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Hi guys, I graduated.
I don't know how I got here and I don't it just it like hasn't sunk in it doesn't feel real I don't feel graduated, but I am in fact somehow I have a diploma and I'm graduated if you guys are new around here And you don't know I did my senior year online So I didn't get to do like the walk or anything which I mean it was a bigger deal to me I was younger.
I was like I need to do my walk I need to my graduation walk and now I'm kind of just like I'm okay that I didn't do it like I'm totally fine with That that being said I do what my grad photos with my grad cap and gown so I got one on Amazon And I'm gonna take photos today take some little like grad photos And I don't know if that's like quarry to do it like if you did all my school But I also don't care Graduating from online school or like from home school is just as valid as graduating from public school or like private school like that might Be a hot take but I think I still deserve to take my photos and my cap and gown like I have my diploma Okay, I have good grades like I'm not a complete idiot Yeah, I just it doesn't feel real like I think it's gonna hit me later Cuz I'm literally not sad like I'm just like so ready to be done And then like I said a big part of this video is gonna be me playing my grad party And then like actually doing the grad party and I know what a lot of people do is I invite everyone they know and they Just have like a big kind of like drop-in party, which I like going to those like I think those are really fun But me personally I know that like if I'm planning that type of thing It's just gonna really stress me out and like I'm not actually gonna end up having fun and the whole point of a grad party In my eyes is for you to have fun because like you're celebrating your graduation So what I personally am gonna find fun is having like a little garden Outdoors party where like I can wear a cute dress And I'm also really trying not to let myself get stressed over this because as much as I want it to be good I also don't think it's worth getting myself all stressed out and like I want to enjoy the process and enjoy the party and not Worry too much about it being perfect, which is something I'm really working on The first thing I'm gonna be doing today is I'm gonna be going to Costco with my mom to get food cuz she's gonna be Helping with the food like I'm so grateful that I have a mom That's really good at cooking and that's like willing to help me with the cooking cuz like on my own I would be so terrified of like just like cooking for all my friends And I'm trying to keep the menu decently simple like I'm just gonna be doing a pasta shrimp chicken Salad and then I really want to get the cheesecakes from Costco because if you know, you know They have like the best cheesecake ever So I'm gonna be getting all of that and then like obviously not cooking the food today But just like buying everything so that I have it and I don't have to worry about it Oh Like I can literally eat an entire bag like they're so good Hi guys, so I'm back from tart wait Costco I'm back from the cost from I'm back from Costco and we got a lot of stuff.
Like I'm very very excited about this and to do the party Sorry guys, I'm a little scattered right now, but I'm about to get ready to take my grad photos But I do have a slight problem.
I don't know what I'm wearing Like I thought I knew what I wanted to wear and then I kind of was like being indecisive Like obviously I'm gonna wear the cap and gown, but I just need to figure out what to wear underneath the cap and gown You know, it's just kind of me having a little bit of an indecisive moment I ordered a bunch of dresses from this brand called Lulu Lulu's yeah Lulu's and basically I'm just gonna like pick out the ones that I like and then return the rest and I'm also trying to decide if I want To wear the same dress for my photos and my party or if I want to have a different dress for the photos and the party Like this is so also I took off the nail polish that I had on earlier because it was red and chipped and I feel Like it doesn't really match the vibe So I do kind of wish that my nails were done properly But I feel like this is better than nothing or I mean, I guess it is nothing but it's better than like I'm trying to decide if I should curl my hair or not because I do kind of like it the more just like messy Straight vibe, but it also I guess it doesn't really matter because I'm gonna have my grad cap on which is gonna make me look Dumb anyway, but also like guys my makeup today.
This is option number one Quite literally falling off.
It's like kind of cute.
I don't think it's gonna look good with the grad gown and then also this neckline is like So this would maybe be for the kind of loving that party like for the party Yeah, so I just showed this dress to my mom and she really likes it and I also really like it The only thing like I said is like the straps are a little weird But if I keep my hair in the front, I do think this is definitely giving like garden fairy vibe Which is kind of what I'm going for Okay, this is the next dress and I honestly like this one just as much as the other one It's a little bit shorter But it's the same like pink floral vibe and I actually Really don't know which one to pick because I really do like this one option number one I have this one and I do think it's really cute But like, you know, like people have seen this dress before it's nothing special, but I do actually think this would work really well For the grad photos actually.
Yeah, that would actually yeah, I mean it's really basic But I do think that's gonna probably work the best and I know my family's gonna say the same thing Okay, yeah, so this is the final dress I'm gonna do even though I've worn it multiple times before I think like out of all The options I have this is the best one Unfortunately, like I really wanted to get something new but that's just not gonna work I really didn't think this through at all.
