げる場面で、私は文字通り彼女を抱き上げなければならなかったんだけど、彼女を抱き上げながら、こう言ったんだ。鋭く、大きく、そして私はWill you marry meと言い、私は小さな台詞を言った、この音を歌わなければ、2,000人の観客の前で屈辱を味わうことになる。
Yeah Yeah, well, it's like a big red body condom.
Yeah But Josh like that it's really you that like hey, hey, hey I'm really in the suit The suit on so like it's just a team of people they get that thing on I'm always like so terrified I'll like throw up in the mask or something.
でも、ジョシュは "ヘイ、ヘイ、ヘイ、ヘイ、僕は本当にスーツを着ているんだ "っていう感じだったね。 スーツを着ているのはチームなんだけど、僕はいつもマスクの中で吐いてしまうんじゃないかっていう恐怖があるんだ。
You know, I have all these weird.
Oh, yeah Scratches that you just yeah, no nothing.
There's nothing that can't there's no space in that thing at all When I put it on I can actually taste my own genitals Yeah, did they roll you in talc or something I do When when Wolverine takes his shirt off it's you're still in quite the quite the condition But for people who kind of going oh, yeah, I'll go to the gym I'll look like that and describe like the the lead-up to a day when you know, you're filming a shirt off scene Yeah, there's a thing called dehydration so do not try this at home, but you can lose up to 10 pounds of Which is 4 kilos of weight on your surface like so all of this under here is water so you drink a lot of water for a week getting up to maybe 10 liters a day and then you stop about 30 hours before you film and So for the next 10 hours you pee you're just peeing constantly because you've been drinking so your body's used to it And then all this water is going at you start You have like a half a baked potato and a few other things that suck water from the inside and then it's kind of not Fun, but the results end up being pretty good again.
Do you not try this?
Unless you're getting married next week Final push for the dress Massive headache No, you've just feel awful you must feel bad if you're bad and you have a head I don't tell him about about the the meals You know you standing on the set you eat every two hours and you like six and a half thousand calories a day So for me, it was a lot and mom not your cooking either like steamed chicken and steamed broccoli I don't like your beautiful stuff I love that you told stories about growing up because your dad it was like he was training you for paparazzi.
来週結婚するのでなければ、ドレスの最終追い込みよ 頭痛がすごかったわ いや、ただ気分が悪かっただけだ 気分が悪くて頭が痛かったら、気分が悪くなるに違いない 食事のことは話していないわ 撮影現場に立つと、2時間おきに食事をするでしょ 1日6.5千カロリーも摂取するんだから、私にとっては、パパラッチのために訓練しているみたいだった。
He's very happy Yeah, he was I was actually the saddest moment in there in our childhood And these are uptown problems was when they switched from film to digital because to my father that was just like every day was the lottery I mean it was amazing because you could just take pictures and pictures and picture thousands of them It could be the like thousands of pictures of just a meatloaf.
That's blurry What he would do is at the end of the night He would email everyone in the family all the all the photographs as well But the thing is this is back when like the internet was made of a fax machine of wood And then you would download all of these things and like you'd like it was so much material to download you'd feel like the lights dim in your home Fortune and I got I used to say to him I was like dad Can you stop you don't need to piss in every photo like we don't need to see the blurry photo of the ceiling you took When you like just edit your cell phone never did so after a while and I I mean I deeply regret this now As it as an adult male I have deep regrets of what I did but I would take the camera sometimes in the middle of dinner and I'd just go in the bathroom and I just Just grab a quick shot of my penis And then he'd email it to everybody Kathy uncle Tim Gramps got a few of those They think it was his though, no, I well that was his concern Which is what actually in a weird way made the whole thing work for me.
So after that he became a strict editor So you'd get just two lovely family photos at the end of an evening not 60,000 shots of a you know, mashed potato Like a mashed potato Wolverine Origin movie that you had to do the running naked down the corridor.
I know there was x-men 2 Yeah, no, I've actually no first day of x-men origins.
