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  • Okay, there's not gonna be an intro for this video because we are literally gonna do a We're very aware that via had was not doing so good.

    さて、このビデオにはイントロがない。 経由があまりよくなかったことは重々承知している。

  • She was anxious for a period of time So right now I'm aware.


  • I look like I was not really caring about my personal hygiene.


  • So we're gonna do a little law There's a lot of things I want to do for this glow up We get pretty intense get more consistent with the gym eat healthier eat cleaner.


  • We're gonna bleach our brows We're gonna get our hair done I'm planning on getting hair extensions and getting a straight perm and we're gonna get our nails done I personally think that short nails is the new chic for the past few weeks.


  • I just been hella anxious I'll think about dyeing my hair, but I'm like, you know, and I want a journal more like mental self-care That's why I was anxious in the first goddamn place.


  • You really have to sit through this to I'm gonna bleach my brows.


  • I'm gonna use this one.


  • I've never used it before I was looking on tik-tok to see what to bleach my brows a lot of people use like the brand called Jolene Here are all the items that we're gonna use There's the bleach and we got the activator and they also gave like a little measuring cup and a little spatula I usually don't read the instruction manual by read this time because I can't afford this to go wrong.


  • I'm a little terrified Just mix it.


  • I think this should be enough, right?


  • I look a little crazy.


  • I think I put a little too much Okay, it's been on my face for like seven minutes So we're gonna wipe her off and let's see what the vibes are.


  • Hopefully my brows are not ruined.


  • Wait, holy crap.


  • I Mean no shit Wait, that's crazy.


  • My brows are brown now.


  • I use this one the wake make one These are my brows, I guess I'm a newbie.


  • Okay.


  • This looks pretty good.


  • I like this right now I have a nail appointment to go to I Feel like you get more points This is a day of the hair appointment, I don't think I ever had my hair this long before I don't think so Maybe I have no idea.

    今、ネイルの予約をしているんだ。 これは髪の予約の日なんだけど、今までこんなに髪を伸ばしたことはなかったと思うんだ。

  • I bleached her as you guys saw I didn't record the part where it was You bought I had to buy like a dark brown hair dye and redye it.


  • I also got our straight perm We put an extensions day.


  • I was actually gonna book an eyelash perm appointment I really thought about it and I was like, oh, I don't know Guys, I also bought sugar wax.


  • Okay, this is gonna be insane My legs right now My hairs are long because I was planning on waxing them and also cuz it's cold I don't need to shave my legs.


  • I remember I asked you guys on a tick-tock live I was like does what I eat in a week mean like what I cook in a week or can I just be like what?


  • I eat as in like takeout or like outside food No, because if you guys want to see that I will make it it is getting late now tomorrow.


  • I have no plans I might just go to the gym and I'm gonna edit anyway so far thing our glow-up is like more than 50% done We're gonna wax our legs.


  • I'm not saying that for you to glow up that you have to wax your legs But you know, it's just fun.


  • So I got sugar wax.


  • I've never used sugar wax before I didn't realize recently that have a pretty high pain tolerance I have a special guest here and she is gonna help me wax my legs.


  • It's Jenny So yeah, we're gonna do this and you guys are gonna watch and see how this works So Jenny is gonna actually be the one waxing me Oh This is what we're working with I ripped the entire thing stun ads.


  • Oh, it's like almost solid you spread it Girl, you put put more pressure into that.


  • Let's get an entire area.


  • She's not even scared It's her first time.


  • No, I waxed before not with sugar wax.


  • So, okay stick it on or should I do it?


  • I feel like you're not gonna pull it hard enough Do it myself You have to do it really fast.


  • Oh, okay.


  • What do you say go?


  • Oh my god, we show them the strip.


  • Oh, that's pretty nasty.


  • No, but it didn't take off everything though.


  • It's pretty good It's bit better than a wax strip.


  • It picks up more hair.


