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After a several month long hiatus, we are finally back in the Beginner Series Revamped, and today we're going to be talking about different ways to continue to earn cash and XP in order to start working towards some of the better equipment in the game, and specifically the 7mm.
I've said it many times in my opinion, once you've got the 7mm, you are pretty much set to hunt anything you want in the Hunter Call of the Wild.
Now first off, if you've maybe not seen the beginning part of this new beginner series and you're wondering how we're already a little bit into this, check out the playlist in the description, that'll kind of get you started as to the last couple of videos that's gotten us to this point, and generally speaking, I don't think it's ever a good idea to pass up an opportunity for a kill, especially when we can earn some cash and keep working towards some of those other weapons, so with a blacktail though, we can take that and get started.
I mean almost 900 cash for a doe, we'll take that every time.
These guys however, give a much better cash output, and we've talked about this in the previous videos, part of what determines the amount of cash you get for harvest is the speed at which the animal goes down, so what we want to do ideally, is shoot him in the heart when he's standing up, and that could get an instant drop or bring him down a lot more quickly.
Now I'm not sure if that got into the heart or not, it's pretty difficult at range, especially without being able to zero our weapon for a particular range just yet, we can go and see, it should at the very least be vitals, and we can kind of start to track him down and see, but either way, any predator species, whether it's black bear, coyote, red fox, anything, is going to give a much higher output than a deer species.
The only exception to that would be red deer, and the reasoning is not so much because it would be a predator versus a deer, it's down to the maximum level that the animals can reach, and all predators go to level 9, much like the red deer do.
So even with a single lung shot, and it looks like the bullet path is not quite showing correctly there, we still get almost 1200 cash.
With a hard shot, if we could have dropped him immediately, it no doubt would have been over that 1200 mark.
So a couple of quick things, obviously, don't pass up an opportunity for a doe kill when it's there, get that cash, and predators, they should more or less take precedent over anything else that you may see, you'll hear me say this often in livestreams if you manage to drop into those, in my opinion, starting out, don't worry about trying to get trophy animals too much, if there's a doe out there, take it, get your cash and XP, and move on.
And one final kind of recap here, with ways to make cash, we've got a bear and a deer both out here, I just mentioned you always want to take the predator first, but we talked about basically shooting two animals at the same time, now with that bear starting to trot I wanted to move a little bit and alert him, we'll attempt a hard shot again, but especially when an animal like that black tail doe is feeding or drinking and they've got their head down, it takes some time for them to lift their head and then start to take off for their fleeing animation.
What you can do is basically make a quick shot, if you can transfer from, in this case the black bear to the black tail, and get that second shot off, it's just free cash.
We did fail to get the hard shot on the black bear once again, but the black tail went down really quickly, nearly 900 cash there, and for this black bear, 1228 cash, now the fact that he is higher scoring and a gold helps, along with that, you'll see the consecutive harvest bonus down there, that also plays into it.
Now consecutive harvest, if you've been around the game for quite some time you may recall, it used to actually impact the score of the animal when the old scoring system was still in place, now that's not something you have to worry about as far as the score, but it does actually impact your cash.
Basically all you have to worry about when it comes to consecutive harvest is if you shoot something, go and claim it, and your harvest bonus will be at 100%.
So we've recapped a couple of the ways to make cash and we've made a couple thousand cash in the process, but now we're going to talk about one of the most important numbers in the Hunter Call of the Wild, and that number is 200, or more specifically, 200 meters.
Now if we look behind us here, we just so happen to have a level 5 blacktail buck that is the max level, our second max level deer of the beginner series, we had a level 3 whitetail back in October or November, and I'm actually going to use this guy as an example.
So I mentioned 200 meters, animals beyond 200 meters will not hear a gunshot, so right now we're about 195 out, we'll go to maybe 210 just to make sure we're not off on the range fighting a little bit, and in case you've not seen it, when you don't have a range finder or range finder binoculars, you can use the map, you spot the animal, you've got this little icon, and if you bring your mouse over it or the little crosshairs from the controller over it, you can see how far away it is.
So we're over 200, he's not going to hear a shot, and if we can get eyes on one of those blacktail that was over on this hill, we can try to make that shot, and I just want to show that he is not going to spook from hearing that, so we may need to kind of stand up as we're in the water a little bit, but I can see him there, I saw him lift his head for a moment, but we might just go ahead and try to hit him, he did lift his head, I don't know that that's going to be the best shot, but the important part is going to be what's happening behind us.
If we go ahead and turn around, all those deer are standing here, it's as if nothing happened, now it is also worth noting, there are two sounds when you fire a rifle, there's the sound of the bullet leaving the muzzle of the gun, that is what these animals over here did not hear, and then there's also the sound of the bullet striking the ground, or striking an animal, whatever object that the bullet may hit.
That also can spook animals, so let's say we're over 200 meters, but we shot the ground right in front of all these deer, they're going to hear the bullet striking the ground, and that would spook them as well.
So that is important to know, you can't just go 210 meters away and take out an entire herd, they're going to hear the bullets hitting the other deer, or the ground behind them, and that's going to spook them.
So now that we are moving a little bit closer, the angle is not ideal, but we'll try to get in and take this level 5 blacktail, and maybe one of the other ones just for a bit more cash.
I'd say we're well in range, it is worth noting at the current time that I'm recording this, there is a bit of an odd bug with animals where they don't actually lift their heads in their drink stones.
So in order to not have to worry about hitting the skull, and we've talked about making a skull shot and not ruining the trophy organs in the past, what we're going to do is actually intentionally alert him.
