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  • Stay tuned for Caillou Gets Grounded, next on Beyond Network.

    次回はBeyond Networkで放送される『Caillou Gets Grounded』にご期待ください。

  • Dark Bowser and Shadow Mario, you guys can't watch Beyond Network, get back in the dining room and eat your peanut butter and cheese, go back there and finish everything or you will receive no ice pops, after you are done with your food, report to this room so the IV can turn the TV on to MTV, you will all be watching MTV for 3 hours.


  • Dora and Little Bill, get in the TV room right now, it's time for you both to watch Beyond News at 5.


  • No Tina, go fuck yourself.


  • Excuse me? How about you get your asses in here watch Beyond News at 5 or you will do 1000 pushups.


  • Miss Tina, we do not want Applebee's, we want KFC.


  • You can't have KFC Troublemakers, now eat your burgers.


  • No.


  • Troublemakers, how dare you throw your lunch away, that's it, we are going home.


Stay tuned for Caillou Gets Grounded, next on Beyond Network.

次回はBeyond Networkで放送される『Caillou Gets Grounded』にご期待ください。

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