字幕表 動画を再生する
Our homeworks to our advantage Real spider would get so mad if I did this.
I wonder if this thing has batteries Hmm At least I still look good Okay, handsome.
That's enough prepping just because you've had a little setback doesn't mean you can't work your best Oh Marge, this is the purest love there is patient supportive cleavage Dad I'm going to entertain you with the help of the brothers Karamazov Alexei Fyodorovich Karamazov was the third son of Fyodor Pavlovich Karamazov a landowner Well known in our district in his own day and still remembered among us She's still on the first sentence.
Let's make her stop how to express my dad Anyway continuing for the present, I will only say that this landowner or so You dad Wait a minute.
父さんの表現方法をやめさせよう とにかく今は、この地主のことだけを言っておくから、ちょっと待ってくれ。
Can you pass gas at will fart once for no twice for yes.
おならを1回すれば "ノー"、2回すれば "イエス"。
Oh My god, do you realize what this means?
Well, it means that you can communicate Exactly I'll recite the alphabet and you tell me when to stop a b c d Okay, first letter D next letter a b c d e d e Amazing.
じゃあ、コミュニケーションが取れるってことだね。 正確に言うと、僕がアルファベットを復唱するから、君はそれを止めるタイミングを教えてくれ。
Oh, but before we continue Okay, a d e a Dearest Marge though, my body cannot move my heart still beats and my brain still brains I miss holding you in my arms more than my butt can say Perhaps someday there will be a cure.
Although if it requires months of difficult physical therapy, I'll pass You are the shining light that gets me through my darkest hours for further communication.
何カ月にも及ぶ困難な理学療法が必要だとしても、私はパスする。 あなたは、さらなるコミュニケーションのために、最も暗い時間を乗り越えるための輝く光です。
I will require more beans.
I love you Don't say a word I guess my life isn't so bad at the help of my loving family.
I even published my first book and I finally reached a state of serenity and Another spider What's this bite gonna do my wrists are tingling I feel new power surging within me Oh He's got the proportionate strength of a paralyzed spider forget paying for my kids operation I'm out of here They say no two ass webs are the same beautiful in its way Wanna go home celebrate And So white bread Ned became the avenging sword of the Lord And Here Andrew James the greater James Lesser John Philip Thaddeus Heavenly father I quiet you your next divine whack job is a two-fer I command you to kill Patty and Selma Bouvier Sure, they smoke and they don't shave much of anything but do they deserve to die do not question me No on a non-murder related note, I want you to find out what's making that funny noise in Homer Simpson's car It's uh, you know, it's like a chigga chigga chigga chigga But you only hear it when you're driving over 30 and you never hear it when you take it to the shop It sounds perfect Yes, Lord Homer.
"私は初めて本を出版した" "私はついに平穏な境地に達した" "もう一匹のクモに噛まれた" "手首がヒリヒリする" "私の中で新しい力が沸き上がるのを感じる" "彼は麻痺したクモのように比例した力を持っている" "子供の手術代を払うのを忘れて" "私はここから出て行く"2つとして同じものはない" "美しい蜘蛛の巣だ" "祝杯をあげよう" "白いパンのネッドは主の復讐の剣となった" "アンドリュー・ジェイムズは偉大なジェイムズ" "レッサー・ジェイムズ" "ジョン・フィリップ・タデウス" "天の父よ" "黙
Have you noticed how many of your enemies have died lately?
Mr Burns sideshow Bob you forgot Patty and Selma.
Oh, wait, it hasn't happened yet.
Hi and Selma Who's next Ned Flanders?
How would that work?
Oh Okay, stupid Flanders first I want you to kill that guy at the ice cream parlor who gave Homer Simpson a cone that had a little air in it Really?
Come on.
God does crazy things.
Check your Old Testament.
Hey Bart.
I mean Jesus Son, you want Flanders to kill anybody?
He's totally in my power Well, there's a tall boy in front of me in class so I can't see the board and I say it's unto you Slay every tall boy in town Homer Simpson you made a killer out of me.
Yeah, and what are you gonna do about it?
I'm gonna kill you Because of you I'm going to hell language hell damn backside.
Nothing matters anymore I'm going down in my hand basket seats to Wake up Flanders.
There is no hell and there is no God if there were would he let me do this?
Flanders killed Homer