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AI 自動生成字幕
  • Someone took the E-Vac Someone took the E-Vac, yeah They just hit scan They're gonna lay in rock Grab this resupply Shoot them!

    誰かがE-バックを取った 誰かがE-バックを取った ああ 彼らはスキャンを打った 彼らは岩に横たわるつもりだ この補給をつかむ 彼らを撃つ

  • Shoot shoot shoot!


  • Get em get em!


  • Drive at em!


  • What the fuck?


  • Who did you put me?


  • Hello?


  • Where are they?


  • They went over the hill They went over the hill?

    丘を越えた 丘を越えた?

  • Yeah I think so too Oh right here!


  • Right here right here One one one!


  • Shoot shoot!


  • I almost hit the other guy Hit the guy!


  • Bomb bomb bomb!


  • Dude make 40 flush!


  • The other guy is still running 40 flush my ass!


  • I mean I can show you Let's get the other guy He's not peeking He's not swinging Swing you fucking pussy!

    もう一人捕まえよう 覗きもしないし、スイングもしない!

  • Bro I'm fucking flush I just got shot by his teammate Oh my god!


  • There's no reason to swing Damn it I fucking hate that Fucking Matafe throwing nades He can't fucking shoot I watched him climb and jump to me I know but I was staring at him for 5 seconds I was swinging You hit a vagina today man I'm not inting That one we gotta do it 40 flush!


  • How much did you hit him for?


  • Like 80 fucking Cap!


  • That's cap I hit him Get a full blue He popped the back you reckon?


  • Yeah you think so?


  • Did I make it?


  • There's another team I don't know how Jens died To a fucking Matafe Show me the slide It's Matafe Bro he told me we were landing at Echo Station Shut up Hal You don't even fly I landed before you I'm in the thingy Wait he just downed somebody Where?

    別のチームだ イェンスが死んだのは マタフェのせいだ スライドを見せろ マタフェだ 彼はエコー駅に 着陸すると言った 黙れハル 飛べもしないくせに 俺は先に着陸したんだ シンジの中なんだ

  • Wait I have no bats by the way Do I go die?


  • North West Shoot this fucker There's one he's in open Ok I'm currently dying hold up I'll be back soon I fucking hate my team mate I got you purple Not you the other one The other one I fucking hate it What the fuck Bro your name lines up As if you were in the water I thought you were angling the fucker out Where's he at?

    ノースウエスト このクソ野郎を撃て 今にも死にそうだ すぐに戻る チームメイトがクソ嫌いだ お前を捕まえた 紫だ お前じゃない もう1人だ クソ嫌いだ クソブロ お前の名前が並んでる まるで水の中にいるように クソ野郎を釣り上げてると思った 奴はどこだ?

  • He went back I cracked him He's back up now There's two here Fuck man Fuck man Fuck man I'm throwing bang on that thing I'm gonna ult her Fuse open This is not real holy fuck You guys have bats by the way?

    あいつが戻ったから 割ってやったんだ 二人いるんだ くそったれ くそったれ あいつをぶっ飛ばしてやる ヒューズを開けるんだ こんなの嘘だ ところでお前らバット持ってるか?

  • I'm going to charge now Gen come here What?


  • Oh you're charging Hell yeah Did he throw back?


  • Go go go Oh I don't get it back yet Whoops Bro are you stuck?


  • Bro holy shit Bro why did you go so early man Fuck I'm bugged man Anyone got ultic spells?


  • We're already trolling holy fuck The other one's trolling That guy's 1hp Any bats boys?

    俺たちはもう荒らしてるんだ もう一人が荒らしてるんだ あいつは1馬力だ 誰か打たないか?

  • How do you have no bats?


  • Because You guys grabbed it all I need ammo though I dropped two Wait I just took the wrong perk Fuck Bro this guy man Oh good I'm still running through my fuse ult Is there energy around here?


  • No Echo side Bro what else do you need gen?


  • Ammo that's about it Did you play the game?

    弾薬......それくらいかな 試合はやった?

  • I did I have 700 damage what are you doing?


  • Hey guys Stupid fuck Now I'm dead because of you Please come here I've been asking for 30 seconds now I'm in a phoenix wait No bats no ammo We just killed 3 people There's nothing in there I'll get this bat real quick Alright we're good Beep beep motherfuckers Let's go There's like nothing in I can put a gen on the car That'd be lit I think we put the gen on the car We can get under bridge Should we do a TSM?

