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  • If you are wondering which fitness trackers are worth your money, stick around.


  • After we run through each product, I'll give you my personal take.


  • Would I buy it or would I skip it?


  • No fluff, just my honest opinion.


  • Let's get into it.


  • Garmin Vivoactive 5 The Vivoactive 5 is a sleek fitness tracker with an upgraded AMOLED display that's bright and easy to read.

    Garmin Vivoactive 5 Vivoactive 5は、明るく見やすいAMOLEDディスプレイを搭載したスマートなフィットネストラッカーです。

  • It offers over 30 built-in sports apps and advanced health tracking features like sleep coaching and nap detection.


  • The battery life is impressive, lasting up to 11 days in smartwatch mode.


  • However, it lacks a barometric altimeter, which means no stair, climbing, or elevation tracking.


  • Would I buy it?


  • Yes, because it offers a great balance of features and battery life for its price point.


  • Apple Watch Series 10 This latest Apple Watch boasts a larger, brighter display and a thinner design than its predecessors.

    Apple Watch Series 10 この最新のApple Watchは、前モデルよりも大きく明るいディスプレイと薄型のデザインを誇ります。

  • It introduces new features like sleep, apnea detection, and a depth gauge for snorkeling.


  • The voice isolation for calls is excellent and the new S10 chip ensures smooth performance.


  • However, the battery life remains unchanged at around 18 hours.


  • Would I buy it?


  • Yes, because it's the most comprehensive smartwatch for iPhone users, offering a perfect blend of health, fitness, and lifestyle features.


  • Aura Ring Gen 3 Horizon The smart ring packs impressive health tracking capabilities into a stylish, unobtrusive design.

    オーラリング Gen 3 ホライゾン スタイリッシュで控えめなデザインに、素晴らしいヘルストラッキング機能を搭載したスマートリング。

  • It offers detailed sleep analysis, including sleep stage tracking and breathing disturbances.


  • The battery life is solid, lasting 4-7 days on a single charge.


  • However, it requires a monthly subscription for full feature access, which might be a turn-off for some users.


  • Would I buy it?


  • Maybe, because while it's great for sleep tracking and overall health monitoring, the subscription model and limited fitness features might not suit everyone.


  • Fitbit Inspire 3 The Inspire 3 is a budget-friendly fitness tracker that doesn't skimp on features.

    Fitbit Inspire 3 Inspire 3は、機能面でも手を抜かない、お手頃価格のフィットネストラッカーだ。

  • It offers a bright AMOLED display, SpO2 monitoring, and impressive battery life of up to 10 days.


  • The device tracks a wide range of health metrics, including stress levels and menstrual cycles.


  • However, it lacks built-in GPS, relying on your phone for location tracking during workouts.


  • Would I buy it?


  • Yes, because it offers excellent value for money with its comprehensive health tracking features and long battery life.


  • Garmin Fenix 7S This multi-sport powerhouse packs an impressive array of features into a sleek 42mm case that's perfect for smaller wrists.

    Garmin Fenix 7S このマルチスポーツの強豪は、印象的な機能の数々を、小さな手首に最適な洗練された42mmのケースに詰め込んでいる。

  • With its new touchscreen and improved battery life, the Fenix 7S offers up to 11 days of smartwatch mode or 37 hours with GPS.

    新しいタッチスクリーンと改善されたバッテリー寿命により、Fenix 7Sはスマートウォッチ・モードで最大11日間、GPS使用時で最大37時間の使用が可能です。

  • The real-time stamina tool is a game-changer for pacing during long runs, helping you avoid bottoming out.


  • While the heart rate accuracy can be hit or miss during the first mile of workouts, the GPS tracking is top-notch thanks to its use of all three satellite systems.


  • Would I buy it?


  • Yes, because it's a versatile feature-packed watch that can handle any sport while looking stylish enough for everyday wear.


  • Garmin VivoSmart 5 This fitness tracker feels a bit overpriced for what it offers, lacking built-in GPS and an altimeter for stair counting.

    Garmin VivoSmart 5 このフィットネストラッカーは、内蔵GPSと階段カウント用の高度計がなく、提供するものの割には少々割高に感じる。

  • The monochrome touchscreen is a letdown compared to color displays on similarly priced competitors.


  • On the plus side, it does offer decent heart rate accuracy and a good range of health tracking features like stress monitoring and body battery.


  • The battery life is solid, lasting up to 7 days on a single charge.


  • Would I buy it?


  • No, because there are better options available at this price point with more advanced features and color displays.


  • Fitbit Charge 6 Fitbit's latest tracker brings some welcome upgrades, including a physical side button and improved heart rate accuracy.

    Fitbit Charge 6 Fitbitの最新トラッカーは、物理的なサイドボタンや心拍数の精度向上など、歓迎すべきアップグレードをもたらした。

  • The addition of Google Maps, Google Wallet, and YouTube Music integration makes it feel more like a smartwatch than ever.

    Googleマップ、Googleウォレット、YouTube Musicの統合が追加されたことで、これまで以上にスマートウォッチらしくなった。

  • While the small display can be hard to read during workouts, the overall tracking accuracy is impressive for most activities.


