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  • Little Fox: Good morning, class," Mr. Zimmer said. "Ready for our zoo tour?" "Yes!" called the kids. "I hope we see cheetahs," Rosa thought. "Today, we will visit animals with something in common," said Mr. Zimmer. "These animals use their colors or patterns to hide.


  • This is called camouflage." "You mean like military clothing?" Frank asked. "Yes," said Mr. Zimmer. "Camouflage clothing protects soldiers.


  • They can blend in with their surroundings.


  • Animals use camouflage for protection, too."The class walked to a hut.


  • A sign read, "Reptiles and Amphibians." Many reptiles use camouflage to hide from their enemies. "Look at this lizard," Mr. Zimmer said.

    看板には "爬虫類と両生類 "と書かれていた。爬虫類の多くは敵から身を隠すためにカモフラージュをする。「このトカゲを見てください。

  • It was hard to see the lizard.


  • Its skin was the same color as the rock. "Mr. Zimmer," Rosa asked, "can camouflage help animals hunt, too?" "That's a great question, Rosa," Mr. Zimmer said.


  • He pointed to a bullfrog. "This bullfrog uses color to hide while it waits for food.


  • It is the same color as grass and leaves.


  • It can trick its prey," said Olivia. "Where are we going next?" Frank asked. "To see the owls," Mr. Zimmer said.The class stopped in front of the owl house. "Where are they?" Olivia asked. "Owls use pattern camouflage," Mr. Zimmer said. "See if you can find one."Rosa looked closely at the tree. "I see an owl," she said. "Its feathers are the same pattern as tree bark." "Right!


  • The cheetahs are next," said Mr. Zimmer. "Yes," cried Rosa.The class walked to a large grassy area.


  • Rosa looked at the cheetahs' spots. "How are cheetah spots camouflage?" "Well," said Mr. Zimmer. "The spots help cheetahs blend in with shadows in the grass.


  • This helps cheetahs when they hunt, and it keeps cheetah cubs safe from other big cats." "That's cool," said Rosa.Rosa looked at the pattern on Frank's shirt.


  • He was leaning against a brick wall. "Look," Rosa said, "Frank is using camouflage, too."


Little Fox: Good morning, class," Mr. Zimmer said. "Ready for our zoo tour?" "Yes!" called the kids. "I hope we see cheetahs," Rosa thought. "Today, we will visit animals with something in common," said Mr. Zimmer. "These animals use their colors or patterns to hide.


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B2 中上級 日本語

動物カモフラージュ|科学|動物|子ぎつね|ベッドタイムストーリー (Animal Camouflage | Science | Animals | Little Fox | Bedtime Stories)

  • 6 0
    陳名 に公開 2024 年 10 月 24 日