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  • hello everyone! welcome to my channel

  • I am Dori, I am a teacher of English and today's

  • video is another request video. Lots of you

  • face problems with Not Given tasks and

  • not only one but lots of you have asked me for further help

  • in these tasks, so, I decided to make a

  • "part 2" of "NG confusion" video

  • by showing you a paragraph of a text

  • this time. This video is based on the previous video

  • the "NG confusion" video so If you haven't watched that video may be you should check it out

  • first

  • over here in this link! Also,

  • the good news is that in "not given" tasks

  • Bear in mind that the order of the statements

  • is going to be the same with the order

  • of the text. So, at least you know more or less where

  • to search-where in the text to search-

  • for the answer. Ok, here we go! Ok, this is a paragraph

  • taken from a text talking about online gaming addiction

  • So, we will use this paragraph as we would a whole text

  • for convenience. So, we have done our skimming in the text and our underlining

  • as you can see our underlining of keywords

  • that we think are important is in blue so we move on straight

  • to the statements! So, let's read the first one over here

  • Statement no. 1: "Teenage girls

  • are not interested in online gaming

  • at all. Ok, since we know that statements follow the order

  • of the text we will find this answer at the beginning so we read a little bit

  • at the beginning

  • "Online gaming-here-online gaming

  • is the new addiction of our modern times and targets

  • mainly teenage boys. Ask 100 teenage boys what will make them happy

  • and the majority would answer playing online video games all

  • day. Okay what do you think it is

  • T/ F or Not Given? Have a guess!

  • Okay, it is "Not Given" actually, so the text

  • doesn't say that girls are not interested

  • at all-we don't know that. It says that it is mainly boys

  • the majority is boys but we don't know anything about girls

  • they may be interested-some of them at least-some of them maybe not but we

  • don't

  • know it. The text doesn't say anything about that so, it is

  • Not Given. Let's go to the next statement

  • online gaming is the most

  • dangerous addiction. As you see, we've already underlined the word dangerous

  • in the text over here

  • So, it helps us locate the answer

  • a bit easier. So, let's read this section and only this section

  • a little bit more carefully. So, here we go: "Scientists

  • claim that online gaming addiction is nearly as dangerous

  • as a drug addiction and has consequences of its own both in the social

  • and the psychological life of

  • the teenagers. So, what is it? T/ F or Not Given?

  • It is False. It says,

  • it is dangerous but not as dangerous as drug addiction

  • not yet. They are close but not as dangerous

  • It is NEARLY as dangerous as taking drugs.

  • it cannot be true because it is not the most

  • dangerous addiction-there's still drug addiction

  • it cannot be"not given" because the text

  • clearly states that it is not as dangerous

  • So, it is false. Okay let's move on to the third statement

  • "Online gaming addiction-here we are-

  • results in social and psychological problems"

  • Okay sometimes if you're very good at skimming and underlining words

  • you will instantly know the answer sometimes without even reading the

  • section

  • but let's go to the text and we will find the answer after the previous one

  • because we've already underlined important key-words, such as social,

  • psychological,and consequences

  • so we read "online gaming addiction is nearly as dangerous and has

  • consequences of its own both in the social

  • and the psychological life of a teenager." So,

  • What is it? okay, it is True.

  • the consequences of this addiction are both social and psychological in nature

  • and now let's move on to the last one. "Teenagers

  • that quit school due to gaming addiction

  • do not care about a career."

  • Ok, sometimes

  • you may underline key-words that aren't going to help you because you

  • don't know beforehand the statements, ok?

  • But it doesn't matter I don't want you to be confused by that

  • Still, they're going to help you a little bit to locate answers

  • okay we know that we're going to find the answer of this statement

  • at the end of the text more or less

  • So, let's read the last section a little bit better

  • "there were always students that dropped out of school because they didn't like it

  • and they weren't interested in a future career but

  • nowadays dropping out of school is clearly

  • correlated with the amount of hours teenagers play

  • each day and with the absence of social activities outside school."

  • okay what do you think it is? T/ F or Not Given?

  • okay and those of you who answered "Not Given" are right

  • Why? Because it doesn't say anywhere

  • that teens that suffer from gaming addiction

  • don't care about a future career this is True

  • only for children that quit school because they don't like it

  • but we don't know about gaming teens

  • it may be true for some of them but we don't know anything about it

  • it is not stated some may be interested in a career

  • too, we just don't know it. So, it

  • is "Not Given".

  • okay, I hope that this small task helps you

  • a little bit more because you see what the text actually says.

  • Now, a fellow English teacher from Russia

  • has found; has created a technique of his own

  • in order to conquer NG confusion

  • and he shares his

  • technique based on his teaching experience in his

  • video over here I will give you the link to go and check it out in case you

  • need further help. I think it is a very helpful technique

  • and I have also put the link to this video in the description box down below.

  • OK! That's it for today, thank you very much for watching if you have any questions or comments you

  • can leave them down here

  • or you can follow me in FB, T, and G+

  • I've added all the links down below. Good luck with your exam!

hello everyone! welcome to my channel


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

A2 初級

IELTSリーディング。NG混乱PART-2-英語動画 (IELTS Reading: NG confusion PART 2- english video)

  • 62 23
    thomas に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日