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It is definitely the case that there is no more exceptional form of the capacity to be dangerous than to be articulate.
You once said, the most dangerous person is one who is articulate.
What would you recommend to a one who wants to learn to speak in a more articulate manner?
Well, articulate is an interesting word, eh?
Because if your joints are articulated, and that means you can do things with them, because they're articulated, right?
They're not one solid, vague mass.
They're differentiated, and someone who's graceful is articulated, and compelling because they're articulated, and speech is a form of articulation in that manner, because the act of speech itself is extremely complicated.
It's a very complicated motor activity, right?
It's a very complicated action to dance with your tongue, let's say, and it is definitely the case that there is no more exceptional form of the capacity to be dangerous than to be articulate.
Do you want to be competent and dangerous, or do you want to be vague and useless?
Because those are your options, and I don't care what your job is, it doesn't matter what you end up doing.
You know, if you're a plumber, great respect for plumbers, by the way, and you're articulate, you can negotiate with your clients, you can introduce your co-workers, you can make a case for your employees, you can advertise your services, you can think through your problems, you're firing on all cylinders.
Think of this as an analogy.
Imagine that you're trying to walk across a swamp, and the swamp is murky, but you know there's a path, you know there's a path of stone under the water, but it twists and moves, and if you stay on the path, you won't drown.
The crocodiles in the swamp won't devour you, and as you walk forward, you can feel with your next step where the stone might be, and then you feel it's solid, then you take that step, and then you do the same thing with your foot again.
You search, and you find out what's solid, and you step on it, and you move forward in that manner.
That's what you do with your words.
It's the same thing.
You feel, and you feel, is this the right word?
Is the fact that I'm uttering it putting me together and making me intact and stronger, or is it tearing me apart and making me dissolute and weak, and you can learn to do that, and you can listen to yourself, and you can stop humming and hawing and using like and you know and fillers, and you can take the time necessary to craft your words carefully, and you can practice merely saying what you believe to be true, and you can read, and you can read great writers, and you can write, and you can write about what you think about the problems that obsess you, and you can become articulate as a consequence, and there'll be nothing about that that isn't the adventure of your life.
And so it's a moral endeavor in some real sense.
To become articulate is to become the master of your own tongue.