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You've probably seen the option at checkout to split a purchase into separate interest-free installments.
Buy Now, Pay Later is just a way of spreading out the cost of a purchase over a few installments.
Buy Now, Pay Laterとは、購入代金を数回に分けて支払う方法である。
Usually it's four at zero percent, so it's pretty attractive for a lot of people.
The number of Buy Now, Pay Later loans increased nearly 1,100 percent between 2019 and 2021.
Buy Now, Pay Laterローンの数は、2019年から2021年にかけて約1,100%増加した。
That rapid growth has some analysts concerned because where there are loans, there's debt.
But exactly how much debt is still unclear.
You know, we've often referred to this as phantom debt, where it's sort of flying under the radar, not really something that anybody has a good grasp on.
私たちはよく "幻の負債 "と呼んでいるが、これはレーダーの目をかいくぐっているようなもので、誰もよく把握していない。
Our back-of-the-envelope estimates put the BNPL market at somewhere in the neighborhood of $50 billion.
So you're talking comfortably a third of the transaction increase in credit card volume.
That could imply that households are more in debt than we even know because we're not really measuring this booming space of Buy Now, Pay Later.
I think you could be missing or misrepresenting how healthy the consumer is.
The notion of this phantom debt being out there is just not true.
We know from publicly reported information how many folks are taking out loans and how many of them default, and it's a very, very low number.
Buy Now, Pay Later users are more financially vulnerable.
Buy Now, Pay Laterの利用者は経済的に脆弱である。
It's those users who are using Buy Now, Pay Later more frequently for household goods, for essentials.
日用品や必需品の購入に「Buy Now, Pay Later」を頻繁に利用しているのは、そうしたユーザーだ。
So that type of user and that type of pattern is the big concern.
Here's why phantom debt is looming over U.S. consumers and the economy.
It was first called phantom debt in this Wells Fargo report that called attention to the fact that there is no hard measure of how many Buy Now, Pay Later loans are out there,
幻の負債と呼ばれるようになったのは、このウェルズ・ファーゴの報告書の中で、Buy Now, Pay Laterローンがどれだけ存在するのか、消費者がこれらのローンをどのように利用しているのか、本当に返済を続けているのか、それとも滞納しているのか、といった事実について明確な指標がないことに注目が集まったからである。
how consumers are doing with these loans, whether they're really keeping up with their payments or falling behind.
Not having a clear read of underlying debt burdens in general, particularly for the household sector, can be a concern because you could be assessing the health of the household sector and looking at debt-to-income ratios, net worth being higher across the income spectrum, income growth,
all of these variables that suggest that the household sector and consumer in general are actually doing fairly well despite elevated inflation and challenges in the broader economy.
But if you're missing a piece of that puzzle, right, if you're looking at all of household debt and thinking it's all household debt, but there's this other component that's lurking in the background of this phantom debt Buy Now, Pay Later segment,
しかし、もしあなたがパズルのピースを見逃しているのだとしたら、つまり、家計負債すべてを見て、それが家計負債すべてだと考えているのだとしたら、しかし、この幻の負債「Buy Now, Pay Later」の背景には別の要素が潜んでいるのだとしたら、消費者がどれほど健全であるかを見逃しているか、あるいは誤って伝えている可能性があると思います。
I think you could be missing or misrepresenting how healthy the consumer is.
The most recent information comes from data disclosed at the discretion of individual Buy Now, Pay Later companies, as well as various privately conducted consumer surveys.
最新の情報は、各Buy Now, Pay Later企業の裁量で開示されたデータ、および民間で実施された様々な消費者調査によるものである。
This lack of centralized data has made it difficult to reach a consensus about exactly how much high-risk debt is out there.
Since Buy Now, Pay Later loans are not currently reported to the major credit reporting agencies, it's a challenge for lenders to know how many loans a consumer has outstanding and how well they're doing paying back those loans.
現在、Buy Now, Pay Laterローンは主要な信用調査機関に報告されていないため、貸金業者にとって、消費者のローン残高や返済状況を知ることは難しい。
According to Afterpay, one of the major five Buy Now, Pay Later companies, 98% of their purchases did not incur a late fee as of the fourth quarter of 2023.
Buy Now, Pay Laterの大手5社のうちの1社であるAfterpayによると、2023年第4四半期の時点で、購入金額の98%に遅延損害金が発生していない。
The Financial Technology Association is a trade group that represents four of the largest Buy Now, Pay Later providers, Klarna, Afterpay, Zip and PayPal.
Financial Technology Associationは、Buy Now, Pay Laterプロバイダーの最大手4社、Klarna、Afterpay、Zip、PayPalを代表する業界団体である。
I do think the concern over phantom debt is overblown.
When you look at the industry, even under Wells Fargo's own report in which they estimate the Buy Now, Pay Later industry to be around $45 billion, less than 2% are in default or what we would say not making their payment.
ウェルズ・ファーゴのレポートによると、Buy Now, Pay Later(今すぐ買って、後で払う)業界は約450億ドルで、デフォルト(支払いが滞っている)状態にあるのは2%以下である。450億ドルの2%は10億ドルに満たない。
2% of $45 billion is less than $1 billion.
