字幕表 動画を再生する
It's Thursday today Welcome to Roadtrip Hi Morning Hello It's really dark My old friend Nitchy eye, got a nitchy eye, got a nitchy eye I'm gonna mess with Mikey No Water Please, please, please, please What are you gonna do if I do?
今日は木曜日、ロードトリップへようこそ こんにちは、おはようございます。
Right I got him, I got him No, no, no Oh, he's pouring it all over my bed That's a lot That's gonna seep through to your bed Shouldn't have done it then Got a swimming pool on my bed I'm gonna go swimming It's deep We're going out Going out to play a bit of footy Borez, Feckham and Shmikey You're gonna see some fouls And some shots and some goals Jumpers for goalposts What do you want?
"ベッドにプールがあるんだ" "泳いでくるよ" "深いんだ" "フットサルをしに出かけるんだ" "ボレズ、フェッカム、シュミキー" "ファウルやシュートやゴールが見られる" "ゴールポストにはジャンパーを" "何が欲しい?
Come on Oh, that was sick Pyjama bottoms, pair of shorts A top, a jumper, another top A pair of gloves and a pair of goalie gloves And my beautiful beanie Ripped nice shoe look These cost me £80 new, they're probably worth £6 now Nice trackies that once were nice And now they're not as much They're held together with a shoelace And they've got holes in them everywhere And I've gone with the The unreliable Fowler I dressed myself this morning I'm Fernando Borez You've got Feckham Which is Andy Fowler Right over there Peter, Shmikey And Jack You're about to see a superbowl I've lost my balls One of these next Heads That's the one You got a touch on that I swear you stayed in the air for like three seconds Hit one of the willies on the ground This is the one Goal Goal Is that mine?
パジャマのボトムス、ショートパンツ、トップス、ジャンパー、もう一枚のトップス、グローブ、ゴールキーパーグローブ、そして美しいビーニー、昔は良かったけど、今はそうでもない 靴ひもでつなぎ合わせて、あちこちに穴が開いてる 頼りにならないファウラーにしたんだ、
So Oh my god Any words?
No Good hand Good hand Beautiful Watch this, top bin Ah, great save Hey look, there's a falcon There's a falcon So very close Well done Mikey Shmikey never left mate Shmikey never left We decided to cut out all the boring stuff in the middle And go straight for the bigger It's the crossbar challenge 3, 2, 1 Yeah?
いいえ、グッドハンド グッドハンド ビューティフル 見て、トップビン ああ、グレートセーブ ヘイ、見て、ハヤブサがいる ハヤブサがいる とても惜しかった よくやったマイキー シュミキーは決して離れない 相棒 シュミキーは決して離れない 俺たちは、真ん中の退屈なものは全部カットして、もっと大きなものに一直線に行くことに決めた クロスバー・チャレンジだ 3, 2, 1 そう?
Most climactic thing ever I'm dead mate I'm on a diet And I haven't eaten And I'm feeling bad But I'm feeling dead Player ratings I'll go Mikey in I'll give him a 9 Brooke I'll give him a 6 Jack I reckon Jack was the best player here today And I think myself outfield I'll give myself a 0 Right What do you do when your boxers come down with your pants?
Mikey, you had a great day Thank you You know what's embarrassing?
It's February the 2nd On the day of filming We're going to see how long we can keep it up for What's up guys?
Shut up!
So we just recorded Finished recording a cover What's up roadies?
What's up roadies?
What's up roadies?
What's up roadies?
So we just finished recording We just finished recording a cover Jack was trying to say I just finished I went for the lens cap One sec There it is in his hand You can clearly see it It's broomstick Right so we're going to sweep this up quickly Aww Ben's calling me One sec Love you Ben Love Benny It's going to be out this Sunday I think it's going to be coming out after this vlog So we're not going to tell you what the cover is We wanted it to be a little surprise Really bad angle of my face Hopefully you guys enjoy it We had a great time Putting in a lot of hours for this one for you guys So yeah Love ya So we just When I wrote you a letter My name's Brooklyn You're Andy We're in the kitchen right now We're two blondes I've got some tired eyes I need some water and some sleep Rock Scissors Paper did it today What paper scissors?
それで、ちょうどレコーディングを終えたところなんだ ジャックが言おうとしてたカバーのレコーディングを終えたところなんだ 僕はレンズキャップを取ろうとしたんだ 1秒 彼の手の中にあるのはホウキなんだ はっきりわかるだろう?このVlogの後に発売されると思うんだ。表紙が何なのかは言わないけど、ちょっとしたサプライズになるといいな。
What did you get?
I'm going RSP Because that's black Because it rocks as a paper We call it Rochambeau To the girl you used to be Shut your mouth I was on Corridor and Is it Cat and Hoover?
It's Cat and Hoover isn't it?
Oh well I'd done Ryan's job I Hoovered Jack was very tired He was like I can't hack these late nights anymore Woke up and went straight away I can't hack this anymore And I started thinking Okay He's going He's gone You're so I'm not going anywhere Good boy You're stuck with me That's a dedication I like here at Road Trip I may fall asleep though Shut up Look at him watching his laptop Thinking he's all cool and hard Hashtag Jack's hard Take it Take it Take it Nearly Oh it's my hand now It starts That's a tough one Look at that Take off your microphone Come here now girl Shut up
"私はライアンの仕事をした" "ジャックはとても疲れていた" "もうこんな夜更かしは嫌だ" "目が覚めてすぐに行ってしまった" "もうこれ以上は無理だ" "私は考え始めた" "彼は行ってしまった" "私はどこにも行かない" "いい子だ" "私と一緒にいよう" "それは私の献身だ"ロード・トリップ "が好きなんだ 眠っちゃうかもしれないけど..." "黙れ" "ラップトップを見てる彼を見て" "クールでハードだと思ってる" "ハッシュタグ・ジャックはハードだ" "テイク・イット・テイク・イット・ニアリー"