Now there's a number of ways you can do that, but in my opinion, the most consistent and easiest way is to just kind of stand up and walk towards the animal.
Don't run at him, that could maybe be a little bit too fast, but you see he lifts his head, and he's going to start to act like he is alert.
So when he stops, we're just going to put a bullet in his chest, we'll attempt to do that on the second one, we may have been too low, in which case, especially given the animation that we see, I think we did, we're going to want a follow-up, hopefully that is enough to bring him down, we're just going to have to kind of wait and see, it looks like we got him.
So that should be 3 blacktail down at this lake, and by the way, I will show a little example of animals hearing, like the bullet striking the ground, or the other deer around him.
We'll worry about that after we go and find our level 5, which is laying right here.
He was the small rack, that's just something you can learn to identify as you see more and more blacktail, or whitetail, or whatever species you may be looking at with antlers, but he is a diamond at 182.8, made it by about 5, he's actually very close then to potentially being the bigger rack with that score.
Left lung shot with a 270, we got him to go alert, 80 meters away, no big deal at all, and I know that sometimes potentially shooting diamonds in this beginner series could make it look like it's easy, honestly there's a lot more time going into moving around and going to other spots than is maybe shown, that's just kind of the nature of editing a video, but I think what maybe can be learned from this is that you don't need to be a high level to kill diamonds, that's a super common question, often people think maybe as you level up it's more likely that you're going to see big animals, and you may be more likely to maybe not send them running, you might see them because you're maybe more familiar with the area, but you're no more likely to kill a diamond at level 60 than you are at level 1 in terms of just simply encountering them.
We've had 2 out here, basically from what initially spawned on our map on Layton Lakes, so we can go and get our 3rd blacktail now, that one also went down, we can identify that by the hunting pressure, if you're curious about hunting pressure I've done a video on that as well, I can link that in the description if you want to know kind of what it means and how to read what it shows on the map, gotta say I can't complain, never did have to track this blacktail, I just happened to see the glowing body as we ran over to where we shot him, so that definitely works, it was a lung hit, pretty happy with that given the fact that it felt like the shot might have been a little bit low, and a bonus thousand cash for that buck, so we're closing in on $20,000 I think, I may have taxed that diamond blacktail just kind of out of habit, which obviously costs a lot of money because we're lower cash than we should be, I suppose that's the case, and not a big deal, the 7 mil costs I believe $36,000, so what I should have done was save the harvest and not tax it and worry about that later, like I said not the biggest deal, we can continue to move forward with what we're talking about today, regardless we weren't going to get the $36,000 and unlock the 7 mil, this is probably a recipe for a really long track job, but just to clarify, we've got a couple of moose out here, they are according to the map 220 meters away give or take, and basically what we're going to do is shoot the cow, and just kind of confirm that the bull behind her is going to run off, even though we didn't actually shoot within 200 meters, he heard the bullet actually hit the cow, and he's still going to run off, now it looks as if that was maybe not the best shot, but my guess is just simply the fact that the 270 is so underpowered on moose is probably a lung and it's going to take some time to track, but I wanted to mention this as well, you may be sitting here towards the end of this video thinking there weren't any specific methods for making a lot of cash shown, and the reason for that is every scenario in hunter called the wild is different, every map is different, there's no one place you can go on every single map that's just going to be say like a hotspot or anything like that, so in my opinion it's more important to have strategies or tactics to use when the situations arise, such as earlier with the blacktail on either end of the lake, setting ourselves up more than 200 meters away from one herd allowed us to shoot blacktail on both sides, that kind of stuff in my opinion is what's most important for making cash, but I did want to ask, most of you guys are probably aware we're doing this kind of playthrough without purchasing any DLC's, I will say, and I've said this for years, goose hunting is the best way to acquire a DLC, so what I wanted to ask was if you guys would be interested in seeing a goose hunting for beginners type video, we could do it for as cheap as possible as far as in-game cash goes for what you have to buy, decoys and color and stuff like that, and just kind of look at the ways to make cash do that, like I said I wanted to ask you guys' kind of opinion on that because the reason we're going without DLC's is down to what you guys have asked for in the comments, but as far as one specific way to make cash, in my opinion, that's it.
So we've got our moose down, still got 750 cash despite the 0% quick kill, but yeah in my opinion as far as, well leveling up is kind of nice, but as far as actually giving specific ways to earn cash without any sort of DLC or anything like that, I think it comes down to the strategies, you know, taking two shots in the situation of the black bear and the black tail doe earlier, lining yourself up more than 200 meters away from maybe one herd of deer so you can shoot another herd first, and just kind of going for the predator species whenever you get the opportunities, those sorts of things are the tactics that can work in any situation versus trying to do a very specific situation, and yeah as we have leveled up we've gained a perk point.
I think I was mentioning trying to get to rifle zeroing earlier, so we have to do steady hands or breath control.
I think breath control is very important.
You look at level one there, decrease heart rate penalty from exhaling.
Often when I'm aiming I do actually end up exhaling or releasing the hold breath button just because maybe the animal moves, that's behind a brush or something like that, so that will kind of help in getting our heart rate still low for the follow-up, but anyway if you guys have any questions in terms of what we talked about today for how that relates to earning cash, be sure to leave them in the comments below.
I'll do my best to respond to as many of those as possible.
Also in regards to the goose hunting for beginners video, if you guys want to see that let me know as well, and on that note that is going to do it for this video, so thank you guys for watching, and I'll see you next time!