Compare that to over $1 trillion worth of credit card debt.
And so I think we need to put it in perspective.
But a 2024 survey by Harris Poll on behalf of Bloomberg found that 43% of consumers who owe money to Buy Now, Pay Later services said they were behind on payments.
しかし、ブルームバーグに代わってハリス・ポールが行った2024年の調査では、Buy Now, Pay Laterサービスでお金を借りている消費者の43%が、支払いが滞っていると回答している。
Consumer Reports also conducts surveys on the issue.
We found in one of our surveys that the top reason for using Buy Now, Pay Later was to purchase something that the consumer couldn't otherwise afford.
ある調査によると、Buy Now, Pay Laterを利用する理由のトップは、消費者が他の方法では買えないものを購入するためであった。
So it's clear that Buy Now, Pay Later, it can lead to consumers making purchases that they can't repay and then running behind on payments, which then triggers late fees and also just leads to greater accumulation of debt.
つまり、Buy Now, Pay Laterは、消費者が返済不可能な買い物をし、支払いが滞り、遅延損害金が発生し、さらに借金を増やすことにつながることは明らかだ。
Buy Now, Pay Later is similar to layaway programs that became popular during the Great Depression.
Buy Now, Pay Laterは、大恐慌時代に流行した取り置きプログラムに似ている。
Retailers were aware of how little cash Americans had.
So they created pay structures where the consumer would give a down payment to a retailer in order to pick up an item and then make payments and installments.
Layaway began to decline in popularity in the 1980s and 1990s when credit cards became more widely available.
Buy Now, Pay Later doesn't seem to be going in that direction.
Buy Now, Pay Later(今すぐ買って、後で払う)」の方向には進んでいないようだ。
Juniper Research estimates that these transactions could reach almost $700 billion by 2028.
The Wells Fargo report concluded that the Buy Now, Pay Later market may be small now, but we don't know how fast it's growing.
ウェルズ・ファーゴの報告書は、「Buy Now, Pay Later」市場は現在小さいかもしれないが、その成長速度はわからないと結論づけている。
It logically follows that we simply cannot know when it will be a problem.
Just some sort of nationally measured data would be so helpful just to understand really just how big of a burden this is for households.
One of the challenges with this source of borrowing is just how unregulated it is.
So to my knowledge, there's not many questions that are actually asked before you're offered a Buy Now, Pay Later option when you go to check out.
だから、私の知る限りでは、チェックアウトに行くときに "Buy Now, Pay Later "オプションを提示される前に、実際に質問されることはあまりない。
Buy Now, Pay Later companies generally don't report information to the major credit bureaus, which means these loans typically aren't reflected in people's credit scores.
一般的に、Buy Now, Pay Later(今すぐ買って、後で払う)会社は主要な信用情報機関に情報を報告しないため、これらのローンは通常、人々のクレジット・スコアに反映されない。
If someone falls delinquent on one of these loans, it will show up in a bankruptcy report, but that's the only way it shows up on a consumer profile.
There's currently no formal way for economists, regulators, and analysts to know how rapidly Buy Now, Pay Later loan debt is growing, which could lead to unforeseen economic consequences.
経済学者、規制当局、アナリストが、Buy Now, Pay Laterローンの負債がどれほど急速に増えているかを知る正式な方法は今のところない。
In order to fully or accurately assess the health of the financial sector, you have to accurately understand how much of a debt burden is out there and how that's manageable against the income side for households generally.
The biggest challenge is that regulators just don't know how much exists.
So I think you have regulators trying to regulate this segment similar to credit card debt, even though it's not equivalent, just to, again, wrap their hands around it and have it monitored so that it isn't a area of financial instability from a household debt perspective.
This lack of scrutiny about whether a consumer can pay back a loan could have consequences for the lenders as well.
Credit scores try to provide an objective assessment of how likely a person is to pay their bills.
The average FICO score in the U.S. was 715 in 2023.
Lenders use these scores to set the terms of a loan, which could dictate the spending power of the American consumer.
Having Buy Now, Pay Later activity separate from the current credit check system prevents lenders from having that data to make an informed decision about whether a consumer is likely to default on the loan.
Buy Now, Pay Laterの活動を現行の信用調査システムとは別に行うことで、貸金業者は消費者が貸し倒れを起こす可能性があるかどうかについて十分な情報を得た上で判断するためのデータを持つことができなくなる。
But incorporating this data into credit scores can get complicated.
We believe that somebody consistently paying $25 over the course of four weeks or six weeks consistently, responsibly, on time should be able to score positively.
Unfortunately, today, every time you take out a Buy Now, Pay Later loan, it looks like you've maxed out your credit.
残念なことに、今日では、Buy Now, Pay Laterローンを利用するたびに、クレジットの限度額を超えているように見える。
And so, unfortunately, it's scored as a negative.
So we believe that these products are consumer-friendly.