  • The 7-day battery life is a standout feature, easily lasting a week with normal use.


  • Would I buy it?


  • Yes, because it offers a great balance of fitness tracking and smartwatch features in a compact, affordable package.


  • Garmin Lily 2 This fashion-forward fitness tracker looks more like jewelry than a sports watch, which is both a pro and a con.

    Garmin Lily 2 このファッション性の高いフィットネストラッカーは、スポーツウォッチというよりジュエリーのように見える。

  • While it's stylish and comfortable, the small screen can be difficult to read during workouts.


  • The lack of built-in GPS is disappointing, especially at this price point.


  • On the bright side, it offers reliable health tracking features and decent battery life, lasting up to 5 days on a charge.


  • Would I buy it?


  • No, because despite its attractive design, it's missing key features like built-in GPS that you'd expect at this price point.


  • Garmin Venue SQ2 This fitness tracker packs a punch with its vibrant AMOLED display and impressive 11-day battery life.

    Garmin Venue SQ2 このフィットネストラッカーは、鮮やかなAMOLEDディスプレイと11日間という驚異的なバッテリー寿命でパンチを効かせている。

  • I love how it offers detailed insights into my workouts and sleep patterns, though the proprietary charger is a bit of a pay.


  • The Venue SQ2 may look like an Apple Watch knockoff, but it performs like a true Garmin with accurate GPS and heart rate tracking.

    Venue SQ2はApple Watchの模造品のように見えるかもしれないが、正確なGPSと心拍数トラッキングを備えた本物のガーミンのように機能する。

  • While it lacks some features like steer tracking and animated workouts found in pricier models, it's still one of the best fitness watches you can get for under $300.


  • Would I buy it?


  • Maybe.


  • It's a solid choice for fitness enthusiasts, but the proprietary charger and lack of some advanced features might be deal-breakers for some.


  • Samsung Galaxy Watch 6 The smartwatch is a powerhouse with its upgraded Exynos W930 processor and 2GB of RAM, making it super responsive.

    サムスン・ギャラクシー・ウォッチ6 このスマートウォッチは、アップグレードされたExynos W930プロセッサーと2GBのRAMを搭載し、超高速で動作する。

  • The slimmer bezel and brighter display are nice upgrades, though the battery life has taken a hit compared to its predecessor.


  • I'm impressed by its comprehensive health tracking features, including sleep monitoring and body composition analysis.


  • The new one-click band release mechanism is a bit finicky, but overall, the Galaxy Watch 6 remains the best Android-compatible smartwatch.

    新しいワンクリックバンドリリースメカニズムは少々気難しいが、全体としてGalaxy Watch 6は最高のAndroid対応スマートウォッチであることに変わりはない。

  • Would I buy it?


  • Yes.


  • Despite the shorter battery life, its performance and features make it a top choice for Android users.


  • Samsung Galaxy Watch 7 This latest iteration brings some exciting AI-powered health features to the table, including an energy score and advanced glycation end products.

    サムスンギャラクシーウォッチ7 この最新の反復は、エネルギースコアや高度糖化最終生成物など、いくつかのエキサイティングなAIを搭載した健康機能をもたらします。

  • The new 3nm chip offers 3x faster CPU performance and 30% improved power efficiency, which is pretty impressive.


  • I'm particularly excited about the enhanced sleep tracking with more detailed sleep score indicators.


  • While the battery life remains unchanged from the previous model, the new health insights make it a compelling upgrade.


  • Would I buy it?


  • Yes.


  • The AI-powered health features and improved performance make it a worthy upgrade, especially for those interested in comprehensive health tracking.


  • Apple Watch SE This budget-friendly Apple Watch offers the same S8 chipset as the Series 8, providing snappy performance.

    Apple Watch SE この手頃な価格のApple Watchは、Series 8と同じS8チップセットを搭載し、キビキビとしたパフォーマンスを提供する。

  • However, it lacks some key health features like ECG and blood oxygen monitoring, which might be a nail-breaker for fitness enthusiasts.


  • The battery life is decent, lasting about 18 hours with standard use, but it's not as impressive as some competitors.


  • While it's a good entry point into the Apple Watch ecosystem, it feels a bit limited compared to other options in this lineup.

    Apple Watchのエコシステムへのエントリーポイントとしては良いが、このラインナップの他の選択肢と比べると少し限定的な感じがする。

  • Would I buy it?


  • No.


  • Despite its affordability, the lack of advanced health features makes it less appealing as a dedicated fitness tracker compared to the other options we've discussed.


  • Polar Pacer Pro This GPS watch is a runner's dream, offering advanced metrics like running power and recovery insights without breaking the bank.

    Polar Pacer Pro このGPSウォッチはランナーの夢であり、ランニングパワーやリカバリーインサイトなどの高度な指標を、お金をかけずに提供する。

  • The battery life is impressive, lasting up to 7 days with continuous heart rate tracking.


  • I love the barometric altimeter for accurate elevation tracking and the health splitter mode for real-time data on ascents and descents.


