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  • he met me at a party in swept me off my feet

  • fell in love with the name Jasmine hi what on what the flick we're here to

  • talk about the

  • annual Woody Allen movie cuz there is one every year this one's really good

  • though is the Jasmine I'm Cristiano

  • Matt graze gonna hang out with that as you said I

  • at on don't have and I stuck at hosting this thing today

  • figure 3 I'm thats then make let's

  • I know you for I'm graze gonna hang out with us for a bit

  • and I'm what that means they describe the job you

  • wanna buy when I'll take away from Blue Jays among many other things is that I

  • was

  • will be sought at the Academy went we had fun last night at the academy

  • screening and it was packed or sitting in the back I really

  • had to p and I left

  • to pee and I was very close and I was able to get back and I came back

  • with about 22 seconds left in the movie I got grow

  • I think I'll probably probably commit I just I just was they get was thinking oh

  • my god I got a gaza-bound I don't want the last 50 minutes and I come back

  • a sedan and nothing happened at the end and then a movie in the credits roll

  • everyone

  • yeah I like an hour and a half and i know i I

  • I feel like a fool so that's what it's about bigler

  • blue chest with up this is the the

  • story %uh Veiga here it says I'm to be a life crisis causes a woman to head to

  • San Francisco where she reconnects with her sister I'm

  • that is what I just how I don't know if that does happen I

  • what's interesting about this is that the Cate Blanchett plays the woman who

  • reconnects with her sister in San Francisco

  • I a and a I'm not entirely sure that this is like

  • many other Woody Allen movies because although people laughed and there are

  • moments when it's funny

  • it's not really a comedy and Cate Blanchett carries this cell whole movie

  • that is set both in the present time in San Francisco

  • meeting up with her sister Sally Hawkins and looking back at her marriage to a

  • bernie made of type character if anyone wanted to sleep

  • with Bernie Madoff yeah that Alec Baldwin have a look

  • no husband was a slick operator I was there week I knew that I was hitting on

  • a girl friend I can't you choose losers because that's what you think it is

  • there from that's why you'll never have a better life

  • here terrifying she's a phony you please not fight in here too we can continue

  • for some reason is an excellent kicking in this is an emotionally difficult

  • movie to watch

  • many times Cate Blanchett is going through an enormous grieve

  • emotional pain by the fact that her husband cheated people at all this money

  • and cheated on her

  • I and she's like talking to herself in the street

  • and she's not are appealing character at all she's a

  • bad bad person yeah small band and I standing here

  • yet a testament to both woody allen

  • and Cate Blanchett a significant estimates to them because and tell you

  • hear from that you would have known either them or talent at all on pink

  • over here right

  • what's amazing is that they take this character who is does not is

  • there's no redeeming qualities here at any point even when you think there's

  • about to be one and year

  • inexplicably rooting for the entire movie

  • silly I was damaged in so fragile you can help with false I for her you know

  • she's had a breakdown the you also witnessed

  • the remnants of that as the film goes on and she just fine so much complexity

  • in this plea of a purse United it's no coincidence the blanchard

  • recently played when she walked on broadway a streetcar named desire

  • it's weird how much streetcar named desire there is in this movie the whole

  • let's go live with the sister she's got a British boyfriend there's a guy who's

  • gonna date or who may be my rescuer from all this

  • she's losing her grip it that was in our choice I thought but but for the most

  • part you know it it's such a great performance

  • and in the yeltsin signals compellingly told story in an

  • who portrayed character the that are we working that hard

  • I don't think it is an end you know I was talking today about this because

  • usually with Woody Allen you either know that it's you're in for a comedy or it's

  • going to be

  • you know another woman or interiors or are you know September words can be very

  • dour and this is not a comedy

  • and this one for to operate in a different mode Annu they've mentioned

  • I'm

  • crimes misdemeanors which is kinda but I said yeah but you don't laugh at the end

  • of the Houston scenes you laugh at the

  • Alan all the scenes and because woody allen has made

  • so many characters in the past that are kind of flattery

  • New York neurotic women the instinct when we first get to know Cate Blanchett

  • is to laugh because ok clearly this is like

  • is this a role I don't keep you were played once or something in the euro

  • zone in no way this is not

  • this is not funny this is this is that more this is a tragedy this is a woman

  • who was

  • literally falling apart in front of our eyes yeah its um

  • it's really delicate the way she easement unflattering erotic this and

  • delicacy to it as well

  • I did laugh a lot we all laugh my now live comes from his reporting money

  • characters on I think be at the Bobby Cannavale livestock

  • is kinda wacky in kinda ride by some laps come from that

  • lol so how is the how's the dice man he is he's really good and really nice guy

  • like

  • Dice Clay in a Woody Allen movie and it was already been as what has really good

  • he's a really good character actor attorneys

  • do a lot to turn yeah I really good he could work for twenty years that no

  • absolutely no I would I would love to see him pursue this angle of his career

  • he might feelings I've ever get the only

  • truly real person in this right the most most grounded

  • Conair in theory if actual person where they are

  • exotic dancers lol good thing I guess so

  • the thing is what your own doesn't really understand the working class

  • you know he i mean is weird to see this movie where the rich people were all

  • such

  • monsters assholes because he's lived in this very rare fight Upper West Side

  • world for decades now

  • to be said I don't know because you were doing crimes we were all have

  • bad haircuts he dresses them badly you know

  • worse for something could tell it harkens perfectly lovely San Francisco

  • apartment which is

  • granted over a Tacori or whatever but I'll be on that spacious and light

  • is rose with a horrible haha oh yeah I know I'm like that's right miss any

  • the wrong things affordable based on her salary on the right now

  • with other but %uh there's a broker's trying to get that apartment ever

  • discuss how the living in colour something

  • so I you know that there's that element of just kind of the 20 little bit of

  • condescension even with the interesting characters the the Sally Hawkins is

  • playing

  • at the the despair kinda rubbed me the wrong way little and

  • no good I agree with that I think that'd save the little bit because

  • because while the circumstances a it serve the

  • the idea Sally Hawkins is is a little condescending but she herself

  • is sure amo and I mean she herself but I mean the character is now that we have

