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  • We have quite a bit of updates on the Metal Gear Solid franchise from Konami and their developers including some rumours and reports on Metal Gear Solid 3 Remake, Metal Gear Solid 1 Remake and the upcoming Metal Gear Solid Movie.


  • So let's start off with the latest updates of the Metal Gear Solid 3 Remake news with the first being when will be the release date of Metal Gear Solid 3 Delta Snake Eater Remake.

    それではまず、『メタルギア ソリッド 3 デルタ スネークイーター リメイク』の発売日はいつになるのか、というところから、『メタルギア ソリッド 3 リメイク』の最新情報をお伝えしよう。

  • Well it seems GameStop accidentally leaked the release date on June 11th with a Twitter post reading prepare to slay in Metal Gear Solid Delta Snake Eater where stealth and survival meets savagery.

    どうやらGameStopが6月11日の発売日を誤ってリークしてしまったようで、ツイッターには「ステルスとサバイバルが野蛮と出会う『メタルギア ソリッド デルタ スネークイーター』で殺戮の準備を」と投稿されている。

  • Coming 11.17 watch the trailer and pre-order now.

    11月17日発売 予告編と予約はこちらから。

  • However this post was then deleted and according to Insider Gaming this release date may be true because it's actually going to be falling upon the anniversary of Metal Gear Solid 3.

    しかし、この投稿はその後削除され、Insider Gamingによると、この発売日はメタルギアソリッド3の記念日に当たるため、本当かもしれないとのことだ。

  • However from another Insider Gaming article there was earlier claims by leaker Bill Bill Kuhn who he says here often obtains the back end of websites.

    しかし、別のInsider Gamingの記事によると、以前、リーカー・ビル・クーンがウェブサイトのバックエンドを入手することがよくあると主張していた。

  • Bill Bill Kuhn found a release date placeholder for the game at 12.31 2025 which would suggest a 2025 release date rather than a 2024 release window that PlayStation previously gave.


  • He also found two upcoming editions of the game which of course is going to be the standard edition for PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X at $70 and the Metal Gear Solid Edition for $200.


  • I personally think that the anniversary release date would just be perfect for the game and coming out near the end of the year just makes sense to me and I do hope that we get this game in 2024.


  • We also got a new update on the game itself by Konami developers in the production hotline episode on the Konami YouTube channel about Metal Gear Solid Delta Snake Eater.

    また、コナミのYouTubeチャンネルで公開された『メタルギア ソリッド デルタ スネークイーター』に関するプロダクション・ホットラインのエピソードで、コナミの開発者によるゲーム自体の最新情報も入手した。

  • We got some new footage of the game and get to see a lot of it's new features which they talked about on this episode.


  • Let's talk about these brand new features that are going to be incorporated in this remake.


  • So the first thing they talked about was it being an Unreal Engine 5 game which allowed them to really go into detail with the environments, the animals and really give it the feel of the original Metal Gear Solid 3 game but with next gen visuals.


  • He then went on to talk about the enhancements in the simulation of the game like blood stains being left on your clothes, as well as when you're walking through leaves they will also stick to your clothes and mud stains will be left on your clothes and skin as you trail through the muddy waters.


  • There will also be bullet holes in your clothes after you get shot and then the developer went into the new cure system.


  • Now you can still cure Snake by waiting over time, still heal him in the same way as the original but now the healing wounds will actually leave visual traces like cauterising scars on his skin even after you've healed him and this really just brings the immersion to a whole new level.


  • And it really is these little details that get me so excited for the game.


  • He then went into the brand new controls for the game where you can now move while crouching and aiming weapons but you can still play under the legacy controls by just switching it out in the menu.


  • So it really does give you that modern day games feel to it with the new third person shooters that we're all accustomed to now.


  • So it's just bringing the game into the new generation.


  • There's also an option to change the filter of the game to sepia and much more different colour schemes to match the original style of the game which is also a very nice touch for fans of the old game.


  • But that is everything we have on Metal Gear Solid 3 in terms of the new updates so far.


  • So now let's move on to the Metal Gear Solid 1 rumour which is actually from Spanish news website Aria Jagones which has this article that reads exclusive the first Metal Gear Solid still has a remake in production.

