字幕表 動画を再生する
Mango, Jerry and Rumpelteazer We're notorious cat-man and cat As knock-about clowns, quick-change comedians Tightrope walkers and acrobats We have an extensive reputation We make our home in Victoria Grove This is merely our centre of operation For we are incurably given to roam When the family assembles for Sunday dinner The moon's made up, the clayworms get dinner On Argentine joint, we'll take Edison greens And the cook would appear from behind a scene And say in a voice that is broken with sorrow I'm afraid you must wait and have dinner tomorrow The joint has gone from the oven like that Then the family will play, eating their own rubble cat What's it, Mungo, Jerry?
マンゴー、ジェリー、ルンペルティーザー 私たちは悪名高い猫男と猫だ 道化師、早変わり芸人、綱渡り芸人、曲芸師として 広く知れ渡っている ビクトリア・グローブに住処を構えている ここは単に私たちの活動拠点に過ぎない 私たちはどうしても放浪の旅に出てしまう 日曜日の夕食に家族が集まると 月が化粧をするんだ"クレーワームが夕食を取る" "アルゼンチン・ジョイントで" "エジソン・グリーンで" "コックは背後から現れ" "悲しみに打ちひしがれた声で言う" "明日の夕食を待ってくれ" "ジョイントはオーブンから消え
Or Rumpelteazer?
And most of the time, I leave it at that Mungo, Jerry and Rumpelteazer Have a wonderful way of working together And some of the time, you would say it was luck And some of the time, you would say it was clever We go from there, it's like an hurricane In no time, the person can take his oath What's it, Mungo, Jerry?
Or Rumpelteazer?
Or could you have sworn that it might have been both?
And when you hear a dining room smash Or up from the pantry, there comes a loud crash All down from the library came a loud ping From a vase which was commonly said to be ping Then the family all say, now which was which cat?
It was Mungo, Jerry And Rumpelteazer And there's nothing at all to be done about that And there's nothing at all to be done about that And there's nothing at all to be done about that