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  • A week later.


  • Can we bring the water to the pond?


  • What concentration is that?


  • Ok, it is the tooth.


  • Does a needle go in there?


  • No, this is the habitual expression as.


  • You never know when it will happen.


  • It is the habitual expression as well as the habitual expression of a needle.


  • It is the habitual expression of a needle.


  • It is the habitual expression of a needle.


  • So I recently upgraded to one of these DJI Osmo Pocket 3 to make my videos but before that I was using a lot my iPhone 12 Pro Max from 4 years ago and I was really happy with the image quality.

    最近、DJI Osmo Pocket 3にアップグレードして動画を撮影するようになったが、それまでは4年前のiPhone 12 Pro Maxをよく使っていて、画質には本当に満足していた。

  • Some of my most used videos were made almost exclusively using this phone so definitely you can start and grow a YouTube channel just with an iPhone.


  • But one thing I was not really happy with was the file management because I would record tons of footage because I messed up my lines so many times and shoot thousands of pictures for the thumbnails.


  • Being less disciplined as when I deload my files from an SD card I would sometimes even get the warning message from iCloud saying that my storage was almost full.


  • But buying a new expensive device such as the Pocket 3 is not really necessary anymore because if you have the same problem and need to free up some space on your iPhone, the best way to do it is with CleanMyPhone, an AI powered cleaner app for iPhone and iPad who are kindly sponsoring this video.

    しかし、Pocket 3のような高価なデバイスを新たに購入する必要はもうない。なぜなら、もしあなたが同じような問題を抱えていて、iPhoneの空き容量を確保する必要があるのなら、iPhoneとiPad用のAIクリーナーアプリであるCleanMyPhoneを使うのがベストだからだ。

  • When you run it for the first time, Declutter is going to scan all of your photos and go beyond your iPhone gallery looking for anything that it can clean out, checking at all the file size of your photos, videos and screenshots.


  • What really surprised me was to see that I have more than 3GB in screen recordings and if I look at my duplicate photos I have some of them that are more than 40MB each.


  • And it makes sense because when I'm about to post a photo on Instagram I always go through 2-3 sets of final editing touches so I always end up with 2-3-4 times the same photo in my gallery.


  • And once posted I tend to forget about them but now with Declutter I can really quickly identify them and clean up some space.


  • It's a careful file cleaner so it suggests all the duplicate photos that you can remove and keep only the best ones instead of all 10 same photos that you don't really need but it can do more than just declutter.


  • CleanMyPhone can also organize similar photos based on themes in categories like portraits, travel, pets, foods and text so it's easier to find what you're looking for.


  • And as you're going through organizing things you can also sort files by file size to make sure that you're keeping the correct resolution or getting rid of the biggest image that you don't want to hold on to.


  • Like these two similar 50MB photos of a pad thai, I don't think I need that.


  • And the app does everything on device, it doesn't need to connect to the internet so all your embarrassing selfies and private photos are safe.


  • If you're like me, a journey on a plane or a train is the perfect time to have a look at your photo gallery.


  • Not needing internet connection, you can just run the scan and take all the time you want to just sit there, go through all the photos and clean up your phone.


  • On top of keeping your phone organized, CleanMyPhone can also test your network connection to see if anything might be slowing it down.


  • It is also iPad compatible so you can keep all your photo libraries organized.


  • CleanMyPhone can save you a ton of time and storage to make room for new memories to bloom while keeping all the ones that you really care about without having to spend extra money every month for new iCloud storage.


  • Head over to the first link in the description and get started.


  • It's gonna give you 3 days free trial to find where the biggest files are currently hiding on your phone.


  • And thanks again CleanMyPhone for sponsoring this video.


  • I've been shooting with the Sony a7IV and the Sigma 35mm f2, contemporary lens.

    ソニーa7IVとシグマ35mm F2、コンテンポラリーレンズで撮影している。

  • I love this lens so far, it's a bit heavy, it has a few flaws like the heavy vignetting and some fringing that are quite wide open apertures.


  • But otherwise it is a very solid lens, beautiful bokeh, f2 is plenty enough on full frame and it's much lighter than the f1.4 version that I would get rid of.


  • What else?


  • The build is extremely good, full of metal, absolutely beautiful with the aperture ring on par with what I've tried on Fujifilm lenses.


  • But there is a point where you really question whether having such a heavy beautiful metal build is really the best thing.


  • Because I wish it was about the same size, same look but maybe with a few parts in plastic or other sort of metallic material.


  • And maybe spare 50 or 75 grams because it's right at the edge of what I can tolerate to have around my neck for a whole day.


  • And I knew if it was just 50 grams lighter it could make a big difference.


  • Good shot.


  • Hello.


  • Hello.


  • Hello.


  • Nice view on the Genbaku dome but it's 35, it's pretty wide.


  • Let's grab the shot anyway, here's the guy walking, it's quite cool.


  • There's something I always kind of question myself is if you find it important to see the screen when I do these POV GoPro segments.


  • Because it's actually a struggle to include the screen and even when you include the screen sometimes because of the exposure you can't see anything.


  • So yeah, if not then I don't have to and it's much easier.


  • We have the light coming from the right here hitting the building in a pretty nice way.


  • It's almost coming from my back at 180 degrees so that's not the very ideal situation but still it lights one face and creates a nice shadow here.


  • So it adds this 3D effect which really adds depth.


  • I like that building in the background, there's some sort of a leading line with these, I don't know, walls preventing from the water to get over the riverbank.


  • I'll use that as a leading line and focus on the building.


  • There's some interesting little clouds, that's a pretty nice frame.


  • I use tracking to focus and recompose.


  • This is pretty cool because there is the Hiroshima castle in the background and you see those workers preparing the park that is under construction in front.


  • And I could catch a photo where they were like holding some sort of a cloth.


  • There's also a frame in the frame like this and a bit of action in the foreground, the castle in the background, pretty dark surroundings, typically a frame that I like.


  • I took a very similar picture here about three months ago and today the weather is nice, I like the light.


  • It changed because it's under construction so obviously it had a fair bit of development.


  • Now there is some sort of a grass, a bit patchy still but let's grab a shot.


  • Good point.


  • You see now the castle is pretty close to the building right next to it so if they move a little bit more right you see that it starts to separate itself from the building.


  • And we have a cleaner look on the castle which I like better.


  • There's an interesting light hitting the building up there.


  • I think there's something to do with the reflection here.


A week later.


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