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  • A new legislative session has begun at the U.S. House of Representatives, which has unanimously passed the Taiwan Conflict Deterrence Act.


  • The act will authorize relevant U.S. authorities to publish the finances of senior CCP officials, as well as impose sanctions on related financial accounts in the event that China invades Taiwan.


  • To counter the extensive Chinese threats, up to 25 related bills are scheduled to be voted on by the end of the week.


  • On September 9th, the Taiwan Conflict Deterrence Act was passed unanimously by the U.S. House of Representatives on the first day of the new legislative session.


  • If Beijing chooses to invade Taiwan, this bill requires the Treasury Secretary to publish the ill-gotten gains of the Chinese Communist Party's top leadership, no matter where they may be held around the world.


  • The Taiwan Conflict Deterrence Act was introduced in January 2023 by House Representatives French


  • Hill of the Republican Party and Brad Sherman of the Democratic Party.


  • The bill aims to deter Chinese aggression towards Taiwan through financial means.


  • If we want to see the world's communist and autocratic dictatorships change course, we must expose their wealth, corruption and financial privilege of their elites to the citizens suffering daily under their rule.


  • The Taiwan Conflict Deterrence Act states that once informed of Chinese aggression towards


  • Taiwan, Congress will require the U.S. Treasury Secretary to publish a report on financial accounts linked to senior CCP officials, as well as restrict financial services in the U.S. to such officials and their immediate family members.


  • So it is time for China to give up the idea of intimidating the people of Taiwan and to recognize that America's response will involve the military, will involve broad-based economic response and will involve very personal economic disclosures and response.


  • Other acts passed on September 9th concerning Chinese threats to the U.S. included issues such as drones, batteries, contracts with biotechnology providers, infiltration in telecom networks and a malign influence fund.


  • Up to 25 acts are scheduled to be voted on by the end of the week, showing the U.S.'s resolve in countering threats posed by the CCP regime.


A new legislative session has begun at the U.S. House of Representatives, which has unanimously passed the Taiwan Conflict Deterrence Act.


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