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  • Silently, I long for you Reading your words, remorse fills my heart My eyes are blurred with tears I yearn we may soon reunite I know I was rebellious Thought I've hurt you in the past And my mistakes were many They cannot be made right When I do not see you My heart, it aches with pain While seasons turn, I'll wait for you My days and nights filled with remorse My death and distress are such The tears stream down my face How I wish to write past trance Confess my feelings to you, God Where are you, my beloved?

    あなたの言葉を読むと、後悔の念が胸一杯になる、季節の変わり目に あなたを待つわ 昼も夜も自責の念でいっぱい 私の死と苦悩に涙が溢れる 恍惚とした気持ちを書き留めたい 神よ、最愛のあなたはどこにいるの?

  • My heart yearns to see your face Where are you, my beloved?


  • My heart burns for your embrace We are of the same heart and mind We shall be together forever We are of the same heart and mind Composing a love song together I often think of your voice Your smile recalling those happy days Your earnest words ring in my ears And will last long as I live These lonely years have been torment And it's hard to take How I dream of turning back time How I long to be by your side Where are you, my beloved?

    私の心はあなたの抱擁に燃えている 私たちは同じ心、同じ思い いつまでも一緒にいよう 同じ心、同じ思い 二人でラブソングを作ろう あなたの歌声をよく思い出す あの幸せな日々を思い起こさせる あなたの微笑み あなたの切実な言葉が私の耳に響く 私が生きている限りずっと続くだろう この孤独な年月は苦悩であり、耐え難いものだ 時間を巻き戻すことを夢見る あなたのそばにいたいと願う 私の最愛の人、あなたはどこにいるの?

  • My heart yearns to see your face Where are you, my beloved?


  • My heart burns for your embrace We are of the same heart and mind We shall be together forever We are of the same heart and mind Composing a love song together We are of the same heart and mind Composing a love song together

    私の心はあなたの抱擁に燃えている 私たちは同じ心、同じ気持ち 私たちは永遠に一緒にいよう 私たちは同じ心、同じ気持ち 一緒にラブソングを詠もう 私たちは同じ心、同じ気持ち 一緒にラブソングを詠もう

Silently, I long for you Reading your words, remorse fills my heart My eyes are blurred with tears I yearn we may soon reunite I know I was rebellious Thought I've hurt you in the past And my mistakes were many They cannot be made right When I do not see you My heart, it aches with pain While seasons turn, I'll wait for you My days and nights filled with remorse My death and distress are such The tears stream down my face How I wish to write past trance Confess my feelings to you, God Where are you, my beloved?

あなたの言葉を読むと、後悔の念が胸一杯になる、季節の変わり目に あなたを待つわ 昼も夜も自責の念でいっぱい 私の死と苦悩に涙が溢れる 恍惚とした気持ちを書き留めたい 神よ、最愛のあなたはどこにいるの?

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ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

B2 中上級 日本語

2023 英語クリスチャン・ソング|"Oh God, I Miss You" (2023 English Christian Song | "Oh God, I Miss You")

  • 1 0
    Lisa Kuma に公開 2024 年 10 月 01 日