  • You know, I love watching those like waxing tick tocks.


  • Oh It's not even really sticky on me either, which is pretty cool hashtag not sponsored.


  • All right, are you ready?


  • Okay?


  • Oh Clean ass fuck Wait, you're so good at this.


  • Do I got lighter?


  • I Think someone else pulling it is better.


  • This is so fun.


  • All right, why did I say right?


  • This shouldn't be that fun for me I'm glad that you're doing it though.


  • I think if I was pulling it, I think I might hesitate guys.


  • This is um girlhood What if one day I'm like, hey, can you wax my ass these days?


  • I've been like looking at tick-tock recipes that I think I can like replicate and one of them is a very simple one I'm sure a lot of you guys have seen this so I made some overnight oats jumbo blueberries literally tastes so good I was so shocked.


  • I don't usually like blueberries because they're just not that sweet, but this one's so good with this vlog I'm just trying to like do things a little differently.


  • I'm not drinking caffeine right now, which you can see Oh guys right after this I'm gonna be buying a new phone because I have a really really old iPhone the iPhone 12 pro max and I just like Refused to buy a new phone, even though I record a lot of stuff.

    僕は今カフェインを飲んでないんだ。この後すぐに新しい携帯電話を買うつもりなんだ。僕は本当に古いiPhoneを持っていて、iPhone 12 pro maxなんだけど、新しい携帯電話を買うのを拒否したんだ。

  • Like I hate buying new Mac books I hate buying new phones.


  • But today I was like, you know, let's do it.


  • Anyways, let's try this out Mmm, that's good this time I put two teaspoons of maple syrup instead of just one I didn't put cocoa powder or matcha powder because I don't feel like it tastes like anything.


  • Oh, I should put cinnamon though This is very very yummy.


  • Also, the weather's getting so cold It's becoming the type of weather where you cannot speak.


  • You just have to frickin walk No talking loud guys saying that tick-tock might potentially get banned.


  • Do you guys think that's true?


  • This is so sad Hi guys, I'm currently at King Street coffee and I have a announcement for you guys I got the iPhone Okay, I got the iPhone 16 pro max usually want to get a new phone I traded my old phone, but for some reason didn't work out So I'm going to try to do everything at home because I'm like, you know what since we're filming a glow-up vlog My phone also needs a glow-up as well.

    これはとても悲しいことです こんにちは、私は今、キングストリートコーヒーにいます。

  • I'm not really a tech savvy person.


  • So we're gonna see how this works out Hopefully everything turns out fine.


  • Do you see the Apple with the little ribbon sign?


  • I don't know if that's because it's like the holiday season is originally I want to go to the dialogue, but it's Today's Saturday.

    ホリデーシーズンみたいだからなのか、本来は対談に行きたいのだが、今日は「Today's Saturday」。

  • Apparently they close on the weekend.


  • I order a chai latte I also ordered a banana walnut thing with black sesame when I hear to wear black sesame.


  • I have to get it.


  • I Love when things have walnuts.


  • I can't really taste a black sesame.


  • Oh my god Also, just what they're getting so cold.


  • I just see so many people wearing Christmas festive clothing.


  • It's so cute Anyways, I think right now what I'm gonna do is I'm just gonna edit I Guys I just came back currently I'm transferring datas between the phones Anyways, so something that I wanted to film a little segment always try to include some sort of glow-up tips I'm not gonna name them in the order of importance.


  • I'm just gonna name them on the top of my head I'm gonna give these glow-up tips based on what I wish someone had told me when I was younger number one flowy clothing I always thought that ooh tight bodycon clothes are like the go-to and of course it eats But I completely neglected the fact that flowy clothes literally what I'm wearing right now can be really really beautiful and you can look good Comfortable second you should do your makeup in a way that enhances your own features back then I did a lot of things to hide my features very very harsh liner Gelled up brows just makeup that is trying to alter my appearance.


