Your imagination gets so twisted when you think you see my worst But I have an instinct that can never be reversed My vengeance is a curse, I want to watch you bleed You're the crime but I'm the seed Back against the wall, so it's kill or be killed No other choice, death is gonna spill Back against the wall, so forget and forget But after all this, I never will Don't be ashamed of all the monsters in your head All of us are All of us are saved, saved, saved All of us are saved I want to watch you bleed You're the crime but I'm the seed Back against the wall, so it's kill or be killed No other choice, death is gonna spill Back against the wall, so forget and forget But after all this, I never will Sick, sick, all of us are sick Sick, sick, all of us are Sick, sick, all of us are sick Sick, sick, all of us are sick My sanity is so far from me Revoke my rage, it's driven me insane Back against the wall, so it's kill or be killed No other choice, death is gonna spill Back against the wall, so forget and forget But after all this, I never will Back against the wall, so it's kill or be killed No other choice, death is gonna spill Back against the wall, so forget and forget But after all this, I never will Sick, sick, all of us are sick Sick, sick, all of us are sick Thanks for watching!
あなたの想像は歪んでいく 私の最悪を見たと思う時 でも私には決して覆すことのできない 本能がある 復讐は呪い あなたの血を見たい あなたは犯罪 でも私は種 壁に背を向けて だから殺すか殺されるか 他に選択肢はない 死はこぼれ落ちる 壁に背を向けてだから忘れて、忘れて、でもこれだけのことがあっても、私は決して忘れない 頭の中にいるすべてのモンスターを恥ずかしく思わないで 私たちはみんな救われた、救われた、救われた 私たちはみんな救われた あなたが血を流すのを見たい あなたは犯罪者だけど、私は種だ 壁に背を向