  • as sorta and and then also Louis CK who does a

  • really nice turn real acting turn I

  • like again also regular working-class guy that seemed totally normal

  • but I he added that he doesn't quite get I think empty apartment is

  • it's like a major mistake Yahoo at that big it's really lovely

  • compared to keep wages expectations of what living is supposed to be

  • real easy has an opulent home the Hampden right I know why she's freaking

  • out about it but I but I believe you can tell when Woody Allen

  • thinks that it is one in a way I mean I don't know it may be that maybe it's

  • just us to make a pledge everything about it we're supposed to think

  • actually it's quite nice there

  • there is also a conversation about

  • we know where all becomes clear that at all bowlers that'll cheating on her but

  • has been cheating on her with

  • a younger much younger woman whose foreign

  • you know what our hustle will orbit have a moment of impact on

  • yeah I was stunned by that the there's one of the women is

  • she's a teenager yeah where help air

  • and and and then that's the actual scene where we see

  • Cate Blanchett breakdown and really freak out in a way that I imagined

  • ninety-five percent all women in that situation would freak out I don't think

  • it's

  • and you're saying this can't be happening shaking or persons a really

  • powerful really good seem

  • and I just to kind of imagined that that's may be in the ballpark

  • love what happened what we went through and so

  • I don't know I thought that was a I threw I get

  • barrel with this makes me a terrible guy I think that's rather bold way our

  • to put that scene in this movie maybe just a little disappointed in his radio

  • address that

  • honestly who knows it or do I i want to serve as their that was there all the

  • time row

  • okay we're gonna go here then I am I i think ultimately though I i think what

  • is usually powerful owners at their love great performances in it

  • the the question and tone though is is inescapable for me because um

  • it we talk about you know my the this is outside the sample one forgiven ever

  • over director bring in their own sorta baggage where the end of the film when

  • when Clint Eastwood arms up and shoot everybody's was the tragic and you know

  • the characters

  • past redemption but are on another level it's Clint Eastwood with the gun

  • shooting people right

  • you know and so IMU in a Woody Allen movie when when you have the cable into

  • character

  • being the sort of like you know of all guy

  • you know oblivious you know my talking a mile a minute and then being super

  • vacuous whenever

  • you are Greg ready to expect that to be a comedic character and it takes a while

  • to kind of figure out on a No

  • this is meant to be a tragedy and and and maybe is the audience that we were

  • with they kept laughing pretty much throughout which I found

  • sorta we're like they were are they were on board religious assume it'll be funny

  • I don't know

  • wistful humor now and I i think he probably has this person function as a

  • very familiar figure to us the way alan world

  • to then completely up in your expectation the maker that much more

  • flooding tragic like every

  • it's meant to be that much more obvious shocking transition perhaps to us to

  • watch

  • one thing that i think is particularly noteworthy about her performances that

  • is that she she said she's vacuous and she is

  • a empty and she has no sense of the impact that she

  • or her ilk have had the impact they make on other people

  • she's oblivious to her role in the world

  • yet she could be and she conveys that consistently

  • she's not you can't just pointer and laughed because then it turns out

  • she is interested in important things and she does

  • just give these little glimpses here there when she almost has a relationship

  • maybe does have a relationship with Peter Sarsgaard

  • the you feel like it's legitimate she is making a connection

  • so I don't know I just thought that in that she could have played a type of

  • character and she ended up playing a complete

  • real person well something that makes a a character like that

  • tolerable is that help yeah and so the fact that that showing up in a Woody

  • Allen movies actually pretty amazing because recently I think that he's

  • really been missing that exact thing that's my travel with his most recent

  • movies

  • yeah there's a there's a lot of even if she never even if she never

  • you she never fulfills that help like you see

  • there she got you in the day after day there are moments where you like please

  • be normal here because I see it I see it in your eyes I see in the way you react

  • a little thing hot got that just keeps you going to go home lol

  • shot so sad so poignant and we should do numbers please friends think very

  • quickly I

  • you to address the year's gonna go but I would there's no question this would be

  • the kind of performance that was get talked about

  • owner of yeah so I'm on the rally

  • 7.8 and I don't think maybe the solo but you know if I change your mind later all

  • you'll be the first and do some after SK go ahead then I

  • way I mean play seven so I'm just a point for and it's also

  • eighty-four percent mami ourselves as New York in LA this weekend

  • we just mentioned orbits but im selling organs was grain train is so great Alec

  • Baldwin

  • do you know just think he can do these movies manage credit analyst at work is

  • good my

  • yeah Alden Ehrenreich and as I can be seen again that's really good and yes

  • our starters great you're all I'm

  • their bodies really good now to go see it

he met me at a party in swept me off my feet


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ブルージャスミン--映画レビュー (Blue Jasmine -- Movie Review)

  • 297 11
    呂鎮宇 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日