字幕表 動画を再生する
Call us what we are, toxic from the start Can't pretend that I was in the dark When you met my friends, didn't even try with them I should've known back then that you were trellis and possessive So manipulating, honestly impressive You had me participating Back then when I was running out of your place I said, I never wanna see your face again I couldn't wait to see it again We were toxic till the end Uh-huh, guess even when I said it was over you heard Baby, can you pull me in closer?
"最初から有害だった "なんて 言わないでよ... "私の友達に会った時" "何もしなかった" あの時気づくべきだったわ... "あなたは傲慢で独占欲が強くて" "私を操ってた" "正直、感動したわ" "あの時、あなたの家を飛び出した時" "もう二度とあなたの顔は見たくない" "また会うのが待ち遠しかった" "私たちは最後まで有害だった" "もう終わりだと言ったのに" "聞こえたのね" "ベイビー、もっと近くに寄せて" "もっと近くに寄せて
You were farting out of state in my head We were toxic till the end Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you, The X His favorite game is chess, who would ever guess?
あなたは私の頭の中で屁をこいていた 私たちは最後まで毒舌だった 皆さん、お待たせしました、Xです 彼の好きなゲームはチェス、誰が想像できるでしょうか?
Playing with the pieces in my chest Now he's on the screen, I'm saying don't leave You saw that line from me cause you're just trellis and possessive So manipulating, honestly impressive You had me participating Back then when I was running out of your place I said, I never wanna see your face again I couldn't wait to see it again We were toxic till the end Uh-huh, guess even when I said it was over you heard Baby, can you pull me in closer?
"僕の胸にあるものを弄んで" "彼はスクリーンに映った" "行かないでと言った" "僕のその台詞を見たんだね" "君はただ貪欲で独占欲が強くて" "僕を操ったんだね" "正直感動したよ" "僕を参加させたんだ" "あの時僕は君の家から飛び出した" "もう二度と君の顔は見たくない" "また会うのが待ちきれなかった" "最後まで僕たちは毒だった" "ううん、もう終わりだと言った時でさえ" "君は聞いたんだね" "ベイビー、もっと僕を引き寄せてくれるかい?
You were farting out of state in my head We were toxic till the end End, end I can't forgive you for a lot of things For not giving me back my Tiffany rings I'll never forgive you for wanting my dear You're wasting my prettiest years Back then when I was running out of your place I said, I never wanna see your face again I couldn't wait to see it again We were toxic Uh-huh, guess even when I said it was over you heard Baby, can you pull me in closer?
"あなたは私の頭の中で屁をこいた" "私たちは最後まで毒されていた" "終わり、終わり" "たくさんのことが許せない" "ティファニーの指輪を返してくれなかった" "私の愛しい人を欲しがったことが許せない" "私の一番きれいな時期を無駄にした" "あの頃、あなたの家を飛び出した時" "もう二度とあなたの顔を見たくない" "もう一度見るのが待ちきれなかった" "私たちは毒されていた" "うーん、もう終わりだと言った時でさえ" "あなたは聞いたと思う" "ベイビー、もっと近くに寄せてくれる?
You were farting out of state in my head We were toxic till the end End, end We were toxic till the end End, end
あなたは私の頭の中で屁をこいていた 私たちは最後まで有害だった 終わり、終わり 私たちは最後まで有害だった 終わり、終わり