でも、それが一番いいと思うし、家族も同じことを言うと思う。 だから、これが最後のドレスにするつもり。今まで何度も着てきたけど、選択肢の中ではこれが一番いいと思う。
So I don't know what heels I'm gonna get I might wear these that I wore to prom because they're just like simple and cute Yeah, I think these would work.
We got the heels and I'm gonna just put on this hat I saw like some people will do certain life hacks to like put it on a certain way But I think I'm just gonna try to do it normally and then if I really hate it Maybe I'll like try one of the life hacks.
Oh That's oh that's Wow Guys, I don't know about that.
I feel so goofy because it makes my forehead look so weird.
Wait, I actually really hate that This is the final look it feels so weird like to be in this and not be going anywhere Like I'm just gonna be going in my backyard, but like it's okay because you know, like I said, I'm not and it's not embarrassing I just I just wanted to take photos in a cap and gown I think what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna take a few photos with the hat to start off just cuz it is really Iconic even if I feel kind of dumb like I just kind of want to do that And then I'll also take some photos without the hat.
So yeah, I'm gonna go do that You Good morning guys, so I just got back from the market I got all these flowers that I'm gonna be using for my party and I do want to get more flowers So I'm gonna go to Target to get more but I wanted to get like some really pretty nice ones And I'm not gonna lie flowers are actually so expensive like one of these stems like just one singular stem was I think $2 250 up to $3 which like, you know, I'm trying not to be stingy We're trying to have a wealth mentality, but also like it was just kind of stressing me out a little bit There's more flowers that are hidden in here that you guys can't really see So we have these like kind of they're not baby's breath, but they kind of look like baby's breath I got these like mini little bouquets, which are so Adorable and I had to get them also It said that kids made them with the kids that are like the kids of the owners Made these little bouquets and I was like, I just have to get them because they're so cute These are what they look like.
だから、そうだね、そうしてくるよ。 おはよう、みんな。今マーケットから戻ってきたんだ。パーティーで使うお花を全部買ってきたんだけど、もっとお花が欲しくなっちゃって、でも、それがちょっとストレスになっちゃって......この中には、もっとたくさんのお花が隠れているんです。
They're just like the cutest little flowers.
I love the colors.
And yeah, I'm just really really excited Also, wait, can I show you these?
Yeah, I think I showed you these but we have a bunch of flowers I'm gonna get a little bit more from Target.
Also, I got some stuff from Amazon So I'm gonna give you guys a little haul first up.
I got a bunch of these pillowcases I think I got like six or eight or something and I'm gonna put them on some pillows and basically what I'm doing is I'm Gonna have everyone sit on pillows So it's gonna be like a lower table on the ground and then everyone sits I don't know why I'm like acting it out for you But everyone's gonna sit on the ground and then everyone's gonna have a pillow as their chair because I saw someone do that on Idea so I'm gonna do that and the reason I got pillowcases is because we have a lot of those like square pillows But some of the pillow covers are ugly like some of them will work, but some of them are ugly So that's why I got these like just to cover them up and make it look a little more aesthetically pleasing and then I got some of these like disposable flash cameras like the Fujifilm ones because I want to have them on the table and then like have the guests take photos like On the film and then I can get it developed later and have those photos This is so random, but I got a bunch of paints and then also many pallets.
This is so random guys I don't even know why I I mean, I do know why I did it cuz I thought it was a cute fun activity Basically, I don't want people to be bored cuz like obviously there's gonna be food and it's gonna be a dinner party But like I don't want people to get bored So I got a bunch of these little pallets and then as you saw the paints and then to go with the pallets I got these little easels Okay, the next thing that I'm gonna be working on is you know how a lot of people at grand parties They'll have like a photo table with like a bunch of photos from like their childhood and it's just really cute That's one of my personal favorite parts of grand parties is like going and seeing all the baby photos because it's always so freaking cute And then like seeing them grown up.
It's like I don't know.
I just really love it So that's something that I want to do at mine, but I didn't really think about that in advance So now it's like tomorrow and I don't even know what photos I want to have printed So my mom was saying that Walgreens is a really good place to get photos So I'm just I just downloaded the app and I'm going to just like quickly go through my camera and pick out some photos I wish I had more time to like be thoughtful about the photos and I'm printing out but I really don't cuz like I Obviously I need them today so I can use them tomorrow So I'm just gonna quickly go through my camera roll pick out some photos.
That would be cute Don't overthink it too much and then I'll go pick them up in like an hour or two whenever they're ready So yeah, that's what I'm gonna do.
Why is this app not working?
