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Back in 2017, Paris mayor Anne Hidalgo reinforced one thing in the city's final push to host the 2024 Summer Olympics.
2017 年、パリ市長のアンヌ・イダルゴは、2024 年の夏季オリンピック開催に向けた最後の追い込みであることを強調しました。
That its famous river, the Seine, would be a key fixture of the Games, including an historic Olympics opening ceremony.
The first held outside of a stadium, for which French officials initially said there is no plan B.
スタジアムの外で初めて行われるもので、フランスの関係者は最初に「プラン B はない」と言っていました。
And that open water swimming events would be held in it.
It's not hard to see why.
The Seine runs along some of Paris' most famous landmarks, like the Eiffel Tower and Notre Dame.
The thing is, swimming has been banned in the Seine for a century.
セーヌ川で泳ぐことは 100 年前から禁止されています。
And that's because the river Seine has human s*** in it.
(Speaking in French) Yes, for me, it's total nonsense.
I think the Seine is sill polluted and I'm not sure that the swimmers will emerge unhared after this swimming session.
Like many urban waterways around the world, the Seine takes on sewage overflow during heavy rain when city's underground sewer systems get overwhelmed with stormwater.
Hidalgo even said she would take a swim in the Seine herself ahead of the Games.
French President Emmanuel Macron promised the same thing.
They say they're confident because of an enormous underground infrastructure project they've built near the river.
To ensure, as much as possible, that it won't s*** on their parade.
This isn't the first time Olympic open water swimming events — the triathlon, paratriathlon and marathon swimming — were at risk of being canceled last minute due to water quality issues.
We saw some of the same headlines during the 2020 Olympics in Tokyo and the 2016 Olympics in Rio de Janeiro.
2020 年の東京オリンピックや 201 年のリオデジャネイロオリンピックでも、同じような見出しを目にしました。
In both cases, they pulled it off.
And Paris hopes to do the same.
But the journey to clean up the Seine hasn't come without a few setbacks.
A preliminary event in the river scheduled for August 2023 was canceled when water analysis showed an unacceptable amount of E. coli in the water.
2023 年 8 月に予定されていた川での予備イベントは、水質分析で許容できない量の大腸菌が検出されたため中止となりました。
E. coli are bacteria that originate in the intestinal tracts of warm-blooded animals.
Presence of them in water is a strong indicator of recent fecal contamination, which can make you very, very, very sick.
In order for an open water swim event to be given the go-ahead, water analysis reports must be submitted no more than 48 hours prior to competition.
オープンウォータースイム競技が実施されるためには、競技の 48 時間前までに水質分析報告書が提出されなければなりません。
Those samples cannot exceed more than 1,000 CFU colony-forming units of E. coli per 100 milliliters of water,
そのサンプルは、100 ミリリットルの水あたり 1,000 CFU(コロニー形成単位)を超える大腸菌の数であってはなりません。
and 400 CFU of Enterococci, another bacteria associated with feces.
そして、便に関連する別のバクテリアであるエンテロコッカスの数は、400 CFU を超えてはなりません。
Test results published just four months ahead of the Games showed that river samples taken at this bridge, the site of open water swimming events, still failed to get under that crucial 1,000 number for permissible levels of E. coli.
大会のわずか 4 カ月前に発表された検査結果によると、オープンウォータースイミングの会場となったこの橋で採取された河川サンプルは、大腸菌の許容レベルの重要な数値である 1,000 を下回ることができなかったです。
You can see where this contamination is coming from by taking a look at this 1852 map, showing how the original Paris sewer system was built.
この 1852 年の地図を見ると、パリの最初の下水システムがどのように作られたかがわかります。
It dumps right into the Seine.
Which is gross, but it's not a problem that's unique to Paris.
Many urban sewer systems work this way.
Before I get into that, though, I want to tell you about the sponsor of today's video, BetterHelp.
その話をする前に、今日の動画のスポンサーについて話しておきたい、BetterHelp さんです。
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Take a moment, visit betterhelp.com slash voxvideo to get 10% off your first month.
少し時間をください。betterhelp.com slash voxvideo で初月 10% オフ。
Many cities that built sewer systems in the mid-1800s to early 1900s, like Paris did, installed what's known as a combined sewer system.
パリのように 1800 年代半ばから 1900 年代初頭にかけて下水道システムを構築した都市の多くは、いわゆる合流式下水道システムを導入していました。
In a combined sewer system, the same pipes that handle wastewater also handle stormwater, which gets collected through storm drains in the street.
