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Get your favorite t-shirt or download your new coloring sheet and sign up for our ad-free video streaming platform today at kidslearningtubeshop.com And don't forget to subscribe Kids Learning Tube We are Canada Made up of ten provinces And three territories With capitals in all We're here to teach you all and then Some facts that go along with them So sing along with me Now let's have a ball I am Alberta, my capital is Edmonton I am a province of Canada, my time zone is in Mountain My flowers the wild rose, my trees the large pulpine My birds the great horned owl and my scenery is fine Hello I'm Quebec in case you didn't notice me My capital is also Quebec with an accent aiguille I'm a French speaking province of this Canadian country And I'm the largest province by area in Canada you see I am Saskatchewan, my capital is Regina Royal Saskatchewan Museum is a great seat for all of ya I became a province of Canada in 1905 And my provincial bird is a sharp-tailed grouse that can fly I'm British Columbia, Victoria is my capital Canada's westmost province touching the Pacific coast And I have lots of mountain ranges Whistler Mountain is my most famous If you're looking to ski or snowboard I have lots of these places Hey I'm Manitoba, my capital's Winnipeg I'm a province of Canada, I'm not pulling your leg Passflower's my provincial flower, great grey owl's my bird I have Arctic tundra in the north and southern farmland to herd Hey I'm Ontario, my capital is Toronto The Hudson Bay's to my north and the U.S. to the south you know Half of Lake Ontario sits in my province you see It's one of the five Great Lakes, four of them do border me We are Canada made up of ten provinces and three territories With capitals in all We're here to teach you all and then some facts that go along with them So sing along with me now, let's have a ball Hi I'm New Brunswick, my capital is Fredericton I border the U.S. state of Maine, my largest city is St.
お気に入りのTシャツをゲットしたり、新しいぬりえをダウンロードしたり、広告なしのビデオ・ストリーミング・プラットフォームに今すぐご登録ください。com そして、Kids Learning Tubeの購読をお忘れなく。 私たちはカナダです。10の州と3つの準州からなり、すべての州に首都があります、私のタイムゾーンは山、私の花は野ばら、私の木は大きなパルプの木、私の鳥はミミズク、そして私の景色は晴れ、こんにちは、私はケベック州です、お気づきでないようですが、私の州都もケベック州です、アクセントはエギーユ、私は
John My Bay of Fundy is most famous for its extreme tides And if you're into whale watching that's where you'd want to reside Hello I'm Nova Scotia, my capital's Halifax I'm one of Canada's maritime provinces, now how about that I'm in the Atlantic Ocean, I also have long coastlines I'm home to the puffin and seals, yeah my scenery is fine I'm Prince Edward Island, my capital is Charlottetown I'm a Canadian province and where the province house is found I am known for my seafood, mostly lobsters and mussels The Gulf of St.
ジョン 僕のファンディ湾は潮の満ち引きが激しいことで有名で、もしホエールウォッチングが好きなら、そこに住みたいだろうね こんにちは、僕はノバスコシア州、州都はハリファックスだ、私はプリンス・エドワード島、州都はシャーロットタウン、カナダの州のひとつで、州議事堂がある。
Lawrence is where you can view some sea vessels Hey I'm Newfoundland and Labrador, my capital's St.
John's I'm the most easterly province in which Canada's real fond Gros Morne National Park is one of my attractions Dramatic cliffs and waterfalls are some of my sights that are fun I'm the Yukon Territory, my capital is Whitehorse I'm located in the northwest of Canada for what it's worth I'm home to Mount Logan, Canada's highest mountain I'm also known for glaciers and also if you like to fish salmon I'm the Northwest Territory, my capital's Yellowknife One of the three territories in the Canadian Archive One of my coolest attractions is my Virginia Falls Nahanni National Park Reserve is where it sits tall I'm the Nunavut Territory, capital's Iqaluit I am known for my indigenous people, do you know it?
私はユーコン準州の州都ホワイトホースで、カナダの北西部に位置する、カナダで最も高い山であるローガン山があり、氷河でも知られ、サーモン釣りが好きな人にはたまらない。 カナダのアーカイブにある3つの準州のひとつ、ノースウェスト準州の州都はイエローナイフ。
I've formed most of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago I have the least populated Canadian territory, you know My name's Canada in the northern part of North America I do have a capital, it's name is Ottawa We are Canada, made up of ten provinces And three territories with capitals in all We're here to teach you all and then some facts that go along with them So sing along with me, now let's have a ball We are Canada, made up of ten provinces And three territories with capitals in all We're here to teach you all and then some facts that go along with them So sing along with me, now let's have a ball Kids Learning Tube!
北アメリカ大陸の北部に位置するカナダには、首都がある、さあ、ボールを持とう カナダは10の州と3つの準州からなり、それぞれに首都があります!