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  • So picture this, you're rocking Samsung's upcoming Galaxy Ring and it's not just tracking your steps and sleep, it's also helping you decide what's for dinner.

    思い浮かべてみてほしい。あなたはサムスンのGalaxy Ringを手にしていて、歩数や睡眠をトラッキングするだけでなく、夕食の献立を決めるのにも役立っている。

  • What's up guys, Sal here so here's the scoop.


  • According to some whispers from the Korean side Chosinbiz, Samsung's planning to team up the Galaxy Ring with its Samsung Food app which made its debut back in August 2023.

    韓国Chosinbizの囁きによると、サムスンはGalaxy Ringと、2023年8月にデビューしたSamsung Foodアプリとの連携を計画しているようだ。

  • What is Samsung Food, you ask?


  • Well, it's an app from Samsung that uses AI to give you recipe suggestions based on what you love and what's in season.


  • It's basically a meal planning and recipe discovery platform.


  • Now how's it going to work with the Galaxy Ring?


  • Well the details are still a bit fuzzy but the word on the street is that the Galaxy Ring will use its smarts to give you personalized meal suggestions based on your calorie consumption and body mass index.


  • In simple terms, the Galaxy Ring will collect your health data and based on that it will create a personalized diet plan for you.


  • Think of it like having a nutritionist on your ring.


  • Now here's where it gets even more sci-fi.


  • Samsung is planning to hook the Galaxy Ring up with your Samsung fridge.

    サムスンはGalaxy Ringをサムスンの冷蔵庫に接続する予定だ。

  • Yeah, the one with AI powers.


  • So this smart fridge is going to peek inside, see what you've got and then suggest recipes using those ingredients.


  • No more staring blankly at the fridge wondering what to cook with half-empty carton of eggs and some mysterious wedges in the crisper.


  • But wait, there's more.


  • Your Galaxy Ring will shoot those recipe details straight to your Samsung oven, again the one with AI.


  • That means no more fiddling with temperatures or timers, just start and watch the magic happen.


  • And if you're missing something crucial, don't sweat it, Samsung's got your back with their eFood Center ready to deliver whatever's missing straight to your doorstep.


  • So Samsung's goal here is to build an ecosystem even bigger than Apple's, connecting not just your phone and computer but everything in your home.


  • The catch?


  • You need AI-powered gadgets for it all to run smoothly.


  • Right now it feels too good to be true but man, the way AI is advancing, it won't be long before AI becomes a norm in appliances too.


  • But say if you don't have AI appliances like fancy fridge or oven, the Galaxy Ring will still team up with Samsung food to create a personalized diet plan for you.


  • Just keep in mind, you'll be on the chef's duty for cooking those meals.


  • Moving on, if you're the curious type of guy who likes to tinker around with wedges on your Samsung phone, you might have stumbled upon something interesting.


  • Turns out the Galaxy Ring has popped up in Samsung's stock battery widget with the likes of Galaxy Watch, Galaxy Fit, and Galaxy Buds signifying that Samsung is busy getting ready for its launch.

    サムスンの純正バッテリーウィジェットに、Galaxy Watch、Galaxy Fit、Galaxy Budsと一緒にGalaxy Ringが表示された。

  • When are they going to launch it?


  • Well, most likely in July at the Unpacked event.


  • What else do we know about the Galaxy Ring?


  • Well, it will come in multiple sizes.


  • It's made from titanium, it will weigh less than 3 grams, and it will be offered in three colors, ceramic black, platinum silver, and gold, and it offers multiple days of battery life.


  • It's capable of tracking sleep apnea, in addition to heart rate, breathing rate, sleep, and night movement.


  • And there are rumors that it will support wireless payments and ECG measurements.


  • Now, alongside the Ring, Samsung is also rolling out the new Galaxy Watch and they are reviving the Pro lineup.


  • Click here to know more and I'll see you there.


So picture this, you're rocking Samsung's upcoming Galaxy Ring and it's not just tracking your steps and sleep, it's also helping you decide what's for dinner.

思い浮かべてみてほしい。あなたはサムスンのGalaxy Ringを手にしていて、歩数や睡眠をトラッキングするだけでなく、夕食の献立を決めるのにも役立っている。

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