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  • Oh, hey, do you so you're gonna ask me out now?


  • Yeah, yeah, I am I'm bad and be Hello everyone and welcome to the English lesson with the movie anyone but you New words for today are ask someone out cool down negligence breach habeas corpus noble and many others Let's watch and learn Oh, hey You so you're gonna ask me out now Ask someone out is a phrasal verb that means to invite someone to come with you to a place such as the movies or a As a way of starting a romantic relationship So you're gonna ask me out now Yeah, yeah I'm bad and be In this clip, we'll see how B and Ben meet each other for the first time Ben wants to ask be out on a date and they have a funny conversation to get to know each other better Let's continue to watch the next segment of the conversation Now we'll look closer at this part and learn vocabulary and grammar So if we were getting attacked by giant spiders you would not be able to protect us This is a conditional sentence It is used to talk about hypothetical situations or events that depend on certain conditions a Sentence like this has two parts the condition if and the result would Here the condition is if we were getting attacked by giant spiders it is an unreal or unlikely situation in the future and The result is you would not be able to protect us.

    映画『anone but you』の英語レッスンへようこそ! 今日の新出単語は ask someone out cool down negligence breach habeas corpus noble and many others 見て学ぼう Oh, hey You so you're gonna ask me out now Ask someone out は句動詞で、誰かを映画館やショッピングモールなどの場所に誘うという意味です、BがBをデートに誘い、二人はお互いをよく知るために面白い会話をし

  • That is what would happen in that situation Let's continue to watch the next segment of this conversation All right, wait to cool down you just saw me take it off the burning stove If you're gonna be a lawyer, you gotta understand negligence and breach and McDonald's versus that lady's Habeas corpus use none of those terms properly.

    そのような状況では、そのようなことが起こるでしょう この会話の次のセグメントを見続けましょう よし、冷めるまで待ってくれ、私が燃えているストーブからそれを取るのを見たばかりだろう 弁護士になるなら、過失と違反、マクドナルド対あの女性の人身保護令状を理解しなければならない。

  • How do you know you're not a lawyer yet?


  • It's not too late to choose a more noble profession.


  • Oh like you Now we will look closer at this part and learn more new words All right, wait to cool down you just saw me take it off the burning stove Cooldown is a phrasal verb.

    Oh like you さて、この部分を詳しく見て、もっと新しい単語を覚えましょう。

  • That means to become less hot For example in the clip when Ben says wait to cool down He's asking B to wait until the food cools off before eating it Take off is a phrasal verb.

    例えば、クリップの中でベンが wait to cool down と言っているのは、食べ物が冷めるまで待ってから食べるようにBに頼んでいるのだ。

  • That means to remove something quickly in The scene when Ben says take it off the burning stove He's referring to removing something from the stove quickly to prevent it from burning All right, wait to cool down you just saw me take it off the burning stove If you're gonna be a lawyer, you gotta understand negligence and breach and McDonald's versus that lady's habeas corpus Negligence means the fact of not giving enough care or attention to someone or something Breach means an act of breaking a law promise agreement or relationship Habeas corpus Means the right of someone who is in prison to appear in court so that a judge can decide Whether that person is being kept in prison legally If you're gonna be a lawyer you gotta understand negligence and breach and McDonald's versus that lady's Habeas corpus use none of those terms properly.

    ベンがtake it off the burning stoveと言う場面で、燃えるのを防ぐためにストーブから何かを素早く取り除くことを指している、過失と違反、マクドナルド対あの婦人の人身保護法を理解しなければならない 過失とは、誰かや何かに対して十分な注意や配慮を払わなかったという事実を意味する 違反とは、法律上の約束や合意、関係を破る行為を意味する 人身保護法とは、刑務所にいる人が法廷に出頭し、その人が合法的に刑務所に収容されているかどうかを裁判官が判断する権利を意味する もしあなたが弁護士になるので

  • How do you know you're not a lawyer yet?


  • It's not too late to choose a more noble profession Noble means having high moral qualities or showing honor and honesty in The clip when Ben says to choose a more noble profession He's suggesting that there are professions that are more honorable or honest than being a lawyer It's not too late to choose a more noble profession.

    It's not too late to choose a more noble profession Noble(高貴な職業を選ぶのは遅くはない)とは、高い道徳的資質を持つこと、名誉や誠実さを示すことを意味するクリップで、ベンがもっと高貴な職業を選べと言っているのは、弁護士であることよりも名誉や誠実さのある職業があることを示唆している。

  • Oh like you Good job, let's move on to the next part of the conversation You're right stick with it.


  • I'm gonna need a lawyer at some point.


  • I don't even know if I want to be a lawyer.


  • I Cannot believe I just said that out loud I'm sorry.


  • My life is a disaster right now Might be turning the corner.


  • You just met me There are some interesting idiomatic expressions in this part and we will learn them now You're right stick with it.


  • I'm gonna need a lawyer at some point Stick with it is an idiom.

    いずれ弁護士が必要になる Stick with itは慣用句。

  • That means to continue doing something even if it's difficult or challenging in The clip when Ben says stick with it.


  • He's encouraging be to keep trying to become a lawyer, even if it's difficult You're right stick with it.


  • I'm gonna need a lawyer at some point.


  • I don't even know if I want to be a lawyer.


  • I Cannot believe I just said that out loud I'm sorry.


  • My life is a disaster right now When someone says my life is a disaster.

    私の人生は今、災難です 誰かが私の人生は災難だと言う。

  • It means they feel like everything is going wrong or chaotic In the scene B says my life is a disaster to express that she feels overwhelmed by problems or difficulties Might be turning the corner.

    Bが "my life is a disaster "と言うシーンでは、問題や困難に圧倒されていると感じていることを表現している。

  • You just met me Turn the corner is an idiom.

    You just met me Turn the cornerは慣用句。

  • That means to start getting better or improving after a difficult time in The scene Ben mentions turning the corner to say that things might start improving for B after they've met Might be turning the corner.

    ベンがturning the cornerと言うシーンは、2人が出会った後、Bにとって物事が好転し始めるかもしれないと言う意味である。

  • You just met me All right.


  • Now that we've learned some new vocabulary, let's put it into action Get ready to watch the clip again this time without subtitles See if you can recognize and understand the words.


  • We've just learned All right, wait to cool down you just saw me take it off the burning stove If you're gonna be a lawyer, you got to understand negligence and breach and McDonald's versus that lady's Habeas corpus use none of those terms properly.


  • How do you know you're not a lawyer yet?


  • It's not too late to choose a more noble profession.


  • Oh like you Wait before you continue watching this video because I know you will three things Subscribe ring the notification bell and leave a comment down below keep practicing You're right stick with it I'm gonna need a lawyer at some point I even know if I want to be a lawyer I Cannot believe I just said that out loud I'm sorry.


  • My life is a disaster right now might be turning the corner.


  • You just met me You


Oh, hey, do you so you're gonna ask me out now?


AI 自動生成字幕

ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

B1 中級 日本語

ヘイからデートまで:ANYONE BUT YOUとの英語レッスン (From Hey to Dating: English Lesson with ANYONE BUT YOU)

  • 3 1
    俞璉 に公開 2024 年 10 月 23 日