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This little big shot learned how to read when she was 18 months old and Her love of words made her an internet sensation when she recited a poem from Chicago, Illinois Here's four-year-old Peyton Oh, thank you.
この小さな大物は、生後18ヶ月で読み方を覚えた。 彼女がイリノイ州シカゴで詩を朗読したとき、言葉への愛情はインターネット上でセンセーションを巻き起こした。
Come on, sit up here with your little jazzy self Hi Peyton, how are you?
さあ、ここに座って、ちょっとジャジーな自分になるんだ やあ、ペイトン、元気かい?
Okay, first of all, let me see what you made me here.
Mrs. Blue Steve.
Oh I can't read that good.
I'm old.
Oh Mr. Blue Steve, I like that.
I'm blue You know, they call me blue cheese You know why they call me blue cheese because I'd be dressing You can draw and then this one here Party Steve Well, you made sure I didn't have any hair you got that Just a bald head old party Steve Peyton you did a point at school I think I did.
Oh, it was black history month.
What's the name of it?
Hey black Yeah, hey black child.
I know that point.
That's a good one.
Let me let me see who this is Do you recognize you know her?
Mm-hmm This is like a jungle look So you got to see you got the painted tiger pink bows in your hair Then you killed it with the leopard top Then you came back and dropped that zebra on the ankles you like doing it girl Oh Wait a minute, wait a stop.
Wait a minute.
Hold up Where did you get these shoes?
Was how did you get here?
Did you fly?
No, I fly in the airplane Yeah, I didn't mean did you flap That's what I meant you uh, you flew here in the airplane Yes, was it your first time flying on the airplane?
Did you eat something on the plane?
yes, I drink some ginger ale and I had some butter cookies and I think I had some cashews and That's all I remember that I ate You have some butter cookies and some cashews what plane was you on What do you want to be Peyton when you grow up Hmm, I want to be a doctor or something when I grow up.
Yeah, you like helping people Yes, I think you're probably gonna be anything you want to be Yes, I told my dad and mom I wanted to be a fairy when I grow up But they told me I can't be a fairy tale You told your mom and dad that you want to be a fairy never even be no fair Fairies don't get shit Well, hey this poem that you do is called hey black child, what's it about it's about Me being strong.
そう、君は人を助けるのが好きなんだ そう、君はきっとなりたいものになれると思うよ そう、僕は大きくなったら妖精になりたいってパパとママに言ったんだ でも、妖精にはなれないって言われたんだ 妖精になりたいってパパとママに言ったんだ 妖精にはなれないって 妖精にはなれないんだ そう、君のこの詩は "Hey black child "っていうんだけど、どんな詩なんだい?
It's about learning.
It's about me being black It's about me having an opportunity And and that's I How about would you do the poem for us today, okay But I want to go down here and do it I'm gonna go get the mic Okay.
僕が黒人であること、僕にチャンスがあること、そしてそれが僕なんだ。 今日、僕たちのために詩を書いてくれるかい?
You stand up here while I go get the mic.
I want you to stay Let me see you right here stand right here.
Don't walk off that edge You ready All right, this is Peyton it's gonna perform what you go I Been adjusting mics for 30 years and the four-year-old just told me that's enough Ladies and gentlemen, hey black child by you sneak Eugene Perkins.
崖っぷちから歩くなよ、覚悟はいいか? よし、これがペイトンだ......君が行くものを実行するんだ......30年間マイクの調整をしてきたけど、4歳児がもう十分だって言ったんだ......みなさん、やあ、黒人の子どもたち......こっそりユージーン・パーキンスだ。
Here's Peyton Oh Hey black child by you Cindy Perkins, hey black child, do you know who you are?
Who you really are?
No, you can be where you want to be and you try to be where you can be Hey black child, do you know where you are going where you're really going?
いや、なりたいところになれるし、なれるところになろうとすることもできるんだ ねえ、黒人の子供たちよ、自分がどこに向かっているのか、本当はどこに向かっているのかわかっているのかい?
You know where you can learn where you want to learn and you try to learn where you can learn Hey black.
Yeah, do you know you are strong?
I mean really strong Do you know what you could do what you want to do and you try to do what you can do?
Hey black.
Yeah, be what you could be learn what you must learn do what you could do and tomorrow Your nation will be where you want it to be Welcome to the little big shots YouTube channel This is where you'll find some of the most talented children in the world There are new videos every week plus bonus bits of little big shots not seen anywhere else Just click on the links right now and why not subscribe go on
リトル・ビッグ・ショットのYouTubeチャンネルへようこそ! ここでは、世界で最も才能豊かな子供たちのビデオを見ることができる。