  • I like this in front of the mirror Of course, like I said again do whatever makes you feel best glow-up tip number three, you need to go out more I'm not saying that when you're at home can't really feel good But I've realized like when you do go out it really changes up your mood At least it makes me feel like the world is very big and my problem just seems smaller They're just people doing things and you're like, oh, they're just like me when you are more familiar with the unknown It becomes a little less scary glow-up tip number four eating whole food I think this is for all of us as a kid and your parents make you food I want to call take out when you don't have access to something as a kid You just want it more now that I'm an adult I can I can I can call take out left and right That's the privilege of living on your own.

    もちろん、もう一度言ったように、自分が一番いい気分でいられることをすればいい、未知の世界に慣れ親しんでいると、「ああ、あの人たちも私と同じなんだ」と思えてきて、少し怖くなくなるんだ。 ヒントその4 食べ物を丸ごと食べる これは子供の頃、親が食べ物を作ってくれたとき、みんなに言えることだと思う。

  • It was gonna prevent you from doing that That's the perk of becoming an adult.


  • I guess when I make food myself, I feel better I think it just makes my mental health better slowly picking up the hobby of cooking and baking Which I never thought I would do being able to customize and cook your own food I think is such a pretty thing blow-up tip number five quality time with good people quality time with yourself I think it's very important to surround yourself with like good people makes you feel safe If you feel drained after a hangout, it's probably not the vibes with the wrong people Oh, what if I just have social anxiety?


  • What if I'm just insecure everybody different?


  • It depends on the context of things.


  • It depends on so many factors.


  • Usually if I feel unsafe, there's a reason I understand myself enough to be able to boil down to the reasoning of why this person makes me feel unsafe for a lot Of us fearful avoidance.


  • We tend to not be able to communicate in the best way possible It comes off a little strong being able to phrase what you want to say Well, it's a skill itself and you should probably worry about that later I think the first thing you have to worry about is having the courage to communicate I know that for all of us fearful avoidance like we don't feel safe This makes me feel vulnerable if I have to be vulnerable that I don't feel safe to truly build a relationship You have to be vulnerable because if you can't afford to be vulnerable, you're probably just gonna run away Can you make a distinction?


  • Is it just because of my avoided nature?


  • I don't want to be vulnerable or is this person just making me feel unsafe I don't really trust that person when something makes me uncomfortable if I feel safe with that person I will communicate my emotions in my opinion.


  • You do not need to communicate things to people that you do not trust Those are basically my five glow-up tips For my little glow up is that I want to start making more at-home recipes instead of just constantly eating out You can also save money and it's also better for you Anyway, my current fixation right now is overnight oats that is literally so yummy They literally included all of the ingredients in here.

    信用できない人に物事を伝える必要はない これが基本的な私の5つの輝きアップの秘訣だ 私の小さな輝きアップの秘訣は、外食ばかりではなく、もっと家でレシピを作り始めることだ。

  • I'm gonna put in half So I put in half a cup of oats.


  • I'm using this brand They used a yogurt as a topping for the oatmeal, but I think I'm just gonna add it into the oatmeal I'm gonna add in my chia seeds right now We're gonna add in half a teaspoon of ground ginger a little bit We're gonna put in half a teaspoon of cinnamon and I like cinnamon.


  • I've never used nutmeg before And then 1 4th teaspoon of allspice, okay I don't know what molasses are but um, this is what I'm gonna use Do not know if I'm gonna really really like this.


  • So I'm just gonna pour a little bit in This literally expands.


  • I'm gonna put on the lid and we will try her out tomorrow.


  • See how it is I just might I just did my skincare It's currently 1230, but I wanted to read a little my housemate got me this candle.


  • We got it at Columbus Circle Winter Market So we're gonna light her up this one doesn't really have a crackling sound which kind of makes me a little sad I'm gonna read my book from the book of the month I First just want to try it by itself This is what the texture is like very very thick let's try her out Something crazy about me is that I will always be getting a nice drink despite how cold it is I got an apple turnover guys.