    スペインのニュースサイト『Aria Jagones』によるもので、『メタルギアソリッド』第1弾のリメイクは現在も製作中であるとの独占記事を掲載している。

  • They say that months ago one of our sources told us exclusively that several things were brewing about the future of the Metal Gear saga.


  • In particular he announced that a remake of the first installment of Metal Gear was being developed to be announced throughout 2023.


  • Indeed this did not happen but it is quite true that Konami had several things in store announcing a collection in the first installment, the one known as the Metal Gear Solid Master These voices say that the remake of the first installment of Metal Gear Solid is in production in one of its first phases and that Konami has it in mind as one of its most ambitious projects for the coming years.

    実際、これは実現しなかったが、コナミがメタルギアソリッドマスターとして知られる第1弾のコレクションを発表するためにいくつかのものを用意していたことはまったく事実である。 これらの声によると、メタルギアソリッドの第1弾のリメイクは、その最初の段階の1つとして制作中であり、コナミは今後数年間の最も野心的なプロジェクトの1つとして念頭に置いているという。

  • If Metal Gear Solid Delta sees a launch in 2024, the remake of the first installment could well be the next big project on the horizon.

    メタルギアソリッド デルタ』が2024年に発売されるとすれば、第1作のリメイクが次のビッグプロジェクトになるかもしれない。

  • It doesn't sound unlikely at all.


  • This is the information we have about this possible Metal Gear Solid remake.


  • The game has been in development for several years.


  • This is the project that Konami would put all its efforts into after Metal Gear Solid Delta.

    コナミが『メタルギアソリッド デルタ』の後に全力を注ぐことになるプロジェクトだ。

  • Metal Gear Solid Remake would be a game that would be released only on PS5 so like Demon's Souls it would not come to PS4.

    メタルギアソリッド リメイク』はPS5のみで発売されるゲームなので、『Demon's Souls』のようにPS4で発売されることはないだろう。

  • There is no information about the studio that is working on it or its release date.


  • So one of the big things that seem unlikely to me is the fact that it would only be coming on PlayStation 5 after Konami has kind of won Metal Gear Solid on all platforms by putting Metal Gear Solid Delta Snake Eater on Xbox and the Master Collection is kind of on all platforms.

    コナミが『メタルギアソリッド デルタ スネークイーター』をXboxで発売し、マスターコレクションが全プラットフォームで発売されたことで、『メタルギアソリッド』が全プラットフォームで発売されることになった。

  • So I personally think it would be kind of a weird move to just put the MGS1 remake only on PlayStation 5.


  • Now we can see this with Silent Hill 2 remake being a time limited exclusive for about a year.


  • So I think an exclusive deal like this is more likely to eventually have the remake on Xbox and PC.


  • But I do also believe that Metal Gear Solid 1 remake will be coming and I don't think this is a remake as simple as Metal Gear Solid 3 remake.


  • I'm not saying that Metal Gear Solid 3 is a simple remake but it's just that the gameplay and the look of Metal Gear Solid 1 is way older.


  • It's a PlayStation 1 game.


  • So to remake the original game maintaining everything that made it great with modern day controls and visuals and figuring out what to keep and maybe what to cut and having a remake with as big of a budget that it's going to be already lines it up as one of Konami's most ambitious remakes ever.


  • Now I also want to say that this is a rumour so do take it with a grain of salt of course but it is one I'm more inclined to believe.


  • Aruji Gonas has had some credible leaks over the last couple of years and I personally have no doubt that this is the remake that is coming next.


  • We also have something from the PlayStation side as we can see their patent for the PlayStation 5 and PlayStation machines as they have been attempting to get PlayStation 3 support running natively on PlayStation 5 and likely future PlayStation consoles.


  • Now this patent reads backward compatibility testing of software in a mode that attempts to induce skew.


  • Now Gamerant has explained that skew basically creates processor timing variations that can affect the way any software would run on it which is intriguing considering the PS3 is notoriously a symmetrical cell processor which assigns separate tasks to the CPU cores.


  • Rather than all of them working collectively like in modern x86 architectures, using a skew inducing compatibility layout for PS5 could be Sony's way of getting PlayStation 3 games to run natively on the current gen console and finally allow PlayStation 5 owners to delve into must play PS3 titles.


