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Hey there here so welcome to the VRTech channel I didn't think I was going to make this video this early but yet it's official Sony PlayStation just unveiled the adapter that's gonna let us use our PS VR 2 to play SteamVR games directly on our PC launching August 7 so yeah let's discover everything in details about this new adapter and how we're gonna use our PS VR 2 to play our PC VR games and also the bad stuff so well let's get into it all right here we are so let's start with the good things and everything that we actually need to know to use our PS VR 2 with our PC this adapter is gonna let you use your PS VR 2 on your PC gonna be available starting August 7 for price of 59.99 dollars 59.99 euros and 49.99 pounds at selected retailers or to directplaystation.com these adapters we suspected will use as connection to your PC display port USB and it's gonna need a power adapter as well all to connect a single USB type-c cable that comes out from the PS VR 2 they don't actually talk about the power adapter I think it's gonna be included but it's actually funny that you're gonna need a display port 1.4 cable to connect the adapter to the PC there's something that you have to put on your own on top of the 59.99 cool after that you're gonna need a PS VR 2 PlayStation app on the PC that is gonna work like a bridge to have the headset work directly on SteamVR so yeah PlayStation app and SteamVR needed of course because yeah at that headset with the straight wired connection to it there's no need for the PS 5 at all that's very cool indeed because with this kind of a connection we're gonna be able to like push the full resolution to the displays without going through the compression or compression that usually happens with other headsets like the MetaQuest 3, the MetaQuest 2, the MetaQuest Pro.
VRTechチャンネルへようこそ!まさかこんなに早くビデオを作ることになるとは思ってもみませんでしたが、ソニー・プレイステーションがPS VR 2を使ってSteamVRのゲームを直接PCでプレイできるアダプターを8月7日に発表しました。PS VR 2を使ってPCでVRゲームをプレイする方法と、悪いことも含めて、さっそく見ていくことにしよう。99ドル、59.99ユーロ、49.99ポンドで、一部の小売店またはdirectplaystation.これらのアダプタはPCのディスプレイポートUSBへの接続に使用され
So to know the specs needed you're gonna need Windows 10 64-bits or Windows 11 64-bit an Intel iCore i5 7600 or AMD Ryzen 3 13100 you're gonna need 8 gigabyte of RAM in the GPU the minimum of the Nvidia 1650 or on the AMD side an RX 5500 XT for better performance the recommended RTX 3060 or an RX 6600 XT that is a pretty similar power of what we have actually on the PS 5.
必要なスペックは、Windows 10 64ビットまたはWindows 11 64ビット、Intel iCore i5 7600またはAMD Ryzen 3 13100、GPUには8ギガバイトのRAMが必要で、最低でもNvidia 1650、AMD側ではRX 5500 XT、より良いパフォーマンスを得るにはRTX 3060またはRX 6600 XTが推奨されている。
On the PC you're gonna need a DisplayPort 1.4 again you're gonna need to provide a cable yourself USB direct connection only so they don't give information about the bandwidth that you're gonna have with the cable and it's gonna be more important than later when we talk about it and of course Bluetooth 4.0 or later to connect the DualSense controllers to it.
PCでは、DisplayPort 1.4が必要です。ケーブルはUSB直接接続のみで、ケーブルの帯域幅に関する情報は提供されませんので、DualSenseコントローラーを接続するにはBluetooth 4.0以降が重要になります。
The setup is gonna be super easy you're gonna have to connect the PS VR 2 to your PC through the adapter then use the PlayStation app and then open SteamVR.
セットアップは超簡単で、アダプターを介してPS VR 2をPCに接続し、PlayStationアプリを使用してからSteamVRを起動する。
So yeah with all of that you're gonna be able to just use Steam and SteamVR to buy your games I mean if you have your PC you know that the library it's very very big indeed and every game that works on PC VR on any PC VR headset will work also here.
つまり、SteamとSteamVRを使ってゲームを購入することができるようになるわけだ。PCを持っている人なら、ライブラリーが非常に大きいことをご存知だろうし、PC VRで動作するすべてのゲームは、PC VRヘッドセットでも動作する。
So yeah again it's gonna be super easy and finally we're gonna be able to unlock a bit the power of the PS VR 2.
そう、今回も超簡単で、ようやくPS VR 2のパワーを少し解放することができるのだ。
But can we really?
Well actually not quite.
This is pretty weird because HDR, headset feedback, eye tracking, adaptive triggers and haptic feedback other than Ramble are not gonna be available when playing on PC.
That means that every single feature that makes the PS VR 2 different from the other PC VR headsets are just not gonna work altogether.
