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  • Fast-forward four millennia from Stonehenge, and not far away Isaac Newton is hard at work

  • in London on his theory of gravity. He's already invented calculus to cope with the mathematics

  • but now needs an accurate value for the size of the Earth so he can calculate its precise

  • volume and thus fix his gravitational constant. Few realize that Newton was much more than

  • a scientist. Today's scientists downplay the fact that their greatest hero was also a practicing

  • alchemist, an art many today would consider pseudoscience.

  • For example, Newton was the first to quantify temperature in 1700 with a scale that was

  • based on the freezing and boiling points of water. I find it particularly interesting

  • that Newton chose to measure his scale from 0 to 33 degrees.

  • Conspiracy buffs also are aware of Newton being identified in the Dossiers Secrets as

  • one of the grandmasters of the Priory of Sion, an offshoot of the Templars. Whatever his

  • reasons, Newton believed that the Great Pyramid's metrology encrypted the true dimensions of

  • the Earth. John Greaves, professor of Astronomy at the

  • University of Oxford, surveyed the Great Pyramid just before Isaac Newton was born. Newton

  • meticulously studied Greaves work and based his own dissertations on ancient metrology

  • on it. In 1637 Greaves made the most accurate survey

  • of the Great Pyramid ever undertaken up to that point in history. He was the first to

  • make the unlikely conclusion that the foot was at the root of the pyramid's measurements.

  • To commemorate his discovery Greaves inscribed a line inside the King's chamber measuring

  • precisely one English foot with the words "To be observed by all nations."

  • The unfinished pyramid, that is without its absent pyramidion cap measures exactly 480

  • English feet in height which also happens to be precisely equal 1/11 of a mile. The

  • width comes in at exactly 756 feet. Herodotus, the "father of history," explained

  • that the great pyramid was originally capped by a small model pyramid called a pyramidion

  • which was sheathed in electrum, an alloy of gold and silver. Unfortunately the valuable

  • pyramidion is long gone. Richard Heath's metrology shows the great pyramid's pyramidion measured

  • 1-1/11' in height. This metallic cap would reflect the sun's

  • light and look a lot like the shining eye on top of the US dollar bill.

  • The great pyramid is the sole surviving wonder of the ancient world. It remains the oldest,

  • largest, and most accurate building ever built. It was the tallest structure in the world

  • for four millennia. It is aligned within a tenth of a percent of true north and its 13

  • acre base supporting 2.3 million blocks of stone is horizontal and flat to within 15

  • mm. The mean opening in joints between exterior casing stones is less than half a millimeter.

  • The scale and accuracy are astounding. I believe that even with all the money in

  • the world, we do not have the technical capability to replicate the great pyramid today.

  • There is much to be said about the great pyramid's proportions. I've already mentioned how 7:11

  • was encoded in the Statue of Liberty. Renaissance artist Albrecht Durer used the half triangle

  • proportion of 14:11 in his esoteric masterpiece Melancholia I. Richard Heath has found the

  • half triangle also encodes 365 days to 20 moons, an interesting astronomical take on

  • the mystery. Notice how Pi and Phi, two of the most important numbers in mathematics,

  • are also implicated and interrelated in the pyramid proportions.

  • John Charles Webb, Jr. has made a profound discovery about the location of the great

  • pyramid that is unfortunately widely ignored because of its utter implausibility. Using

  • Google Earth we can measure the exact latitude of the center of the grand gallery inside

  • the pyramid. It is 29.9792458°N. The speed of light in the vacuum is 299,792,458

  • meters per second. Incredibly, these are the same numbers. How can this be? This correlation

  • is either pure coincidence or evidence of something very profound.

  • The meter as unit of length, and the practice of dividing time into seconds would have to

  • have been coordinated for the location of the Great Pyramid to encode the speed of light.

  • Nothing may sound more improbable, but this is exactly the sort of numbers game that I

  • think the ancients played. Consider the fact that one second is one Earth

  • rotation divided into 86,400 parts (because 1 day = 24hx60mx60s = 86,400 seconds).

  • Recall from the Stonehenge and San Francisco episodes that the Sun's diameter is 864,000

  • miles and 864 is the number of the Sun. Perhaps the second and the mile were skillfully

  • designed to express this beautiful harmony with the Sun.

  • The kilometer was originally defined by assuming the Earth's meridian circumference equals

  • 40,000 km. In Paris Part 3, you'll learn more about something I call The Canon of 400.

  • For a taste, consider that during a solar eclipse the Moon perfectly covers the Sun

  • disc. The only reason this occurs so precisely is because the Moon is exactly 400 times smaller

  • than the Sun while at the same time the Moon is 400 times closer to the Earth than the

  • Sun. In addition, the Earth turns 400 times faster than the Moon.