  • And of course because we're talking about Metal Gear Solid in this video, we have no idea if this is coming into fruition or if they will even be able to implement this in PlayStation but if they do, we could likely finally be able to play Metal Gear Solid 4 Guns of the Patriot on PS5, PS5 Pro, Slim and even the PS6.

    もちろん、このビデオでは「メタルギアソリッド」の話をしているので、これが実現するのか、あるいはプレイステーションに実装されるのかどうかさえわからないが、もし実現すれば、ついにPS5、PS5 Pro、スリム、そしてPS6でも「メタルギアソリッド4 ガンズ・オブ・ザ・パトリオット」をプレイできるようになるかもしれない。

  • However, we can also expect to get Metal Gear Solid 4 Guns of the Patriot on PS5, PS5 Pro and PS5 Pro.

    しかし、PS5、PS5 Pro、PS5 Proで『メタルギアソリッド4 ガンズ・オブ・ザ・パトリオット』が発売されることも期待できる。

  • But either way, it's likely we're going to be finally getting our hands on Metal Gear Solid 4 one way or the other pretty soon.


  • And last but not least, we finally got an update on the Metal Gear Solid movie thanks to who had an interview with Ari Arad whose father is Avi Arad in which As the interview wrapped up, I couldn't help but ask Arad about the current state of the Metal Gear Solid movie.


  • Perhaps excluding the recent news that Arad Production is co-producing a live action Legend of Zelda movie, it is the most anticipated video game adaptation the company is working on.


  • Series creator Hideo Kojima first mentioned it in 2006.


  • In 2012, Arad confirmed he was producing the adaptation that director Jordan Vog Roberts was set to direct it.


  • In 2017, Arad told me that he views the game as a spicy dish.


  • It's hard, it pushes back on its players in an awesome way, it's a wild experience and when you hang in there, it is satisfying and called the adaptation tricky.


  • Since we spoke that first time, Oscar Isaac was attached to the film but has reportedly fallen off.


  • Derek Connelly has also written 2 takes on the script.


  • In June, Arad told me that work was proceeding on the film.


  • We're working on the script some more, but I can't talk about it yet, he said.


  • I think everyone's going to be really excited and surprised.


  • I asked Arad if he sees Metal Gear Solid as the pinnacle of his video game adaptations.


  • I never thought about it like that, he said.


  • These are just movies I want to make as good as possible, you know.


  • I think getting Metal Gear right would obviously be amazing because I think it's a lot more meditative than some other adaptations.


  • Personally, I want it to be or maybe even started, but it's nice to know that it's still alive.


  • Go ahead and subscribe, click the like button on this video, please tell me what your thoughts are on this Metal Gear Solid movie and everything we've talked about today in regards to the plan of Metal Gear Solid moving forward.


  • It's very exciting stuff, so much information, so much games and of course, the movie itself.


  • Guys, thanks so much for watching this video.


  • We talk about tons of different games on this channel, including The Last of Us Part 3, Ghost Recon, Splinter Cell, Prince of Persia, The Witcher 4, Cyberpunk and so much more.

    このチャンネルでは、『The Last of Us Part 3』、『Ghost Recon』、『Splinter Cell』、『Prince of Persia』、『The Witcher 4』、『Cyberpunk』など、さまざまなゲームについて話しています。

  • So go ahead and feel free to browse the channel.


  • We've got videos in the description, Metal Gear Solid videos in the description and also in the pinned comment section below.


  • Guys, thanks so much for watching.


  • Peace out, God bless, and I'll see you in one of my next videos.


  • Take care, guys.


  • Is everybody in the world?


  • Please, Lord, give me a sign, a sign.


We have quite a bit of updates on the Metal Gear Solid franchise from Konami and their developers including some rumours and reports on Metal Gear Solid 3 Remake, Metal Gear Solid 1 Remake and the upcoming Metal Gear Solid Movie.


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コナミの「メタルギアソリッド™ 2024」計画|MGS 1リメイク、新リマスター、映画、新アップデート情報 (Konami's Metal Gear Solid™ 2024 Plans | MGS 1 Remake, New Remasters, Movie & New Updates)

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    小K に公開 2024 年 07 月 31 日