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  • Are you excited about improving your business English in the new year?


  • If so, then I have two practical English habits for you in this episode.


  • Hi, I'm your English coach, Christina, and welcome to Speak English with Christina, the best place to become more confident speaking business English step-by-step.

    こんにちは、英語コーチのクリスティーナです。ビジネス英語を自信を持って話せるようになるための最高の場所、Speak English with Christinaへようこそ。

  • First, I want to say Happy New Year to you and that I'm looking forward to making 2021, really, a fantastic year for you and for our community of learners, like, around the world.


  • Because I think that, you know, no matter what happens this year, together, we can handle it.


  • Now, you may hear a lot of people who talk about New Year's resolutions.


  • Now, personally, you know, I don't make resolutions because we... we all know what happens to resolutions.


  • Yeah, they get broken.


  • And we want to make, you know, some big change in our lives, and we're maybe good at it for a few weeks, or maybe a few days for some of us.

  • Because, I mean, life just happens and our resolutions are broken.

  • So, instead of giving you, for example, like, 10 New Year's resolutions to improve your English, let's be more practical.


  • To start 2021 on the right foot, I want to share with you two ways that you can start building some good English habits step-by-step.


  • And I recommend that you pick just one of these habits.


  • Put that habit in place before you add another one.


  • And, like I said, if you do it step-by-step, it's more sustainable, it becomes like a real routine, and it just... it just works better.


  • So, habit number one is: Connect with someone in English every day.


  • Because, you know, connecting with others, it makes us happier.

  • It's good for our mental health.


  • I think we all saw how important it is to connect with other people.


  • You know, last year, we experienced that.


  • But when you connect with others in English, you know, it's a chance to use your English to practice.


  • And, you know, this can be any kind of connection.


  • It can be just a... a quick text message or WhatsApp.


  • It could be an email to a friend or a coworker.


  • Maybe a message in a Facebook group in English, you know, any kind of connection.


  • It doesn't have to be just speaking with someone.


  • But, you know, if you want to speak with someone in English, one thing I can suggest is my Faster Fluency Conversation Club.


  • Because you can find, you know, English buddies from around the world and connect with them pretty much every day.

  • And, I mean, personally, like, I love my Faster Fluency Conversation Club because the members are so, like, kind and supportive and friendly and, you know, determined to learn and share with each other.

    それに、個人的には、『Faster Fluency Conversation Club』のメンバーはとても親切で、協力的で、友好的で、お互いに学び合い、分かち合おうと決意しているから、大好きなんだ。

  • And, like, when I was a kid back in Mississippi,


  • you know, one of my dreams was to be able to know other countries and other cultures and be able to meet people from around the world.

  • So, it's kind of like, I get to live my dream with this program.


  • But it's a great program for exchanging and connecting with others in English, if you're interested.


  • Another habitso, habit number twois to add one English activity to, for example, your morning routine.


  • And I suggest that you make it an activity that you can associate with something that you already do in the morning.


  • For example, a concrete example.


  • Every morning, I sit down at this table and I have breakfast.


  • Like, I have done this for my entire life, so I don't have to think about having breakfast.


  • Now, recently, I started learning German.


  • So, I started a habit where, when I sit down to have my breakfast, I turn on a German podcast and I listen to it as I'm having breakfast.


  • And the idea is that I associate one strong habit, having breakfast, and I associate or connect it with the new habit, listening to a German podcast.


  • So, it becomes really automatic.


  • I sit down to have breakfast, I listen to my German podcast.


  • And if you can find one activity that you can, like, attach to an existing activity, it's much easier to make it a habit.


  • So, for example, maybe while you do sports or exercise, you can listen to music or listen to a podcast in English.


  • Maybe during your breakfast, you can listen to a podcast or read something in English.


  • In the morning, you know, do a yoga video that is in English instead of doing a yoga video in your native language.


  • But find a way to attach that new English habit to the old one that you already have.


  • So, there you go, those are two ways that you can start building your 2021 English routine.


  • But, like I said, pick just one of those habits to start, get it in place, and then you can start to do something else.


  • And I would love to know: How are you going to take action on this video?


  • Share it in the comments down below and tell us: What habit are you going to try to get in the new year, or how are you going to connect with some people in the new year?


  • And, like I said, if you want to make it easy to connect with people, you can go ahead and join my Faster Fluency Conversation Club.

    そして、私が言ったように、人とのつながりを簡単にしたいのであれば、私のFaster Fluency Conversation Clubに入会してください。

  • You'll get, of course, the connection, the speaking practice, vocabulary, and, of course, more confidence and more fluency.


  • So, I'll put a link to that down below this video and a discount code so you can save 40% off your first month and start 2021 on the right foot.


  • All right, you guys, Happy New Year to you.


  • I'm just trying something different for the new year with the... the setting here.


  • So, new year, new... new setting.


  • Let me know what you think about it, and I will see you very soon for some more episodes to help you become more confident in English.


  • All right, see you guys. Bye.

    分かった。また会おう。 さようなら。

Are you excited about improving your business English in the new year?


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