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  • back any of those because I can't listen to this sober. Max, I have nothing. I really need the cupcake business. I can be different. No, you can't. No, I can't. But I can be better. Please, please, let's do this. I know you have a fair success. You do? Because no one ever believed in your dreams. I believe in your dreams. We have a dream. God, you are so drunk. So you probably won't even remember this. I'm sorry I said that stuff about your father. Did you hear me? Max, are you up? Hey, do you have any more of those poor people chips? What's up, Hangover 3? Why are these up? I thought we were vampires. Here, I took the rest of last night's cupcake money and brought you a coffee and a fresh juice. Which means that after two days in business, we are $23 down from where we were. So we're still building our cupcake business? Sure. All we need is how much? $250,000. Which is awesome. Max, I'm sorry I crossed all those boundaries. It's cool.


  • Me and Drunk Caroline worked it all out. In fact, she signed this paper. I, Drunk Caroline, am a... What's that word? Punk-ass hoe. Thanks. I, Drunk Caroline, am a punk-ass hoe. I promised to keep my big mouth shut and replace all of Max's poor people chips. I will no longer meddle in her relation... chips. You laughed about that until you threw up. Oh, and if you're wondering, no, the puke stains will not void this contract. I forgot again that we have a horse. Max, get him out of here. He doesn't know I'm a waitress. Chestnut. He is a champion. He learned that a lot faster than you did.

    僕とドランク・キャロラインはすべて解決した。実際、彼女はこの書類にサインした。私、ドランク・キャロラインは...何だっけ?パンクの尻軽女ありがとう私、ドランク・キャロラインは、 チンピラの尻軽女です。大きな口を閉じ、マックスの貧乏人チップを全部取り替えると約束した。私はもう彼女の関係に干渉しない...チップス。吐くまで笑ってたね。ああ、もし君が不思議に思っているのなら、ゲロのシミでこの契約が無効になることはないよ。馬がいることをまた忘れてた。マックス、彼をここから出して。私がウェイトレスだって知らないのよ

back any of those because I can't listen to this sober. Max, I have nothing. I really need the cupcake business. I can be different. No, you can't. No, I can't. But I can be better. Please, please, let's do this. I know you have a fair success. You do? Because no one ever believed in your dreams. I believe in your dreams. We have a dream. God, you are so drunk. So you probably won't even remember this. I'm sorry I said that stuff about your father. Did you hear me? Max, are you up? Hey, do you have any more of those poor people chips? What's up, Hangover 3? Why are these up? I thought we were vampires. Here, I took the rest of last night's cupcake money and brought you a coffee and a fresh juice. Which means that after two days in business, we are $23 down from where we were. So we're still building our cupcake business? Sure. All we need is how much? $250,000. Which is awesome. Max, I'm sorry I crossed all those boundaries. It's cool.


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A2 初級 日本語

2ブローク・ガールズ - そして別れのシーン clip7 (2 Broke Girls – And the Break up Scene clip7)

  • 3 1
    Jimmy Chan に公開 2024 年 10 月 12 日