つまり、PS VR 2を他のPC用VRヘッドセットと異なるものにしているあらゆる機能が、完全に機能しないということだ。
I mean what is even the point then?
This is an actual question please let me know because I'm struggling to understand it.
What's left of course is gonna be the two OLED displays with a resolution of 2000 by 2040 each eye with 110 degrees of field view, the new controllers with the finger touch detection and awareness, black and white pass-through, the tracking of course and the regular full VR rendering like we have in any other headset without the eye tracking that is actually built-in inside.
And we have other headsets with eye tracking so it's really not clear why they don't support that on PC VR.
アイトラッキングを搭載したヘッドセットは他にもあるので、なぜPC VRでそれをサポートしないのかが本当にわからない。
So yeah I don't know it's really a mixed bag of emotions right now I don't really know what you think about it because I thought that the great potential of this headset beside the OLED display that are very cool were the fact that you had eye tracking that is lacking on unfortunately too many headsets right now.
You have the Ramble available directly on the headset as well and you had controllers that could really move the needle up just creating new standard for haptics and interaction.
I mean I was dreaming about using eye tracking not just for social apps that would be absolutely amazing in such an affordable headset but also to have a full VR rendering working where you look at like it works already on PS5 by the way and it's something that is available with OpenXR no problem so why this is not actually here?
And the weird thing they didn't even phrase it like we're working on it for now like this is it it's just no those features are not gonna be there in a way of if you want to use actually the full potential just buy a PS5 and play your games there.
That feels very classic Sony I have to say.
But overall I was ready to recommend this headset to everyone that wanted a new PC VR headset because for the price you get great controllers and a very good you know headset at the end of the day comfortable with a pretty good screens even if the lenses are very outdated right now but at least you gain very big features like eye tracking in HDR instead well it seems like now we have just a basic headset with feature that we're gonna pay for because you buy the headset at that price because it has all those features but you're not gonna be able to use them.
しかし、全体的には、私はこのヘッドセットを新しいPC VRヘッドセットが欲しいすべての人に薦める準備ができていた。なぜなら、この値段で素晴らしいコントローラーと非常に優れたヘッドセットが手に入り、レンズは今とても時代遅れだが、少なくともHDRのアイトラッキングのような非常に大きな機能が手に入るからだ。
Are modders gonna be able to add it?
Probably they're gonna be able to add different haptics thanks to like you know the Bluetooth connection but if the USB is just a USB 2.0 maybe there's just not enough bandwidth to actually support eye tracking with this adapter and you know all the other sensors that we have over there for the regular tracking.
おそらく、Bluetooth接続のおかげでさまざまなハプティクスを追加できるだろうが、USBが単なるUSB 2.0だとしたら、このアダプターでアイトラッキングをサポートするには帯域幅が足りないかもしれない。
Also the fact that you have to buy the DisplayPort 1.4 is just freaking hilarious by the way.
また、DisplayPort 1.4を買わなければならないという事実は、実に滑稽だ。
But anyway I'm gonna grab it as soon as it's gonna be available so we're gonna test it completely and kind of finish this series of videos talking about the PSVR 2 coming to PC that we started while back discovering the desktop mode for PC VR 2 and then on top of that I can't wait because we're gonna be able to actually do a proper true to realness video comparing one-to-one with the applications that we have on PC that we used to test every single headset here.
そして、PC VR 2のデスクトップ・モードを発見してしばらくしてから始めた、PSVR 2のPCへの導入について語るこの一連のビデオを完成させ、さらに、すべてのヘッドセットをテストするために使用したPC上のアプリケーションと1対1で比較する、適切なトゥルー・トゥ・リアリティ・ビデオを作成することができるので、待ちきれません。
I don't know why I said we, I'm just alone but it's nice to say it.
なぜ "私たち "と言ったのかわからない。
But anyway guys what do you think about it?
Again does it make any sense if like two-thirds of the features are just lacking even if they're there?
Would you consider buying it just as a PC VR headset if you don't have a PS5?
Let me know, are you considering?
Do you already have one?
Do you consider for PC VR?
Do you think that it just it doesn't make any sense at all if the features are not there?
It just boggles my mind the fact that they had a great headset that could actually disrupt a bit the industry coming to PSVR and they decided to just do the bare minimum to actually get it there.
It's just sad.
Anyway guys let me know please in the comments below and as always if you liked it leave a like, if you didn't like it leave a dislike, subscribe to the channel for more VR tech and I see you in the next videos and soon if you're following all this stuff with a PSVR 2 on PC.