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AI 自動生成字幕
  • Panic stricken, handle business, not a joke, yeah Manners missing, travel different, no control, yeah Time to listen, time to zip it, keep it close My description, highly gifted, take some notes, yeah Lack of interest, why'd you visit, hit the road, yeah I'm kinda twisted, so keep your distance, be a ghost, yeah See I'm inventive, but quite the menace, you ain't know?

    パニックになる、仕事をこなす、冗談じゃない、そう マナーが欠落している、旅行が違う、コントロールできない、そう 耳を傾ける時間、ジッパーを閉める時間、近くに置いておく、そう 僕の説明、才能が高い、メモを取る、そう 興味がない、なぜ訪れた、道路を走る、そう 僕はちょっとひねくれてる、だから距離を置く、幽霊になる、そう 僕は独創的だ、でもかなりの脅威だ、知らないか?

  • Well then I'm offended, let's jog your memories, here we go!


  • Yeah, I went from nobody to kinda famous Hide my plaques inside a closet, I just can't explain it My wife, she tells me that she's proud and thinks that I should hang em But I just leave em on the ground right next to my self-hatred Yeah, yeah, mental health, where's my mental health?

    ああ、無名からちょっと有名になったんだ クローゼットの中に楯を隠しているんだ 説明できないんだ 妻は誇りに思っていると言ってくれて 飾るべきだと思っている でも僕はただ楯を地面に置いたままだ 自己嫌悪の隣にね ああ、そうだ メンタルヘルスはどこだ?

  • Diagnosed with OCD, what does that mean?


  • That means I obsessively obsess on things I think about That means I might take a normal thought and think it's so profound Ruminating, feel balloons are full of doubts Do the same things, if I don't I'm overwhelmed Thoughts are pacing, they go round and round and round It's so draining, let's move on to something else Fine, runnin' the game but they don't even know it Like I'm undercover and don't wanna blow it They come out and know it, they don't even notice The flow is so cold, you would think it was slum When I'm under the weather but wind isn't blowin' I got an umbrella for difficult moments, you gotta admit it I'm very devoted, I'm out in the rain But I don't know why it's always so white Hold up my balloons and cover up my face I can feel them weighin' on me every day I should let em go and watch em float away But I'm scared if I do then I'll be more afraid Tell them how I feel but they don't wanna change Tell them how I feel but they remain the same Loosen up my grip, they say that's not okay Quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, ayy Leave me alone, ayy, yeah Quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, ayy Leave me alone, ayy, yeah Quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, ayy Leave me alone, ayy, yeah I hate when they debate if we're underrated We're so overlooked that they're lookin' over our numbers, Nathan We don't do enough interviews or go out in public lately We don't post enough on our socials to keep the buzz from fading Let it fade, yeah, let it fade Once it's decimated then you drop a song out of nowhere And all the fans embrace it And the buzz'll surface again, it's part of my operation I don't need advice from my doubts right now, end of conversation Shut your mouth, yeah, shut your mouth Better tone it down, close it now If you make a sound, I'ma change it down Funny how they be actin' loud Comin' on it now, so they wild Man, the kid is wild, pretty wild, true I'm kinda funny but don't really show it I keep it together but have a disorder I go to my room and I sit in my corner And talk to myself and I lay with this foreign I think of a rhyme and I have to record it But know if I don't, I wake up in the morning And question my life again, always avoiding I hate to be different but hate to be normal, so I Hold up my balloons and cover up my face I can feel them weighin' on me every day I should let them go and watch them float away But I'm scared if I do then I'll be more afraid Tell them how I feel but they don't wanna change Tell them how I feel but they remain the same Loosen up my grip, they say that's not okay Quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, ayy Leave me alone Ayy, yeah Quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, ayy Leave me alone Ayy, yeah Quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, ayy Leave me alone Remember back in No Name I said fam called Told you I hung up, it kinda felt wrong Finally called him back, we didn't talk long He asked me how I'd been, I sent him this song Yeah, think he took offense, he kinda seemed off I texted him that night to ask what he thought It took a couple days to get a response But once I finally did, he said the song sucks Feel the symptoms, couldn't miss him Wrestle with him, then I pin and flip him Brought some backup, Noah, you should get some Who you dissing?

    "強迫観念 "にとらわれている "強迫観念 "にとらわれている "強迫観念 "にとらわれている "強迫観念 "にとらわれている "強迫観念 "にとらわれている "強迫観念 "にとらわれている "強迫観念 "にとらわれている "強迫観念 "にとらわれている "強迫観念 "にとらわれている "強迫観念"」 「反芻し、風船を膨らませ、疑念を抱く 同じことを繰り返す、そうしなければ、圧倒される"僕は潜入捜査をしてるんだ" "彼らはそれに気づいてない" "僕は潜入捜査をしてるんだI'm out in the rai

  • Mood is switching, don't come in the kitchen You should listen, cooking record Feel my hands are blistering So persistent, don't forget this Hold attention, soul is bending No pretending, open-ended Low percentage, so demented Hold consensus, throw tremendous No apprentice, no incentive So intensive, so possessive Thrown aggressive, watch your step when I Hold up my balloons and cover up my face I can feel them weighing on me every day I should let em go and watch em float away I'm scared if I do, then I'll be more afraid Leave me alone, leave me alone Leave me alone, leave me alone Quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, ayy Leave me alone, leave me alone

    気分は切り替わってる、台所に入ってくるな 聞くべきだよ、料理のレコード 俺の手は水ぶくれだ だからしつこい、これを忘れるな 注意を向けろ、魂は曲がっている 見せかけなし、オープンエンド 低いパーセンテージ、とても頭が悪い コンセンサスを保て、途方もなく投げろ 弟子なし、インセンティブなし とても集中的、とても独占的 投げつける攻撃的、風船を抱きしめて顔を覆い隠す 風船が毎日重くのしかかるのを感じる 風船を放し、浮かんでいくのを見るべきだ 放っておけば、もっと怖くなる 放っておけば、もっと怖くなる 放ってお

Panic stricken, handle business, not a joke, yeah Manners missing, travel different, no control, yeah Time to listen, time to zip it, keep it close My description, highly gifted, take some notes, yeah Lack of interest, why'd you visit, hit the road, yeah I'm kinda twisted, so keep your distance, be a ghost, yeah See I'm inventive, but quite the menace, you ain't know?

パニックになる、仕事をこなす、冗談じゃない、そう マナーが欠落している、旅行が違う、コントロールできない、そう 耳を傾ける時間、ジッパーを閉める時間、近くに置いておく、そう 僕の説明、才能が高い、メモを取る、そう 興味がない、なぜ訪れた、道路を走る、そう 僕はちょっとひねくれてる、だから距離を置く、幽霊になる、そう 僕は独創的だ、でもかなりの脅威だ、知らないか?

AI 自動生成字幕

ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

B1 中級 日本語

NF - 私を一人にして (NF - Leave Me Alone)

  • 2 0
    Guset に公開 2024 年 09 月 29 日