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  • If we are just clay in God's hands and we aren't turning out the way God wants us to turn out, you know, we're just sinners, we're unbelievers, we're destined for hell.


  • If we are not what God wants us to be as His clay, then what God is doing when He tosses us into hell or punishes us - or whatever He does - is He's being a toddler with some Play-Doh that won't turn out the way they want it.


  • And then just throwing it on the floor because they get really angry that it's not coming together the way they envisioned it.


  • And if God is molding me and shaping me, and I'm just clay in His hands and I'm not satisfactory for Him, well, that's His fault.


  • That's not my fault.


  • I shouldn't be blamed for not turning out the way God wanted me to turn out when He's the one in control.


If we are just clay in God's hands and we aren't turning out the way God wants us to turn out, you know, we're just sinners, we're unbelievers, we're destined for hell.


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