  • The display could be brighter, but it's still easy to read outdoors, even in bright sunlight.


  • Would I buy it?


  • Yes, because it offers excellent value for runners and has smart features that rival more expensive watches.


  • Google Pixel Watch 3 The latest iteration of Google's smartwatch comes in two sizes.

    Google Pixel Watch 3 グーグルのスマートウォッチの最新版には2つのサイズがある。

  • With a 45mm version boasting a 40% larger display and better battery life, I appreciate the new advanced running metrics and form insights, including step cadence and stride length.


  • However, the battery life still lags behind some competitors, lasting only about 24 hours with standard settings.


  • The integration with Google Apps and smart home devices is a standout feature, making it a great companion for Pixel phone users.

    Google Appsやスマートホームデバイスとの統合は際立った特徴であり、Pixel Phoneユーザーにとって最高の相棒となる。

  • Would I buy it?


  • Maybe.


  • Because while it offers great smart features and improved fitness tracking, the battery life might be a dealbreaker for some users.


  • Apple Watch Ultra 2 This rugged smartwatch boasts an incredibly bright 3000nm display, which is overkill even in the brightest conditions.

    Apple Watch Ultra 2 この頑丈なスマートウォッチは、3000nmという信じられないほど明るいディスプレイを誇ります。

  • The battery life is decent, lasting up to 36 hours in normal use or 72 hours in low power mode.


  • However, it's significantly more expensive than the regular Apple Watch Series 10, and many of its features are overkill for the average user.

    しかし、通常のApple Watch Series 10よりもかなり高価で、その機能の多くは一般的なユーザーにとっては過剰なものだ。

  • The lack of third-party charging accessories is also a drawback compared to other Apple watches.


  • Would I buy it?


  • No, because while it's a capable device, its high price and overpowered features make it unnecessary for most users who aren't extreme athletes or adventurers.


  • Whoop 4.0 This screenless fitness tracker focuses entirely on recovery and strain, providing detailed insights into your body's readiness for training.


  • The new sensor array with 5 LEDs and 4 photodiodes significantly improves heart rate accuracy during workouts compared to the previous version.


  • However, the lack of a display means you're completely reliant on the app for all information, which can be inconvenient.


  • The monthly subscription model also adds to the long-term cost of ownership.


  • So would I buy it?


  • No, because while it offers unique insights, the subscription model and lack of basic features like step counting or time display make it less versatile than other fitness trackers.


  • Amazfit Band 7 This budget-friendly fitness tracker packs a punch with its impressive 120 sport modes, including unique options like chess and kite flying.

    Amazfit Band 7 このお手頃価格のフィットネストラッカーは、チェスや凧揚げといったユニークなオプションを含む、印象的な120のスポーツモードでパンチを効かせる。

  • I love the vibrant 1.47-inch AMOLED display, which is bright and easy to read both indoors and outdoors.


  • The Band 7's step counting accuracy really impressed me, with negligible false steps during sleep and while sitting at my desk.

    Band 7の歩数カウントの正確さには本当に感心させられ、睡眠中やデスクに座っている間の誤歩数はごくわずかだった。

  • While it lacks standalone GPS, the heart rate monitoring is spot on and the PAI system offers a holistic approach to tracking your weekly activity.


  • Would I buy it?


  • Yes, because it offers incredible value for its $50 price tag and provides all the essential fitness tracking features without breaking the bank.


  • Xiaomi Smart Band 8 Pro This sleek fitness tracker boasts a larger 1.74-inch AMOLED display and built-in GPS, making it a significant upgrade from its predecessor.

    Xiaomi Smart Band 8 Pro この洗練されたフィットネストラッカーは、より大きな1.74インチのAMOLEDディスプレイと内蔵GPSを誇り、前モデルから大幅にアップグレードされている。

  • I found the battery life to be exceptional, lasting up to 14 days with normal use.


  • The dual-band GNSS receiver ensures accurate tracking for outdoor activities, though I noticed it sometimes struggled to show the correct side of the sidewalk during runs.


  • While the Mi Fitness app lacks some advanced features, the Band 8 Pro's comprehensive health tracking, including SpO2 monitoring and stress tracking, makes it a solid choice for fitness enthusiasts.

    Mi Fitnessアプリには高度な機能がないものの、SpO2モニタリングやストレストラッキングを含むBand 8 Proの包括的なヘルストラッキングは、フィットネス愛好家にとって確かな選択肢となる。

  • Would I buy it?


  • Yes, because it offers an excellent balance of features, including built-in GPS and a large display, at a competitive price point of around $90.


  • Alright, thanks for watching.


  • I hope this video helped you pick the fitness trackers for you.


  • If you have any questions, drop a comment below.


  • Links to all of the products mentioned in this video will be in the description.


  • Alright, peace out!


If you are wondering which fitness trackers are worth your money, stick around.


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全部試した:2024年のベスト・フィットネス・トラッカーはどれだ? (I Tried Them All: Which One Is the BEST Fitness Tracker of 2024?)

  • 5 1
    Nina Lin に公開 2024 年 12 月 21 日