    バカ野郎 お前らのせいで死んだんだ 頼むから来てくれ 30秒前から言ってるんだ フェニックスで待ってるんだ バットがない 弾薬もない 3人殺しただけだ 何もない バットを取ってくる よし いいぞ ビープ ビープ マザーファッカーズ 行くぞ 何もないようだ 車にジェネを付けよう ライトが点くはずだ 車にジェネを付けよう 橋の下に行ける TSMをやるか?

  • That would be funny Wait That would be really funny I have to get out of the car I'm pretty sure I can't just plug it in I can just plug it in That's it And you put the gen on the car And we boost in I'm doing it Let's go Under bridge We're good Oh my god I'm flying It actually blocked the fucking missile Get out Resing Shoot Shoot Run around the corner I'm running around the corner I'm fucking around the wall I'm resing Bro this fucking ping shit is insane Don't worry it's on the car Running up Wait what?

    それは面白い 車から降りないと プラグを挿すだけじゃダメだ プラグを挿すだけでいい そうだ 車にジェネを付けて ブーストするんだ 行くぞ 橋の下だ いいぞ なんてことだ飛んでる ミサイルがブロックされた 再接続しろ 撃て 角を曲がって走ってる 壁を曲がって走ってる 再接続してる 兄弟 このクソPingは正気じゃない 心配するな 車に付いてる

  • Get it from north I've got it Healing We're good we can stabilize Alright I don't know if we can Are you back there?

    北から持ってくるんだ ヒーリング 大丈夫だ 安定させることができる よし、できるかどうかわからない 戻れるか?

  • No I'm here How's the fucking wire bro I'm good Kill one Yeah I'm swinging are you ready?

    No I'm here How's the fucking wire bro I'm good Kill one Yeah I'm swinging Are you ready?

  • Yeah I'm climbing up bro Guys I'm not real Corner He was right behind you He was right in the door Alright we're locked We've actually won the game Actually speaking gibberish Holy fuck Yeah yeah Die boys easy We're locked I can't guys not understand Like come on I know I know why Alright Grab an albatross Here's an albatross I have one I can grab another one Yeah here's two of them Over here Alright I'm moving tents off Go top Sorry no one's on the fucking top Now we're dead I'm moving ten out Watson maybe play the fucking game Nah I'm not gonna grab the ult excels I guess All good Alright Where's gen?

    "俺達はロックされたんだ" "俺達はロックされたんだ" "俺達はロックされたんだ" "俺達はロックされたんだ" "俺達はロックされたんだ" "俺達はロックされたんだアホウドリだ 1匹いる もう1匹つかめる 2匹いる こっちだ よし テントを移動する 上に誰もいなくて残念だ 俺たちは死んでる 10匹移動する ワトソン たぶんクソゲームをするんだ いや ウルト・エクセルは つかまないよ

  • Gen gonna be good It's in 5% guys Bro I actually can't loot with this zipline Put your gen down dude Guys come up Alright We have won the game Zero that means I die That means you not die Hal Yeah Hal It's back to your turn gen Huh?

    このジップラインじゃ略奪は無理だ ゲンを下ろせ みんな上がってこい ゲームに勝ったんだ ゼロってことは俺は死ぬってことだ つまりお前は死なないってことだ ハル そうだハル 君のターンに戻る ゲン?

  • Bro you are always on his dick No I'm saying you died to the last one You're always on his dick always You're the last one to die Is he your dad?


  • No You abused your partner We're in a loving relationship Just wanna get back Dead Dead Kill this guy first What?


  • You're so lost I'm going eco station That's good There's two arks in that guy Hal There's four nades on this guy as well Move them up How long have we camped here?

    迷子になりそうだ エコ・ステーションに行く それはいい あの男にはアークが2つある ハル この男にもナデが4つある 彼らを上に移動させろ どれくらいここでキャンプしてる?

  • Like two days right?


  • It's three days until the event starts But we also have two days in the middle of the event When we're not playing at all Why?


  • Because one day is group A And the second day is group B And the third day is LCP bracket And then we play finals So we only play 10 games per group?


  • Yeah Yeah All of us or what?


  • Imagine the comms then Definitely not you Why?


  • I think you'd be an alien This guy There's an invisible wall here I can't see on my sight Look at the zone What the fuck?


  • I can't see it still It's invisible Look at the zone Yeah that's good This is brain dead You said we were going to win the game What the fuck is that monstrosity I can jump on this guy They're kind of fighting over here They're going for the package Go go go I'll be watching What's that fucking in the open?

    まだ見えない 見えないぞ ゾーンを見ろ いいぞ これは脳死状態だ 試合に勝つと言ったのに あの怪物は何だ? こいつに飛び乗れるぞ こっちでケンカしてるみたいだ パッケージを狙ってるんだ 行け行け 俺は見てるぞ あのクソオープンは何だ?