X-men2があったのは知っている。ああ、いや、実はX-men Originsの初日を知らないんだ。
I ran naked.
I seem to you I quite enjoy it really It's a very freeing feeling Take your clothes off.
It's one of us should we do it?
No Running game I Remember we had to go down this hallway and I had to run I was meant to be naked and and it was very dark and and I Jokingly went in I said I want to close set for this and the first idea was laughing anyway We did the first take and I'm running there's a very intense scene where I first realized I have an adamantium skeleton I've been experimenting.
I'm naked.
There's blood And as I run around the corner the first day they had the entire crew With like $5 And of course the first thing I did was like When you see the inner thigh you mean I'm actually thankfully DIY circumcision just Did the guy Elvis he's pg-13, so you can't have bits and pieces flying about right?
Yeah, the senses in America don't like that kind of stuff As my rap gear from from Brian singer the director He gave me a bag and it was a little bag and was very light I looked inside it had film inside it and I'm like, let's feel when I look up.
Okay my bits in bits I Did a movie with a guy who's a very serious actor?
named Denzel Washington and Doesn't really like to rehearse a lot just goes in there and just nails it but you just get like one or two takes that's it and This is a movie called safe house and it's toward the end of the film and his characters dying on the ground It's very emotional he's crying and all this stuff and my character goes and sort of grabs him and it's the one moment our characters kind of Connect for the first time in the movie and I'm I'm holding it.
I know you get one take of this He's gonna give you everything and then we're done and I'm sitting there and I'm holding him and suddenly I hear come fly with me Fly away and Ever I could feel everyone panicking around I could hear the first ad go Whose phone is that and I hear one of the stunt guys whose phone is that and Denzel so far hasn't really noticed I don't think he's still kind of crying still kind of in all this stuff.
They finally called this still playing, right?
It's Frank Sinatra's coming out of my ass I'm talking to them.
I guess it hit that like Siri button or something and heard play come fly with me So I'm having just a complete nervous breakdown.
I don't know what to do.
Like cuz Denzel Washington is very intimidating I'm thinking like he's just gonna turn me into a liquid So like what do I say, you know and they call cut and and the first a DVL Brody yells who that fucks phone is that Denzel goes whose fucking phone was that and I stand up and I look at all the Stunt guys and I go who the fuck's phone was I Slowly kind of back on the road the first 80 still looking around for the guy did it I look at him Thankfully Ben's all gave us another take and he didn't hit me or anything.
He was very all very sweet about it Oh, yeah, I told him a year later, by the way And actually but you Jackman you you nearly worked with Dame Judy, oh Yes, well no, I Wish I had worked with Dame Judy on in anything and everything But there was a point where my agent rang me and said are you interested in playing Bond?
Not that it was an offer for Bond Of course, I didn't know that you were playing M at the time But it was one of those things where I have since found out When I was being asked if I was interested about eight other actors were being asked at the same time Okay, including Daniel Craig.
So there we go I was approached to play Bond Not James Bond And it's funny being on I gotta say being on the show with you because I've been compared to Hugh Jackman someone You know the difference between us really is Professionalism Story about Judy, please do yeah, which you can cut out later, but Was backstage at a Royal Command performance, I think it was hey, mr. Producer was 1998 or something.
I just come to London I was doing Oklahoma and I was gonna sing a song from Oklahoma and you were singing sin in the clowns There was a number of different performers and I will never forget this.
I was so nervous.
I'm in London Queen the whole thing everyone's there and as I came down the stairs you were performing before me as I came down the stairs you Were standing that the stage is right there.
You were right next in the wing and you were like this you're going Why did I say yes?
Why did I say yes?
And I said Judy you like what I said, you're amazing I saw you at the dress rehearsal.
You were the best thing here.
She goes really I said you're an incredible singer She goes don't shut up.
I can't say We support each other, you know, so when we see somebody that's locked in and they're in the zone Sometimes the right words could just like give them that that edge they need.
Yeah, that's beautiful.
Yeah, that's beautiful So it's also that thing looking finding the fire alarm backstage just in case that were You