I actually have never used This I don't know if I've ever been to Walgreens, but okay I think I'm really just gonna do a lot of baby photos cuz like I said I love seeing people's baby photos and I also love my baby photos Like it's just the cutest and then maybe I'll just do a few with like my friends and stuff I am really sad because some of my friends I like would love to show my photos with them like they're not even gonna be at my Party because I did have a bunch of friends that were really busy or like they were traveling or they couldn't make it So I might just try to mainly pick photos of friends I know we're gonna be there but then also like I do want to honor the friends that aren't gonna be there like even if they're not at the party like Still have photos with them or maybe I just should only do photos of me I didn't really think this through I maybe if I just do like baby photos I Was crying about this the other day I look at photos of myself when I was little but I don't remember being that little like I don't does that even make sense Like I don't remember being That little and so I look at this photo and it looks like it's someone else but like that's me No, I can't cry okay, I can't Oh Hey guys, I've been going through photos for a little bit like actually probably like an hour or maybe two hours and it's just so hard to pick because I'm not gonna cry.
There's so many good photos like and I just love them all so much It's a little overwhelming because like I said, I wish I would have put more thought into like the photos I'm gonna do so I'm also worried about Forgetting someone cuz like I want to have at least one photo with everyone that's gonna be at the party if I miss someone I'm really sorry.
Like I feel so bad.
I'm just doing this as quick as I can I'm just feeling really grateful because I'm so like I said grateful and thankful I have so many amazing friends and memories and photos, but also sad because it's like I'm growing up and like what like yeah But it's okay I'm gonna try to just quickly finish this up so I can place the order and move on cuz I as much as I would Love to spend the entire day going through this.
I can't You know, I need your love got a fool I Thought you'd be good To six dollars Sorry We don't have a credit card information.
I can't you know, I need your love got a fool, I thought you'd be good to six dollars, Sorry We don't have a credit card information.
We just robbed the store guys It beats me we went out we thought it was us and the panic that went on my body was Every time I leave a store I act I feel like I'm like guilty like I feel like I stole but I didn't You Good morning guys So it's the next day and I want to give you a little update on How everything's going with the party planning because I didn't vlog a lot yesterday basically last night my dad helped me set up a lot of stuff in my backyard kind of like this skeleton or like not to be creepy but like the bones the The general like structure the structure for the party is in place.
So I'm gonna show you what we have It's currently like 11 and the guests are coming at 5 and then I also have to like get ready and make all the food So there is a lot to do.
Okay, so this is what we're working with I don't know if you guys can see the vision yet, but I definitely see the vision Basically, we rented these two like big long pools and then we strung some lights between them and then this is gonna be the table And I know it doesn't look like a table yet But these are like pallets and then I'm gonna have like a big board that goes over it So my dad's gonna help me with that and then there's gonna be quilts and like sheets and stuff and then Pillows so that everyone sits on a pillow and then over here my dad's thrown some more lights Which I think kind of just adds a little bit of ambience makes it feel a little more cozy and then over here I have some boards that I'm gonna be hanging my photos on as you guys saw yesterday I like picked out a bunch of photos got them from Walgreens.
So I just need to hang them up here So yeah, right now I'm gonna hang up all the like childhood photos and stuff onto this and then I'm just gonna keep doing things One by one like there is a lot to do but I'm just trying to take it one thing at a time and hopefully I can Finish everything in time Okay Guys I finished the photo area and I think it looks really cute The only thing is the wind keeps flipping the photos So I'm not really sure how to prevent that but other than that, I think it's really cute I did some photos of me older and then I tried to include photos of the friends that are gonna be there But I also mainly just did a lot of childhood photos because I think those are really cute The next thing I'm gonna work on is the painting area So I'm gonna get a table and set up the little easels and then the thing after that I think it's just gonna be making the food and then like actually setting up the table.
So we're gonna keep working Hi guys, so it's been a little bit since I talked to you last but I got ready and I'm kind of okay This is what I'm wearing I didn't really know what to do with my hair because I don't have time to like style it So I'm just kind of like wearing it like this.
Yeah, people are coming really soon So I'm gonna go help finish setting up.
We got it The like actual food the drinks and yeah, some people are gonna come hopefully it'll be a really good evening Okay, I'm gonna give you guys a quick little tour before everyone comes and it gets a little chaotic It's also not quite finished.
But when you walk in this is the overview over here We have drinks and I have just like Izzy's sparkling water And then I'm also gonna have meadow tea and regular water and then over here is gonna be the food like I said, we're having pasta shrimp chicken cheesecake, and then this is the table and I don't know like how this could have turned out anymore perfectly I'm absolutely obsessed with it and like I just I'm literally speechless Also, my sister's still working on this but there's gonna be charcuterie lined up all like along the table Which I think is such a cool concept because then what people are eating they can just like reach out and grab it and then There's also gonna be some of these disposable cameras that people can take photos on and then over here We have like the little painting station.
This is so random, but I printed out this photo it looks like a painting but it's just like regular paper, but it's like a little mouse and We have some flowers and then over here you guys have already seen this but we have the photos I can't shake the simplest feeling beyond the ghost We stand on the opposite shore Hello, Mona Oh, she's a model Oh, she's a model Okay My holy hole I look for the things I don't know Oh Show me where the ending goes