  • It's a staircase They're zipping at us Bang one This is not real life This is not real life The bangs dusted We can actually jump on them Yeah Can you CQ?


  • You can stay high Yeah I'm CQing I'm watching the swing I'm watching the swing Pop crack one shot dead There's another zip on me I think No we're good You can kill him I'm going to hide Go go I need energy Pivot in the water In front of me below Who just flew in?

    You can stay high Yeah I'm CQing I'm watching the swing I'm watching the swing Pop crack one shot dead There's another zip on me I think No we're good You can kill him I'm going to hide Go go I need energy Pivot in the water In front of me below Who just

  • I just flew in the corner I was on the bottom of the building Another team flying Underneath us We do it again They're going to get banner maybe They're fighting?

    コーナーで飛んだんだ ビルの底にいたよ 別のチームが飛んできたんだ 僕らの下でね またやるんだ 彼らは旗を手にするつもりなんだろう たぶん 戦ってるんだろう?

  • Not bad idea I can't hit him I got stunned I'm putting another generator tower down I need ammo They're fighting at far side There's like 10 boxes there Here's a duo by the way maybe underneath us I'm lagging Let's get these kills What are you doing down there?

    いい考えだ 打てない 気絶させられた もう1つ発電タワーを置く 弾薬が必要だ 向こう側で戦ってる 10個の箱がある ところで2人組がいる 俺たちの下かも 遅れてる キルを取ろう そこで何してる?

  • I'm looting I need energy Kills?


  • I have 200 Drop me like 40 Let's get these kills I'm trying I'm on the swing right I can barely see them This team is like barely safe They're putting them over here across They're putting them underneath us They're crossing underneath They're in the room One here on the rock That's a big AWP 50 Shmoopin The fuck was that shmoopin dude He's trying to kill me You guys are ass What?

  • The guy is killing you I'll kill his maybe I don't know I'll give you energy Why did you give him the energy?


  • You both have no energy I have 80 Double Now I'm fine Why?


  • We're pretty fucked in end game Jump out and play straight rock Yeah we definitely do Or we can play for the roof And win the game Wait for the roof in front of the team below us No we can put an evac down Jump across They're going They're going underneath I can't tell There's one team on the roof They're probably inside I see them underneath So there's nobody inside There's two on the roof 32 reds down We just go rock then?

    俺たちは終盤でかなりやられてる 飛び出してそのままロックで勝負するか それとも屋根の上で勝負するか 俺たちの下のチームの前で屋根の上で勝負するか いや、俺たちは下に避難することができる ジャンプして横切ろう 彼らが行く 下に行く わからないけど 屋根の上に1チームいる たぶん中にいる 下にいるのが見えるから 中には誰もいない 屋根の上に2人いる 赤が32人倒れている じゃあロックで勝負するか?

  • Rock is like winning blood The roof is brick I can go there now And you guys can cover me And I can put gen down Like on the wall The only wall that's there You can probably go early Before we get fucked I can smoke myself I'm ult-excelling again They're both logan We can shoot logan One guy inside Look underneath Crypto almost cracked I'm low I have 50 energy now That's not good I can nade roof It's one guy I think Got anything?

    ロックは勝利の血のようだ 屋根はレンガだ 今なら行ける 援護してくれ 壁にゲンを置ける 唯一の壁だ ヤラれる前に 早めに行くんだ 煙を吸える またウルトエクセルだ 二人ともローガンだ ローガンを撃てる 中に一人いる クリプトの下を見ろ ほとんど割れてる 低いエネルギーだ 今50だ まずいな 屋根を壊せる 一人だと思う 何かあったか?

  • 60 on the roof They're nading us I'm just putting gen down here They're inside They don't have gen I'm playing stackers They're all coming out the door I killed one Let's go Let's go That was TSM Gaming Oh my god we beat TSM Big cocker Dude I'm telling you We should change our POIs Yeah Mils is really bad Milskywise is awful Let's go echo station Echo is really good Did I just hear oh my god big cock Let's go Big cocker

    60 on the roof They're nading us I'm just putting gen down here They're inside They don't have gen I'm playing stackers They're coming all out door I killed one Let's go Let's go That was TSM Gaming Oh my god we beat TSM Big cocker Dude I'm telling you We

Someone took the E-Vac Someone took the E-Vac, yeah They just hit scan They're gonna lay in rock Grab this resupply Shoot them!

誰かがE-バックを取った 誰かがE-バックを取った ああ 彼らはスキャンを打った 彼らは岩に横たわるつもりだ この補給をつかむ 彼らを撃つ

AI 自動生成字幕

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