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  • again Liza, how kind of you to let me come how kind of you to let me come no, kind of you, kind of you, kind, how kind of you to let me come how kind of you to let me come kind of you, kind of you, it s like cup of tea, kind of you, cup of tea, say cup of tea cup of tea no no a cup of tea it's awfully good cake this.

  • I wonder where mrs. Pierce gets it first rate. and those strawberry tarts are delicious. did you try the plying kike?


  • try it again. did you try the pickering?


  • again Liza. cup of tea. oh no. can't you hear the difference?


  • look, put your tongue forward until it squeezes on the top of your lower teeth and then say cup. cup. then say of. of. then say cup cup cup cup of of of of cup cup cup cup of of of of cup cup cup of of of of by Joe Higgins that was a glorious tea. why don't you finish that last strawberry tart?


  • I couldn't eat nothing.


  • I couldn't touch it. shame to waste it. oh don't be wasted.


  • I know somebody who's immensely fond of strawberry tarts. cheep cheep cheep cheep cheep cheep cheep owwwww


again Liza, how kind of you to let me come how kind of you to let me come no, kind of you, kind of you, kind, how kind of you to let me come how kind of you to let me come kind of you, kind of you, it s like cup of tea, kind of you, cup of tea, say cup of tea cup of tea no no a cup of tea it's awfully good cake this.

AI 自動生成字幕

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