  • Perhaps saying the Earth has a meridian circumference of 40 million meters was no accident as it's

  • in the same number canon. I think the meter was secretly designed to resonate with the

  • Sun. In fact today the meter is circularly defined in terms of the speed of light, which

  • is itself measured in meters/second. Consider the possibility that the meter is

  • an ancient unit that was merely reintroduced 300 years ago during a time of great Hermetic

  • obsession in France. With these facts in mind, it is easier to

  • see how disparate units based on our planet's source of light truly encode the speed of

  • light using the location of the Great Pyramid itself.

  • Our history books somehow missed the fact that architects at the dawn of history knew

  • the speed of light in the vacuum and the exact size of the earth with pinpoint accuracy.

  • Perhaps the Great Pyramid was made before the Egyptian culture began by different architects

  • entirely. In 1964, Alex Badawi and Victoria Trimble

  • discovered that shafts in the King's chamber within the Great Pyramid pointed directly

  • at a belt star in the Orion constellation and the polestar at the time the pyramid was

  • built. In 1993 Rudolph Gantenbrink got permission

  • from the Egyptian authorities to send a robot up shafts in the great pyramid. He was able

  • to accurately measure the exact shaft angles and this data allowed Robert Bauval and Adrian

  • Gilbert to run astronomical calculations showing precisely where the shafts in the King's and

  • Queeen's chambers are pointing to in the sky. In their 1995 book The Orion Mystery, Bauval

  • and Gilbert revealed that the shafts in the Queen's chamber point directly to the star

  • Sirius in the south and to the polestar at the time the pyramid was built in the north.

  • I can understand the polestar connection because recognizing that stars rotate around the celestial

  • pole is the most fundamental observation in astronomy. But why do the other shafts point

  • to Orion and Sirius? The book Talisman by Graham Hancock and Robert Bauval sheds light

  • on this mystery. "Orion and Sirius represented Osiris and his

  • consort Isis to the ancient Egyptians. They are in a region of the sky called the Duat,

  • the Egyptian netherworld, where souls journeyed and were judged after death." -Hancock and

  • Bauval in Talisman Hieroglyphs in the 3400 year old tomb of Thutmose

  • III explain the benefits of copying the Duat upon the Earth:

  • "Whoever shall make a copy of the Duat, and shall know it upon earth, it shall act as

  • a magical protector for him both in heaven and in earth, unfailingly, regularly, and

  • eternally." So the Egyptians believed building copies

  • of Orion & Sirius upon the earth acted as magical talismans, bringing the power of heaven

  • down to earth. We've certainly seen a much more recent example of this in Washington

  • DC. The Orion constellation is often depicted

  • as a hunter with a sword between his legs. Dan S. Ward of says,

  • "No male wears a sword between his legs, and very few hunters carry a sword. Perhaps a

  • more appropriate description of that which is hanging down below Orion’s waist is that

  • of a phallus." The area of Osiris' phallus contains the Orion

  • nebula, one of the most studied regions of space because it is a incredibly generative

  • area where stars are continually being formed. How appropriate.

  • By the way, we are in the Orion spur of the Milky way galaxy, and Sirius is the brightest

  • star in the sky by a wide margin because it is one of our nearest neighbors. We now have

  • the astronomical knowledge to recognize we are actually quite close to the Duat.

  • Bauval and Gilbert showed that the three pyramids of Giza actually have the same position and

  • relative sizes as the belt stars of Orion. Dr. Gerhard Haeny noticed that just as the

  • belt stars of Orion point at Sirius, the pyramids point directly at Heliopolis, ancient center

  • of Egyptian science, art and religion, which was a single unified body of knowledge in

  • ancient times. -Source The Orion Mystery by Robert Bauval

  • Pythagoras, Plato, and many other ancient philosophers journeyed to Heliopolis, were

  • initiated there in the Egyptian mysteries, and spread them in the west. Today the only

  • thing that's left of this entire city is a single obelisk which happens to be the oldest

  • standing obelisk in the world. Incidentally this single obelisk is all that's

  • left of the ancient Temple of the Phoenix, which was described by Herotodus. I can't

  • help but recall phoenix imagery in the Security Council Chamber of the United Nations. It's

  • amazing how many connections there are between the symbolism of the elite and ancient Egypt.

  • You've already heard about one Heliopolitan obelisk next to the Met in NYC and its pair

  • on the Victoria embankment in London. Rome has the remainder of the Heliopolitan obelisks

  • left in the world. Heliopolis was the cult center for the 9 great

  • Egyptian gods, collectively called the Ennead. We'll learn more about the Ennead in San Francisco.

Fast-forward four millennia from Stonehenge, and not far away Isaac Newton is hard at work


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08 グレート・ピラミッドの秘密を明かす (08 The Great Pyramid - Secrets in Plain Sight)

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