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  • "My name is Megan Brach, I've been teaching English as a second language for four years.

  • Learning English isn't fast nor is it easy, but I'm gonna help you get started. Are you

  • ready? Let's learn English.

  • Here are three useful slang expressions you can use at a restaurant. First, ""on the side"",

  • which means when you want something, put on the side. For example, I would like a salad

  • with the dressing on the side. Next is ""Go Dutch"" Go Dutch is when everyone pays for

  • their own meals separately. So for example, my co-workers and I always go Dutch. And last

  • ""is on me"" which means you are paying for the meal. For example, it's your birthday

  • so lunch is on me. And those are three useful slang expressions

  • you can use at the restaurant. "

"My name is Megan Brach, I've been teaching English as a second language for four years.


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A2 初級

レストランでのスラングの使い方|英語レッスン (How to Use Slang at a Restaurant | English Lessons)

  • 3499 301
    pao2ge に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日