Everything gets sent along to be processed at water treatment facilities, and then cycles out to the natural environment.
When it rains a lot, the sewers can get too full.
When this happens, rather than flooding back into the street, the excess combined wastewater and stormwater gets partially redirected to a nearby waterway.
Which is why E. coli levels in water can spike dramatically in the hours following heavy rain.
It's because that water was recently contaminated with s**t.
So you'll see signs near combined sewer outfalls that prohibit swimming after heavy rain.
If that happens during the Olympics, it could mean canceling open water swimming events.
So Paris built a giant tank.
This 13.2 million gallon capacity underground reservoir and tunnel is part of a $1.5 billion U.S. dollar infrastructure project that aims to clean up the Seine.
この 13.2 百万ガロンの容量を持つ地下貯水池とトンネルは、セーヌ川の浄化を目指す 15 億ドルのインフラプロジェクトの一部です。
It's called the Austerlitz Basin, built near the Austerlitz metro station right by the Seine, with the tunnel running under the river to the sewers.
French officials opened the basin less than three months ahead of the Olympics opening ceremony, which is scheduled for July 26th.
フランス当局は、7 月 26 日に予定されている五輪開会式まで 3 カ月を切った時点で、この流域を開設しました。
I'll let this guy explain how it works.
(Speaking in French) The mixture of wastewater and rainwater during the more intense episode will arrive through this pipe and fill the basin to its full capacity.
And wehn the pool, the rain is over, the basin is emptied by a systen for pumping much smaller pipes that will empty into the sewer on Boulevard de l'Hôpital.
Basically, the system will hold excess water so the sewers don't get overwhelmed in a heavy rainstorm.
And then it will methodically release the water back through the sewer system.
Reservoirs like this have worked in other cities with big populations, like the Thornton Composite Reservoir outside of Chicago, which can hold nearly 8 billion gallons of wastewater.
このような貯水池は、ソーントンのような人口の多い他の都市でも機能しています。シカゴ郊外にあるコンポジット貯水池は、約 80 億ガロンの廃水を貯めることができます。
And this combined sewer outflow facility in the Perdigat Basin in New York, designed to prevent contamination of the basin and nearby Jamaica Bay.
The Austerlitz Basin isn't designed to clean the Seine.
That's an ongoing, multi-pronged process.
This project was built to prevent further, and sudden, contamination of the Seine from combined sewer overflow.
The goal, according to French officials, is to resort to opening the sewer overflow gates that dump into the Seine no more than twice a year, compared to the current rate of 10 to 15 times per year.
フランス政府関係者によれば、セーヌ川に流れ込む下水道オーバーフローのゲートを開ける回数を、現在の年 10〜15 回から年 2 回までに減らすことが目標だという。
Paris will continue testing as the Olympics rapidly approach, but Hidalgo and Macron have yet to swim in the Seine.
If it all goes perfectly according to plan, a significant rainstorm could still contaminate the Seine, forcing open-water swimming events to be postponed.
(Speaking in French) There are things we won't be able to control, it's impossible.
So, there are, for example, retention basins that have been built.
But if there's a huge storm where you end up with a long rainy period, well, that's something we can't predict.
The idea of making the Seine swimmable again goes beyond just the 2024 Olympic Games.
セーヌ川を再び泳げるようにするというアイデアは、2024 年のオリンピックだけにとどまりません。
It seems to be a good thing to start last in this annual race through Paris, because the River Seine gets so full you could almost walk over the swimmers in front.
It brings the city back to a time when the river was a place for Parisians to cool off in the summer instead of a biohazard.
Once the Olympics are over, that becomes the next phase of this project.
According to Mayor Anne Hidalgo, three swimming sites in the Seine will open to the general public in 2025, thanks to the Games.
アーロン・イダルゴ市長によれば、大会のおかげで、2025 年にはセーヌ川の 3 つの水泳場が一般に開放されるという。
(Speaking in French) Almost 100 years after the ban on swimming in the Seine, yes, my friends, we will once more allow swimming in the Seine.
As for the plan to host the opening ceremony along the Seine, French President Emmanuel Macron has now said that there are backup plans if the security risk is too high.
Whether or not open-water swimming will be possible can only be determined hours before the events and will be at the mercy of rain.
Meaning, making the Seine swimmable in time for the Olympics is going to take a lot of work and a lot of luck.