We believe they should enhance consumer scores, their credit history, and their scoring.
We have been actively working with the credit rating agencies to be able to think through how to modernize their own scoring to be able to capture that better.
But that's still a little ways away.
They're just not there yet.
And there's also consumer protections built into the Buy Now, Pay Later products.
また、Buy Now, Pay Later商品には消費者保護も組み込まれている。
If you are late on a payment, you are paused until you complete your payments.
That's different than one in which you're able to have a revolving debt and pay interest on it.
So there's consumer protections that are built in there.
The caveat to those safeguards is that the companies don't communicate with one another.
If a user is behind on a loan from a specific Buy Now, Pay Later company, they can still take out a loan from a different one.
利用者が特定の「Buy Now, Pay Later」会社からのローンを滞納している場合でも、別の会社からローンを組むことができる。
That's problematic because if you are a consumer who does rely on Buy Now, Pay Later and who has maybe a few outstanding installments,
that would go against how much more leverage you can take out or how much more a lender provider would be willing to lend you money just based on your debt-to-income ratio generally.
So I think it's problematic in that it doesn't show up in the credit profile for lenders because it's sort of they're taking on a risk that they're not aware of potentially.
While there is not currently a solution for tackling the credit score mismatch, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau issued an interpretive rule in May of 2024 that says Buy Now, Pay Later firms must comply with certain U.S. credit card laws.
クレジット・スコアのミスマッチに取り組むための解決策は今のところないが、消費者金融保護局は2024年5月、Buy Now, Pay Later企業は特定の米国クレジットカード法を遵守しなければならないという解釈規則を発表した。
It's recognizing Buy Now, Pay Later as a form of a credit card.
クレジットカードの一形態として、Buy Now, Pay Laterを認知しているのだ。
So that regulation means that the industry must make refunds for returned products or canceled services.
They need to investigate merchant disputes and pause payments during those probes as well as providing bills that have full fee disclosures so customers know exactly the interest rate or the late fees that could apply.
Those provisions are a really important step forward because many Buy Now, Pay Later users have highlighted issues with disputes when they receive a faulty product or they don't receive the product at all,
というのも、多くのBuy Now, Pay Laterユーザーが、欠陥のある商品を受け取ったとき、あるいは商品がまったく届かなかったときに、誰に支払いを止めさせればいいのか、あるいは商品を返品したときにどうなるのか、Buy Now, Pay Laterプロバイダーからどのように返金を受ければいいのか、といった紛争に関する問題を取り上げてきたからだ。
and they get the runaround on who to go to to stop payment or what happens when they return the product and how they get a refund from the Buy Now, Pay Later provider.
So it's a useful first step to address one of the biggest concerns for consumers.
We appreciate CFPB trying to put some definition around Buy Now, Pay Later, what it means to be a Buy Now, Pay Later company and many of the things that they are asking for companies to do,
CFPBが、Buy Now, Pay Laterの定義や、Buy Now, Pay Later企業であることの意味、また、手数料の完全開示やリターンの透明性など、企業に求めていることの多くを示そうとしていることは評価できる。
such as full disclosure of fees, transparency on kind of what returns are.
Our companies had already doing it.
So to try to level set the industry and to ensure that all of those that are claiming or wanting to be or advertising as Buy Now, Pay Later, that they're still meeting the same standards that our companies have.
そこで、業界を平準化し、「Buy Now, Pay Later(今すぐ買って、後で払う)」と主張したり、そうなりたがったり、広告を出したりしているすべての業者が、私たちの会社と同じ基準を満たしていることを確認しようとするのです。
Most experts say that this new regulation just doesn't go far enough.
It's really just the tip of the iceberg because it doesn't get at the bigger problem, which is how to account for the spant of debt.
If these Buy Now, Pay Later providers are compelled to report their data to credit reporting agencies, then we would have this central agency monitoring the ballooning space of Buy Now, Pay Later.
もし、これらのBuy Now, Pay Laterプロバイダーが信用調査機関にデータを報告することを強制されれば、この中央機関がBuy Now, Pay Laterの膨れ上がるスペースを監視することになる。
We think that the CFPB really needs to go further and require Buy Now, Pay Later providers to assess a consumer's ability to repay and to have reasonable late fees.
CFPBはさらに踏み込んで、Buy Now, Pay Laterプロバイダーに対し、消費者の返済能力を評価し、妥当な遅延損害金を設定することを義務づける必要があると考える。
In general, we're very concerned with consumers becoming more and more overextended, especially in these current times with inflation and economic pressures.
It's showing in increasing credit card delinquencies and it's showing in the consumer surveys of Buy Now, Pay Later users who are increasingly missing payments.
それは、クレジットカードの延滞件数の増加に表れている。また、Buy Now, Pay Later(今すぐ買って、後で払う)利用者の消費者調査にも表れている。
There are a lot of new initiatives in this space because it's been so popular.
I mean, it's clearly not going anywhere.
We're going to keep seeing Buy Now, Pay Later.
It's just a question of whether consumers are going to be able to keep on top of it.