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  • So over the last few years, Apple has released a regular iPhone lineup and then a pro-level iPhone lineup, and normally there is a good amount of differentiation between the two.


  • But this year, Apple made the iPhone 16 and 16 Plus extremely compelling by really kind of giving it all the latest and greatest from the A18 chip to Apple intelligence readiness to the camera control button, a new action button, and a bunch of other stuff that just makes the iPhone 16 abnormally good compared to the iPhone 16 Pro lineup.

    しかし今年、アップルはA18チップからアップル・インテリジェンスへの対応、カメラコントロールボタン、新しいアクションボタン、そしてiPhone 16 Proのラインナップと比べてiPhone 16を異常に優れたものにする他の多くのものまで、最新かつ最高のものをすべて搭載することで、iPhone 16と16 Plusを極めて魅力的なものにした。

  • And we believe that's for good reason, and it's because an iPhone SE4 is right around the corner.

    それは、iPhone SE4が目前に迫っているからだ。

  • Let's talk about it.


  • So the current iPhone SE3 released back in 2022, so we are due to get an upgrade probably early in 2025 to the iPhone SE4, and the iPhone SE3 is also the final iPhone that still has a traditional forehead and chin, as well as an actual physical home button, and that will be completely removed with the new SE4.

    現行のiPhone SE3は2022年に発売されたので、おそらく2025年の早い時期にiPhone SE4にアップグレードされる予定で、iPhone SE3は伝統的な額と顎、そして実際の物理的なホームボタンが残っている最後のiPhoneでもある。

  • And there's a bunch of new features that are coming to the iPhone SE4 that are going to make it extremely compelling, especially depending on what that price point is going to be.

    そして、iPhone SE4に搭載される新機能の数々は、特に価格帯によっては非常に魅力的なものになるだろう。

  • So let's talk about the iPhone SE4 and what to expect moving forward, because I think a lot of people are going to be gravitating towards this phone versus anything else.

    それでは、iPhone SE4について、そして今後期待されることについて話そう。

  • So as I mentioned, the new iPhone SE4 will completely be revitalized and brought over to the modern design language of the current iPhone, so we should get something very similar to the iPhone 14 lineup with its flat edges, edge-to-edge display, and an OLED panel.

    そのため、フラットなエッジ、エッジ・トゥ・エッジのディスプレイ、有機ELパネルなど、iPhone 14のラインアップによく似たものが登場するはずだ。

  • Also definitely expect to get things like Face ID as opposed to Touch ID, but instead of a dynamic island, we should still have a notch on this new iPhone SE4.

    また、Touch IDとは対照的に、Face IDのようなものが搭載されることは間違いないが、ダイナミックアイランドの代わりに、この新しいiPhone SE4にはノッチがあるはずだ。

  • Some other things to expect with the iPhone SE4 will be that we should be getting an action button, which gives the action button across the entire lineup of all iPhones, and it will forego that mute switch that we've grown to either love or hate in the past, and I know some people loved it, some people hated it, and some people liked the action button over the mute switch and vice versa, but I do believe once the iPhone SE4 comes out, an action button will be the only thing on iPhones moving forward.

    iPhone SE4で期待される他のこととしては、アクションボタンが搭載されることで、すべてのiPhoneのラインナップにアクションボタンが追加され、これまで好きか嫌いかのどちらかになっていたミュートスイッチが見送られることでしょう。

  • Also Apple will have to put USB-C on this new iPhone SE4, but it will not be obviously the faster pro-level USB-C, it'll be the more traditional, slower charging and slower data transfer speeds that we see on the current iPhone 16 and 16 Plus.

    また、アップルはこの新しいiPhone SE4にUSB-Cを搭載しなければならないが、それは明らかに高速なプロレベルのUSB-Cではなく、現行のiPhone 16や16 Plusに見られるような、より従来型の遅い充電と遅いデータ転送速度になるだろう。

  • Now one big interesting thing that Apple's going to be putting in the iPhone SE that is not going to be on any other iPhone is going to be their own proprietary 5G modems.

    さて、アップルがiPhone SEに搭載する、他のどのiPhoneにも搭載されない大きな興味深いもののひとつに、独自の5Gモデムがある。

  • So Apple acquired Intel's modem division back in 2019, and they've been working on their own version of a 5G modem to be able to put in their devices moving forward, similar to how they went from the Intel-based chips over to their own form of M-series-based chips.


  • So that's going to be coming, and it's going to be guinea pig tested on the iPhone SE4.


  • Now in terms of size of this new iPhone SE, there's only going to be one option, and I do believe it's going to be a 6.1-inch option, similar to what we have right now with the iPhone 16, but I do wish that they would give us a 5.3-inch option that we have with iPhone 12 mini and 13 mini respectively.

