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If you want to read a book, you probably go to a website like Amazon or similar to buy it.
But did you know that there is a good chance that you might find the same book on a different website entirely for free?
That's right, the exact same book that you might pay $10 or $15 for at Amazon, you might be able to get completely for free on a different website.
And all of that is entirely legal.
The only reason why not more people are doing it is that they simply don't know about it.
Well, that's exactly what I'm trying to change with this video.
I'm gonna share with you the 5 best websites where you can download books entirely for free.
And the very first website we're gonna talk about is called manybooks.net.
Manybooks.net really is a must-know for any book lover out there.
As you browse the website, you can see that the books are sorted into different categories such as editor's choice, free e-books and deals, as well as trending books.
If we then go and click on one of those categories, let's say classics, you can see that there's different ways of sorting the results.
On the left hand side you have all the different genres of the books and you can pick and choose depending on what you're after.
But then, secondly, I would also recommend you to sort after popularity just to make sure that you get the most popular books which most likely are also the most interesting ones at the very top.
Once you have decided which book you want to read next, all you have to do is click on that book, then click on that big free download button and as soon as you press that one, the book will start downloading right away.
Now, as you can see, in this case the book was downloaded in an e-reader format but this is something that is entirely up to your decision.
You can choose to download it as a PDF instead as well as several other options.
Overall, manybooks.net has one of the largest assortments of books as well as probably the best website design so I highly recommend you to check it out for yourself.
The second website where you can download books entirely for free is Google Books.
Now, many people are not even aware that you can get books on the Google Play Store much less that many of them are available for free.
今、多くの人々は、Google Playストアで本を入手できることさえ知らない。
The thing is, Google is a little bit sneaky about hiding the e-books that they do offer for free so you have to know how to search for them.
So let me show you how it's done.
And there are different ways to go about it but this is the method that works best for me personally.
Step one is I go to the Google Play Store.
ステップ1は、Google Playストアにアクセスする。
Step two, I type in the name of the book or the author that I'm looking after so for example, Jane Austen.
And then step three, you get a little drop-down menu where you can set the price and in my case, I will set the price to zero.
And voila, that gives me all Jane Austen books here on the Google Play Store that are available for free.
ほら、これでGoogle Playストアで無料で読めるジェーン・オースティンの本がすべて揃った。
I do have to admit the navigation until you actually find those free books is maybe not the easiest but I think it is worth your time because Google Play offers so many books and so much variety that I'm pretty sure you will also find something that is interesting to you.
実際に無料の本を見つけるまでのナビゲーションは簡単ではないかもしれないが、Google Playには非常に多くの本があり、バラエティに富んでいるため、時間をかける価値はあると思う。
But maybe now you're thinking, hmm, I don't always know which author or book I'm even looking after.
Maybe I just want to browse through all the free books available and then choose out of that list.
Well, don't you worry.
This is possible too.
And it is as simple as typing in free books into the search functionality on Google Play.
しかも、Google Playの検索機能に無料の本を入力するだけという簡単さだ。
This will give you a list of all the free books available and then you can choose for yourself which one you want to download.
And by the way, if you enjoy this video so far, then consider subscribing to my channel.
This way you will always get an update as soon as I post a new video.
We are moving on to website number three on our list of websites that allow you to download free ebooks.
This one is called gutenberg.org.
It is honestly one of my favorite websites on the internet because it is so simple to use and it gets you exactly what you're looking for if you're after free ebooks.
There's nothing fancy about the website.
They don't put a lot of effort and time into the user interface but instead they focus on what is most important which is providing high quality books for you to download for free.
So if you check out the top menu you can click on search and browse and there you click on book search.
That will take you to this website where you then can click on our most popular books.
This way you immediately find a list of some of the greatest books ever written all available for you to download entirely for free.
Let's say for example we want to download one of the arguably best books of all times Moby Dick.
We click on it, then we get an overview of the different formats in which the book is available and once we have made our choice the book will immediately start downloading.
It really is that simple.
And if you compare that to how much you would pay for the same book at a website like Amazon you have just saved yourself about 15 bucks.
On Project Gutenberg they focus on public domain books so most of the books are classics.
If that is something that you're into then I'm sure you will love that website.
But even if you don't have a lot of experience reading classics then I believe Project Gutenberg could be a catalyst for you to develop a love for those all time favorite books.
Website number 4 that I want to share here with you today is called pdfbooksworld.com Okay, first things first and that might not come as a surprise if you look at the URL of that website but this website only offers books in PDF format.
For me personally that's not really an issue that's the format that I like to download my ebooks in anyway but someone else out there might be looking for a specific kind of format so if that's you then maybe this website is not the right place to start looking for you.
But for everyone else I highly recommend checking out the website and finding a few gems and where I would normally get started is with the popular button here at the top of the website.
This automatically takes you to an overview of the most popular PDF books.
And as you can see there's a bunch of classics from Oliver Twist to The Great Gatsby all the way to Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill.
オリバー・ツイスト』から『華麗なるギャツビー』、ナポレオン・ヒルの『Think and Grow Rich(邦題:金持ちになれ)』まで、ご覧のように古典の数々だ。
Now one thing that is a little bit irritating about this website is that you initially need to create an account in order to be able to download any of those ebooks.
But that being said the account is for free it's fairly easy to set up and as you can see here from that point on forward it is absolutely no problem at all to download any PDF you choose.
And with that we have already arrived at website number 5 that allows you to get ebooks entirely for free.
And this one is the Apple iReader.
And yes of course I do realize that this is not exactly a website but it is something that billions and billions of people around the world who have an Apple device do have access to and they all underutilize it.
So I do feel like it is almost my obligation to bring it up on this list here.
As you can immediately tell the Apple iReader has a slick design just like anything that is made by Apple and I think that is one of the main benefits right away.
すぐにわかるように、Apple iReaderはアップル社製らしく洗練されたデザインで、これはすぐにわかる主な利点のひとつだと思う。
So really all that you have to do initially is choose one of the many interesting categories that are being offered here and then go choose one of the many books within those categories.
Once you have made your choice all you do is click get and after a few seconds the book is downloaded onto your device and you are able to start reading right away.
With the Apple iReader you literally have thousands and thousands of books in the palm of your hand all of it entirely for free.
I think it really doesn't get much better than that and even though I use all of the websites that I listed here in this video in the end often times I do default to the Apple iReader simply because it's so convenient it's always accessible and they have such a huge amount of books to choose from.
But I do hope that you check out all 5 websites that I listed out here I do hope that you find one that is suitable for you and I do hope that it keeps you reading and keeps you growing.
For now though, thank you so much for watching and I'll be seeing you in the next video.
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