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  • BUN is a complete toolkit for building, running, and testing JavaScript and TypeScript applications.


  • With BUN 1.2, we're introducing new features and APIs that make it easier than ever.

    BUN 1.2では、新しい機能とAPIを導入し、これまで以上に簡単になりました。

  • We've also spent a lot of time improving stability and Node.js compatibility.


  • That's why companies like X are using BUN in production.


  • BUN lets them ship features at scale in days instead of months.


  • Before we talk about the new features in BUN 1.2, let's start with an update on Node compatibility.

    BUN 1.2の新機能について話す前に、まずはNodeの互換性に関するアップデートから始めましょう。

  • BUN is designed to be a drop-in replacement for Node.js.


  • BUN supports all the major Node.js APIs like FS, Net, and HTTP.


  • In BUN 1.2, we've added support for even more APIs, including DGRAM, HTTP2 Server, and Cluster.

    BUN 1.2では、DGRAM、HTTP2 Server、Clusterなど、さらに多くのAPIをサポートするようになりました。

  • We've also made some major performance improvements.


  • In BUN 1.2, a Hello World Express server handles three times more requests per second than in Node.js.

    BUN 1.2では、Hello World Expressサーバーは、Node.jsに比べて1秒間に3倍のリクエストを処理する。

  • In BUN 1.2, we started to run the entire Node.js test suite for every change we make to BUN.

    BUN 1.2では、BUNに変更を加えるたびにNode.jsのテスト・スイート全体を実行するようになりました。

  • It's a suite that includes thousands of tests from Node's repository and ensures that if code works in Node, it also works in BUN.


  • For each of the following Node.js modules, BUN passes over 90% of Node's test suite.


  • Every day, BUN gets closer to 100% Node compatibility, and we're excited to share more progress on this very soon.


  • BUN is designed as a cloud-first JavaScript runtime.


  • That means providing built-in APIs for all the tools you need when running a production application in the cloud.


  • That's why we're excited to introduce S3 object support in BUN.


  • S3 is the de facto standard for object storage and even predates Node.js.


  • Think of it as the file system API for the cloud.


  • There are dozens of S3-compatible services that you can use in production or even on your local machine.


  • In BUN 1.2, you can use the new BUN S3 API to read and write files from an S3 bucket.

    BUN 1.2では、新しいBUN S3 APIを使ってS3バケットからファイルを読み書きできる。

  • It uses the same simple APIs as BUN file.


  • It also extends the web standard APIs.


  • That means you can pass it to any API that accepts blobs, like requests and response.


  • We've also made it possible to read and write S3 files with just a URL.


  • BUN looks for well-known environment variables to configure your credentials and bucket.


  • If you want to customize and create your own S3 client, you can import the S3 client API.


  • BUN's S3 client is implemented in highly optimized native code.


  • The S3 client in BUN can download files in parallel up to five times faster than the leading MPM package can on Node.js.


  • Just like object storage, another data store that's widely used in production is Postgres.


  • And that's why we're excited to introduce built-in Postgres support for BUN.


  • In BUN 1.2, we're expanding the BUN SQLite APIs by introducing BUN SQL.

    BUN 1.2では、BUN SQLを導入することで、BUN SQLite APIを拡張しています。

  • BUN SQL is a fast built-in SQL client for BUN.

    BUN SQLは、BUN用の高速な組み込みSQLクライアントです。

  • Postgres is the first database we support, and we have a PR to add MySQL very soon.


  • BUN SQL's APIs use tagged template literals to create queries.

    BUN SQLのAPIはタグ付きテンプレート・リテラルを使ってクエリを作成します。

  • This prevents SQL injection by design without having to manually escape strings.


  • BUN SQL's APIs are inspired by the popular MPM package, Postgres.js.

    BUN SQLのAPIは、人気のMPMパッケージであるPostgres.jsにインスパイアされています。

  • If you're already using Postgres.js, you can switch to BUN SQL by changing the import.

    すでにPostgres.jsを使用している場合は、インポートを変更することでBUN SQLに切り替えることができます。

  • Just like BUN S3, BUN SQL is implemented in native code instead of JavaScript.

    BUN S3と同様、BUN SQLもJavaScriptではなくネイティブコードで実装されている。

  • It can read rows up to 50% faster than the leading MPM package can on Node.js.


  • BUN isn't just a JavaScript runtime.


  • It's also an MPM compatible package manager.


  • BUN install is designed to work with Node.js and BUN.


  • Even if you aren't ready to migrate your application to BUN, you can still use BUN install with Node.js.


  • In BUN 1.2, we're introducing the biggest update yet to BUN install, a text-based log file.

    BUN 1.2では、テキストベースのログファイルであるBUNインストールに、これまでで最大のアップデートを導入します。

  • When BUN install was first designed, we decided to use a binary log file for performance reasons, but we heard a lot of your feedback that they're impossible to review in pull requests, hard to fix merge conflicts, and difficult for tooling to use.


  • That's why BUN's new text log file is a JSON C file, which is JSON with support for comments and trailing commas.

    そのため、BUNの新しいテキスト・ログ・ファイルはJSON Cファイルであり、コメントと末尾のカンマをサポートするJSONである。

  • This makes it much easier to view diffs in pull requests, and trailing commas make it much less likely to cause merge conflicts.


  • Some projects start out being faster, then get slower as they add new features.


  • BUN is not one of those projects.


  • That's why we spent a lot of time figuring out how to make the text log file just as fast.


  • In BUN 1.2, we made cached installs 30% faster.

    BUN 1.2では、キャッシュインストールを30%高速化した。

  • For new projects, BUN install will default to generating a text log file.


  • For existing projects, BUN will continue to use the binary log file.


  • To migrate to the text log file, you can pass the save text log file flag to BUN install.


  • BUN is a complete toolkit for building full stack applications with JavaScript and TypeScript.


  • And front-end is a really important part of your stack.


  • In BUN 1.2, we're introducing HTML imports.


  • HTML imports simplify your entire front-end tool chain into a single import statement.


  • BUN scans the HTML and automatically minifies and bundles JavaScript and CSS.


  • Modern tools like React, TypeScript and Tailwind just work.


  • Together with HTML imports, S3 and BUN SQL, building full stack applications with JavaScript has never been simpler.

    HTMLインポート、S3、BUN SQLとともに、JavaScriptによるフルスタック・アプリケーションの構築がかつてないほどシンプルになった。

  • We're really excited to see what you build with BUN.


  • There's so many more features and improvements in BUN 1.2 that we can't go over them all.

    BUN 1.2には、まだまだたくさんの機能や改良点があり、とても紹介しきれません。

  • Check out our blog for everything else that we shipped in BUN 1.2.

    BUN 1.2で出荷された他のすべてのものについては、私たちのブログをチェックしてください。

  • To get started with BUN, run any of the following commands in your terminal.


  • That's BUN 1.2.


  • And for BUN, it's still just the beginning.


BUN is a complete toolkit for building, running, and testing JavaScript and TypeScript applications.


AI 自動生成字幕

ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

B2 中上級 日本語

パン 1.2 (Bun 1.2)

  • 15 1
    Hogegwe に公開 2025 年 01 月 28 日