    しかし、iPhone 12 miniや13 miniのような5.3インチのオプションも用意してほしいものだ。

  • So I still have the iPhone 13, and I use it on a frequent basis from time to time as a second phone or a second camera, and I just love this size and form factor, so I hope Apple brings that over to this new iPhone SE, but let's see exactly what happens in that point.

    だから、私はまだiPhone 13を持っていて、2台目の電話や2台目のカメラとして時々頻繁に使っているし、このサイズとフォームファクターが気に入っているので、アップルがこの新しいiPhone SEにそれを引き継いでくれることを願っている。

  • And then in terms of cameras, it'll have one rear camera and then one front-facing camera.


  • The rear camera will be that 48-megapixel sensor, which we've gotten over the last couple years in the current lineup of iPhones, and Apple, of course, with their marketing jargon, will let us know that it's going to have two different optical levels, that it's going to act as two different cameras because it'll be able to crop in and give us that 2x optical zoom, which in reality is just bending in to those 12-megapixels inside of the 48-megapixels, but it will be a single rear camera with no telephoto, no ultra-wide angle, and of course, no macro either.


  • It's going to be the bare bones, but it'll still be a great camera nonetheless.


  • And then of course, it'll have a camera on the front, which will be a 12-megapixel selfie camera for Face ID and FaceTime and all the things that come with that.

    そしてもちろん、前面にはカメラが搭載され、Face IDとFaceTime、そしてそれに付随するすべてのことに対応する1,200万画素のセルフィーカメラとなる。

  • But now, the biggest surprise, especially for me, is that Apple will be giving Apple Intelligence to this iPhone SE, and I think it's because Apple feels the need that the Apple Intelligence situation that they have, that product, that software, is going to be what they're going to be pushing forward over the next couple of years, and they're going to be innovating on that and iterating on it over and over again, and they can't have a new iPhone in their lineup without Apple Intelligence.

    しかし今、特に私にとっての最大の驚きは、アップルがこのiPhone SEにApple Intelligenceを搭載するということです。アップルがApple Intelligenceの必要性を感じているのは、彼らが持っているApple Intelligenceの状況、その製品、そのソフトウェアが、今後2、3年にわたって彼らが推し進めていくものであり、何度も何度もそれを革新し、反復していくものであり、Apple Intelligenceなしに新しいiPhoneをラインナップすることはできないからだと思います

  • So that's why Apple will be putting the A18 in the iPhone SE in early 2025, and we did some research to kind of go back.

    そのため、アップルは2025年初頭にiPhone SEにA18を搭載する予定だ。

  • When Apple released the iPhone SE 3 back in 2022 in March, they did put the same exact A15 chip that they put in the iPhone 13 and the iPhone 13 Pros inside of the iPhone SE, so it's still capable enough.

    アップルが2022年3月にiPhone SE 3をリリースした際、iPhone 13とiPhone 13 Prosに搭載されたのとまったく同じA15チップをiPhone SEに搭載した。

  • It might have been throttled down a little bit and things like that, but it still had all the capabilities of even the 13 Pro Max.


  • It was just in an older chassis in the older hardware that we've seen in the past.


  • So Apple's going to be doing the same thing by putting the A18 chip in this SE 4, giving it eight gigs of RAM, which means it'll be Apple Intelligence capable moving forward.

    つまり、アップルはこのSE 4にA18チップを搭載し、8ギガのRAMを提供することで、同じことをしようとしているのだ。

  • Now that remains yet to be seen if it can get all the Apple Intelligence stuff, but we'll cross that bridge when we get there.


  • So in terms of pricing, the current iPhone SE does sit at around $429, and we are expected to increase that price to about $499 or $500.

    価格に関しては、現在のiPhone SEは約429ドルで、約499ドルか500ドルに値上げされる見込みだ。

  • So the lineup will actually get rid of the current iPhone 14, which technically you can still buy brand new from Apple right now for $599 or $600.

    つまり、このラインアップは現行のiPhone 14を取り除くことになる。

  • So the iPhone SE 4 will replace that price point, and the lineup will look as follows.

    そのため、iPhone SE 4がその価格帯に代わり、ラインナップは以下のようになる。

  • It'll be $499 for the iPhone SE 4, then increase $200 for the iPhone 15 at $699.

    価格はiPhone SE 4が499ドル、iPhone 15が200ドルアップの699ドル。

  • You still have the iPhone 15 Plus at $799, then the iPhone 16 at $799, and with all those corresponding iPhone 16 prices moving forward, all the way to $1199 for the 16 Pro Max.

    iPhone 15 Plusが799ドル、iPhone 16が799ドル、iPhone 16 Pro Maxが1199ドルとなっている。

  • So that's going to be a big array, from $500 at the cheapest point to about $1,200 at the highest point.


  • But again, that is the reason why we think that Apple put so much into the iPhone 16, because if you just look at the iPhone 16 compared to the new SE 4 that will be coming out, that's a $300 price difference.