  • I just went to the Apple Store and they put on like a screen protector I Just came back maybe today should be a productive day.


  • I just know my body well these days I just genuinely need a rock day I just got a bunch of like sweet potato because has been my fixation.


  • I prefer Japanese sweet potato over Korean sweet potatoes I think they're sweeter.


  • I wanted to get some rice cakes, but they didn't have any rice cakes made me so sad I wanted like the sweet rice cakes because I'm cutting out caffeine because of my anxiety Drinking less caffeine because sometimes I will drink like three cups of coffee.

    お餅を買おうと思ったんだけど、お餅がなくて悲しかったよ。甘いお餅が欲しかったんだ。不安症でカフェインを控えているから。 コーヒーを3杯くらい飲むことがあるから、カフェインを控えているんだ。

  • I was like yesterday I drink so much caffeine, but I slept so soundly even though I'm cutting out caffeine I still wanna like something so I got this I think you mix this with hot water and it just turns out to be like some type of tea anything That's like purple and as a tea.


  • I will buy it's such a pretty design.


  • That was like I have to get this I got a cocoa red bean manju.


  • Oh Wow, I like it.


  • That's sweet She's like really hard Mmm, I broke it apart and the red beans inside Mmm Like I'm actually excited to just like not do anything not really go out and stay in my room I was thinking about cooking today.

    彼女は本当に固いんだ。 うーん、バラバラにしたら、中に小豆が入ってたんだ。

  • I just want to call takeout.


  • I just want to get a Korean rice cake Oh my god.


  • Well, I'm like surprised at my section of the fridge is actually getting filled.


  • Oh, yeah I got leftovers from yesterday.


  • We can eat some of that right now kind of want to just snack or I sit down I generally just want to like take out the trash.


  • This is literally the state of my room Like I have this bad habit of throwing shit on the ground if I'm just in a rush and it just piles up this will Probably just take me 20 minute tops to clean because like I know only take me 20 minutes.


  • I'm not I'm gonna do it You Hi guys two seconds before I was going to dye my hair Let me show you I was going to use this I think this might be permanent because I thought this only lasted for 24 hours and I have hair extensions in so I don't know If I should do that because I did it like a hair filter I feel like I would look better in warmer color My bed is still a little messy, but I did clean up that entire mess.


  • I am proud of myself for doing that I'm not gonna lie I think I really used the excuse of this vlog to just do a lot of things I wanted to do so I get my Books from book of the month.


  • This book was on the list and I was like wait I want to read this book because I love fantasy and I started and it's so good I'm gonna keep reading it and keep you guys updated I can definitely see like a movie adaptation or a show adaptation of this book This video made me feel a lot better about myself Just being able to try different things and also sharing that with you guys and guys this freaking camp It took me a minute to get used to I didn't really like it at the beginning This candle makes me so hungry when I light it up, but I like it Anyways, that is it for my glow up vlog.


  • Do I feel glowed up?


  • Yeah, sort of I might film more of these because like there's actually a lot of different things I want to do Which is kind of fun once I glow up.


  • It doesn't mean just externally also means internally I think filming these really motivates me to just like get out of a rut.


  • Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed this video Let me know what you guys think of this little glow up vlog and I will see you guys next week.


  • Okay?


  • You


Okay, there's not gonna be an intro for this video because we are literally gonna do a We're very aware that via had was not doing so good.

さて、このビデオにはイントロがない。 経由があまりよくなかったことは重々承知している。

AI 自動生成字幕

ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

B1 中級 日本語

エクステンション、ブリーチ眉、シュガーワックス、ジェルネイル (extreme glow up transformation | hair extensions, bleaching brows, sugar waxing, gel nails)

  • 6 2
    f5t5qxqpmz に公開 2024 年 12 月 24 日