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  • I really wish you would leave me alone, I just wanna be by my own for a second But you always gotta creep in my dome, always gotta speak in my zone So you know what I reckon?


  • I reckon you're just as lonely as I am, I reckon you're just lonely as me I reckon you wanna see me break, so you feed me bait Cause you know what I need, yeah I know what you need Oh please can you just listen up, just zip it shut and not interrupt for once I mean fuck, this just isn't fun, I've been stuck in this rut But I'm done with you, fuck you cunt, fuck you too Fuck you, shut up, cut up, just do it one two Nuh uh, I ain't ever falling for that again I don't want my mother to look at me like I'm nothing but a nutter I just wanna have a moment of peace, I just wanna go to sleep Without you always calling me a loner, saying that I can't stay sober And I should make a rope with the sheets, I just wanna focus on baits Focus on making the dopest release You should get drunk, you should just jump You should just thump and explode on the streets Dammit man you make me sick, you've always been a crazy prick I remember the days that we played as kids And you'd say I should go to the neighbours place and set flames to it Take a sip, take a sip, take a sip Shit that's three for your OCD, love that song that you did hate Take a sip, that's four does that make you tick Bet you crave a fifth, like you crave the piss Every day is the same as you chase your fix You're a slave to the taste of a fake escape And too lazy to change a bit, you're afraid to quit So you wait a bit, and you wait a bit Gain weight a bit, what a way to live Okay you prick I get the picture, no need to explain the shit You're ashamed of it, maybe I am But who are you to judge?

    "俺と同じように寂しいんだろう" "俺と同じように寂しいんだろう" "俺と同じように寂しいんだろう" "俺と同じように寂しいんだろう" "俺と同じように寂しいんだろう" "俺と同じように寂しいんだろう" "俺と同じように寂しいんだろう" "俺と同じように寂しいんだろう" "俺と同じように寂しいんだろう" "俺と同じように寂しいんだろう" "俺と同じように寂しいんだろう" "俺と同じように寂しいんだろう" "俺と同じように寂しいんだろう" "俺と同じように寂しいんだろう" "俺と同じように寂しいんだろう"も

  • It was you who was telling me to do the drugs and get stupid drunk I just thought you could use some fun You were upset, you were dumped, I didn't say to abuse at once The truth is you choose to run from your problems Don't blame me for the fact you're a stupid cunt Take it back, no way mate Take it back, it ain't plain as that I'm the one that remains intact And at the same time craving crap that you made me have Don't say I'm a lazy brat When the greatest fact is I'm trapped in the way you act You're just mad that your brain is tapped You're the same as your crazy dad You're a maniac Fuck you, you don't know what it's like to be so messed up That you hope that you die when you're over your life And you know that you might put a knife to your throat as you cry But I chose to survive cause I think I could focus and try more Don't wanna die from emotions I hide You couldn't care that I'm broken inside You just poke and provoke till the moment's arrived Why?

    "薬 "と "バカ酔い "を勧めていたのは君だった "遊び "が必要だと思ったんだ 君は動揺していた 振られたんだ 一度に罵倒しろとは言わなかった 本当は君は問題から逃げることを選んだんだ 君がバカなのは僕のせいじゃない "やり直せ "なんてとんでもない "やり直せ "なんてとんでもない "やり直せ "なんてとんでもない"俺はお前のままだ" "同時にお前が俺にさせた" "くだらないものを欲しがってる" "怠け者のガキだなんて言うなよ" "最大の事実はお前の行動に囚われてることだ" "脳がタヒんだことに怒っ

  • Why you gotta do this to me?


  • You're choosing to be so abusive and mean Refusing to leave till my brain has been taken You're basically placing a noose on the beams Everybody wants that according to you No more torment, Jordan, we're through No more talking, the door has been shut I'm ignoring it just like you taught me to do Goodbye

    あなたはとても虐待的で意地悪であることを選んでいる 私の脳が奪われるまで去ることを拒む あなたは基本的に梁に縄を置いている 誰もがあなたによればそれを望んでいる これ以上苦しめないで、ジョーダン、私たちは終わった これ以上話さないで、ドアは閉められた あなたが私に教えたように、私はそれを無視する さようなら

I really wish you would leave me alone, I just wanna be by my own for a second But you always gotta creep in my dome, always gotta speak in my zone So you know what I reckon?


AI 自動生成字幕

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