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  • - He is an iconic figure in the history of African-American civil rights.

  • Welcome to

  • and today we'll be learning more about the life and accomplishments of Martin Luther King Jr.

  • Born January 15th, 1929 in Atlanta, Georgia, he was a skilled student,

  • graduating from some of the most distinguished segregated schools in the South.

  • He was inspired to fight for civil rights by his father, Martin Luther King Sr.,

  • a Baptist minister who was also a leader in the battle for social equality.

  • In June of 1953, King Jr. married Coretta Scott,

  • who also became an important figure in the fight for civil rights.

  • The next year, he became pastor of the Dexter Avenue Baptist Church in Montgomery, Alabama.

  • Already a prominent member of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, or NAACP,

  • by December 1955 he took on a more high-profile role in the organization.

  • He led the charge in the Montgomery Bus Boycott,

  • after African-American bus rider Rosa Parks was arrested for refusing to give up her seat to a white man.

  • The boycott lasted well over a year,

  • and during that time King was personally targeted by firebombs to his home and was even arrested.

  • Ultimately, the battle was won, and King became known as a great Black leader.

  • By 1957, King helped found the Southern Christian Leadership Conference.

  • This group used peaceful protest methods such as boycotts,

  • sit-ins and marches to fight for civil rights.

  • Unfortunately, these demonstrations did not always remain peaceful,

  • as standoffs with police sometimes turned violent.

  • King was also adept at utilizing the media to bring the issues into the forefront of public consciousness.

  • In the early 1960s, much of King's work took place in southern states like Georgia, Alabama and Florida.

  • He was also instrumental in the March on Washington, which took place on August 28th, 1963.

  • Despite a great deal of controversy surrounding the event,

  • the march drew record numbers to the citys National Mall.

  • On the steps of the Lincoln Memorial, King made his most famous speech,

  • pleading for tolerance and equality.

  • This event and King's words are credited with assisting in the passage of 1964's Civil Rights Act.

  • The next year, a failed march between Selma and Montgomery, Alabama erupted in violence.

  • The day was nicknamed Bloody Sunday, and is considered a decisive moment in the history of civil rights.

  • Though he was not involved, King organized another march on March 25th,

  • and he delivered another important speech on the steps of the state capitol.

  • In 1966, King and his counterparts tried to steer the movement into the north of the country,

  • starting with Chicago.

  • He moved to the slums of the city to show support for those in poverty,

  • and continued to hold marches despite a terrible public reaction.

  • By 1967, King had shifted his focus by vocally opposing the Vietnam War.

  • King suggested funds spent on the war would be better used on social programs

  • and on balancing economic inequalities.

  • This evolution in his beliefs lost him support among whites,

  • including President Johnson.

  • 1968 saw King help coordinate the 'Poor People's Campaign,'

  • to further his agenda against financial disparity.

  • This drive was not supported by some prominent members of the Civil Rights Movement,

  • as they feared its goals were too much to overcome.

  • To further this campaign, King traveled to Memphis, Tennessee

  • to show support for striking black public workers.

  • There, on April 3rd, he gave the last speech of his career:

  • his prophetic 'I’ve Been to the Mountaintop' address.

  • The next night, on April 4th, 1968,

  • King was standing on the balcony of his motel when he was shot and killed.

  • As the country mourned, violent riots erupted across the nation.

  • James Earl Ray was later convicted of the murder,

  • though conspiracy theories remain as to who was behind the assassination.

  • King has been recognized for his work a number of times,

  • including a Nobel Peace Prize in 1964.

  • Today, King's contributions to the Civil Rights Movement are immeasurable,

  • and his legacy lives on as one of equality and tolerance.

  • Subtitles by the community

- He is an iconic figure in the history of African-American civil rights.


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マーティン・ルーサー・キング・ジュニア:生と死 (Martin Luther King Jr: Life and Death)

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    Diane Lin に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日