    しかし、繰り返しになるが、アップルがiPhone 16に力を入れたと考える理由はそこにある。なぜなら、iPhone 16とこれから発売される新型SE 4を比べただけでも、300ドルの価格差があるからだ。

  • And if Apple didn't give, let's say, the camera control button and the action button and all these other things that made the iPhone 16 a great value, then a lot of people will forgo the iPhone 16 and then just go to the iPhone SE 4.

    もしアップルが、カメラコントロールボタンやアクションボタンなど、iPhone 16を価値あるものにしていたものを提供しなかったとしたら、多くの人はiPhone 16を見送り、iPhone SE 4に移行するだろう。

  • And Apple can't really have that during their price ladder, so Apple still wants more people to buy the 16 and the 16 Plus and that entire lineup of phones, but they also want to offer a cheaper price point with the iPhone SE 4, but still give it enough modern features to make it usable and make it future-proof for years to come.

    そのため、アップルはより多くの人に16と16 Plus、そしてそのラインナップを買ってもらいたいと考えている。しかし同時に、iPhone SE 4でより安い価格帯を提供しつつも、iPhone SE 4に十分な最新機能を持たせることで、使い勝手を向上させ、今後何年も使えるようにしたいと考えている。

  • So I, for one, am excited for Apple to release an iPhone SE 4.

    だから私は、アップルがiPhone SE 4を発表するのを心待ちにしている。

  • Like I said, it'll probably come out in March of 2025, but we're already getting a bunch of information about what it's going to entail.


  • It's going to have a completely different form factor.


  • It's going to have a single 48 megapixel camera, the 12 megapixel front-facing camera.


  • It's going to have an edge-to-edge display.


  • It'll have Face ID.

    Face IDが搭載される。

  • It'll still have a notch, but Face ID nonetheless.

    ノッチは残るが、Face IDは搭載される。

  • It'll have the action button, no camera control button, but it will be Apple intelligence-ready with the A18 chip built right into there.


  • So again, this phone is going to be extremely capable, and hopefully it'll stay at sub-$500, which will make it very appealing for a lot of people.


  • So I'm excited to see what Apple does with the iPhone SE 4.

    だから、アップルがiPhone SE 4で何をするか楽しみだ。

  • But that'll do it for this video, everybody.


  • Let me know with a comment down below what you think.


  • Do you think Apple's doing the right thing by bringing the A18 chip to the iPhone SE 4?

    アップルがA18チップをiPhone SE 4に搭載することは正しいことだと思いますか?

  • Do you think people will feel maybe cheated from the iPhone 16 because it's $300 more for maybe not $300 worth of value?


  • Let me know what you think from that situation psychologically, but will you be picking up an iPhone SE 4?

    その状況から心理的にどう思うか教えてほしいが、あなたはiPhone SE 4を手にするだろうか?

  • Are you using the current iPhone SE?

    現行のiPhone SEをお使いですか?

  • I had the iPhone SE 3 for a while, and I used that as a secondary camera because it was a great camera nonetheless, but now I use, like I said, the 13 mini.

    一時期、iPhone SE 3を持っていて、素晴らしいカメラだったので、それをセカンダリーカメラとして使っていた。

  • I do hope that Apple keeps the iPhone SE at a smaller screen size, maybe that 13 mini size, but let's see exactly what they do from a screen size and form factor standpoint at the end of the day.

    私は、アップルがiPhone SEをより小さな画面サイズ、おそらく13ミニサイズで維持してくれることを望んでいるが、最終的に画面サイズとフォームファクターの観点から、彼らが何をするのか正確に見てみよう。

  • But like I mentioned, that'll do it.


  • Leave some comments down below what you think of this new iPhone SE.

    この新しいiPhone SEについてどう思うか、以下にコメントを残してください。

  • Are you going to get one?


  • If you had an older maybe iPhone 13, would you go with the SE or would you go all the way to the 16?

    もし古いiPhone 13を持っていたら、SEを選ぶか、それとも16にするか?

  • Those are all questions you're going to have to ask yourself and see how Apple gets you up that price ladder.


  • But that'll do it.


  • If you made it to the end, leave a little dolphin in the comments down below so I know you made it to this point in the video.


  • And if you want to watch more videos like this one, check out these two videos right here.


  • YouTube thinks you're going to like this one, and I think you're going to like this video.


  • But I'm Fernando.


  • Peace, everybody.


  • It's 13 mini still kicking with iOS 18.

    13ミニはiOS 18でまだ動いている。

  • I love it.


So over the last few years, Apple has released a regular iPhone lineup and then a pro-level iPhone lineup, and normally there is a good amount of differentiation between the two.


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iPhone SE 4が登場|知っておくべきことはこれだ (iPhone SE 4 is Coming | Here Is What you Need To Know)

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    QQ に公開 2024 年 10 月 07 日