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Fellas, we are seriously not that far away from getting our first major redesign for Apple Watch in
皆さん、Apple Watchの最初の大きなデザイン変更まで、そう遠くないということがわかりました。
Forever and getting a bunch of brand new features more than I can count on my fingers
And I just can't wait anymore. So I'm gonna freeze myself until Tim Cook just goes on stage and announces it
Come get me when that day is in all previous Apple Watch series
Generations, whatever you want to call them
The company has made it a point that while the additional tech and features of Apple Watch change and get better every year the overall
同社は、Apple Watchの追加技術や機能は毎年変化し、より良くなっていくが、全体的な性能は変わらないという点を強調している。
Package of Apple Watch sort of stays consistent
Apple Watchのパッケージは一貫している
That's till now this year while all of us nerds have nothing but endless predictions and rumors for Apple Watch X Apple Watch 10
私たちオタクは、Apple Watch X Apple Watch 10に対する果てしない予測や噂ばかりしているが、それは今年に至るまでのことだ。
Many of them come from reputable ish places. So we're gonna hit the major ones
Let's start off with an easy one. Just sort of ease our way in the first thing major change for Apple Watch 10
まずは簡単なものから。Apple Watch 10の最初の大きな変更点を、簡単に説明しよう。
The band system everyone in their grandma except mine because she's dead must know how Apple Watch bands work by now
We've had them for almost 10 years
But the issue they're an issue that has existed for 10 years and matters now more than ever as things progress
Those bands take up way too much space like in the watch itself. Look at this big crater crevice thing
It's what we could put so many things there like battery
Lunch whatever and that's why the cutout is gone and magnets are in from Bloomberg's very own Marcus Garman test
We should expect a totally overhauled band system that comes with this new Apple Watch 10
この新しいApple Watch 10に搭載されるバンドシステムは、全面的に見直されるはずだ。
Alongside the benefits of more space inside for stuff to happen moving the bands fully outside of the watch will also allow Apple Watch to get even thinner which you know is necessary because that's how technology works just
バンドを時計の外側に完全に移動させることで、内部により多くのスペースが確保されるというメリットとともに、Apple Watchの薄型化も可能になる。
Make it as thin as possible because
We're bored. If you really look at how long the Apple Watch look has been around. It's basically the same since day one
もう飽きた。Apple Watchの外観がいつからあるのか見てみましょう。初日から基本的に同じです
It's the same and no the red dot on the little digital crown thing or the red circle that
I ain't counting that moving on reputable news outlet
The Alec has said that Apple Watch 10 will also be receiving a much more energy efficient OLED display now before you get your undies
アレックは、Apple Watch 10は、よりエネルギー効率の高いOLEDディスプレイを搭載すると述べている。
Stuck up there out of pure excitement because OLED typically means better battery life
We got to think about this from Apple's perspective
You might notice that no matter what new watch comes out and no matter what it has in the way of new features
Apple still shoots for the same 18 hours of battery on a full charge
They just think that is enough I guess and so it's gonna have to be enough again
What we are likely to see instead is literally the same battery life
Just in a much slimmer form factor with a nifty new band system. You know what?
This is America
We live in the land of the free home of the brave
That's how democracy works, right? So you guys could just vote me in as the new CEO. I will give you better battery life
I will give you better battery life and I will put Mac OS on iPads
バッテリーの持ちを良くし、iPadにMac OSを搭載する。
Do I have your vote and we haven't even touched the biggest changes coming to Apple Watch Series 10
まだApple Watch Series 10の最大の変更点には触れていない。
Let's first go to the sponsor and we'll be right back. Listen, if you googled yourself right now
I think you'd be pretty surprised what's just out there in the open
This happens because there are entire companies called data brokers that collect all of your data
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今日のエピソードは、delete meの素晴らしい友人たちによるものだ。delete meに登録すると、彼らの専門家チームが、厄介なデータコレクターがあなたについて持っているすべての詳細なレポートを提供してくれる。
Just seven days and then that same team goes to work and gets you out of Google search results and all of these other data broker sites and since 2010 delete me has helped their users remove about 35 million pieces of data from the public web take back control of your online data today
2010年以来、delete meは約3,500万件のデータを公共のウェブから削除する手助けをしてきた。
Use our code FPT to get a whopping 20% off of a full year of all delete me US consumer plans protection for one person of course that link is down in the description below as
コード「FPT」を使用すると、1名様分のDelete Me米国消費者プランの通年利用がなんと20%オフになります。
Much as the sweaty nerds like you and I love things like a new band system and a new design
That's all nice sure but compared to the rest of what this watch is going to do those suddenly seem shallow and
Way less important the real impact for Apple watch series 10 is gonna be health one of the biggest
Possibly most enticing features for some of you is that the Apple watch series 10 is rumored to have sleep apnea detection
おそらく最も魅力的な機能は、Apple watch series 10に睡眠時無呼吸症候群の検出機能が搭載されると噂されていることだろう。
Which would use data collected at night from your sleeping limp corpse detecting changes in your breathing pattern and preventing you from
You know
There has even been developments on allowing Apple watch to monitor your blood pressure
Which is huge massive now if you've watched this show long enough
You know how much I talk about this how many times that already as it stands from the last 10 years
Apple watch has saved
Thousands of lives it is insane
So to have something like this that even goes deeper into heart issues like hypertension high blood pressure
That sort of stuff is the silent killer
Well, it ain't so silent no more
This is a massive step in the Apple watch becoming our one-stop keeping you alive
Listen, the reason this is so important is because it's passive like you don't even know that it's doing it
Apple watch is the number one best-selling watch in the world
Not just smart watch that means a lot of people are wearing Apple watch
Regardless, it makes something like this
So so accessible
Equipment that you would usually need from a doctor's office or you'd have to go somewhere and get a checkup
We'll just actively be reading your vitals and let you know early if something is wrong
Okay, the next one is I don't know maybe just as big maybe bigger is for some of you it is bigger
This is a feature that we covered in our Apple watch documentary, which will link below
We covered what Apple watch was like from its very inception a feature that they were trying to put out the door
Right away and something they've been struggling to get in this watch for 10 years is blood glucose monitoring for some of you
You know why that's huge having blood glucose monitoring passively on your Apple watch
Eliminates the need for poking yourself with needles or blood leaving your body like actual
Insanity and life-changing for some of you now again
This has been the feature that they have struggled with the longest
So it's sort of still up in the air whether we are getting this on Apple watch 10 or not
But the fact that they're working on it and it is coming is something that we should pay a lot of attention to
Lastly, but not least Ali when could we actually expect to see Apple watch 10?
When would it show its fancy little Apple watch face? Well that part kind of just depends on Tim
Just depends on Apple really if we make a seemingly safe assumption that Apple watch plans on treating Apple watch 10
ただ、Apple watchがApple watch 10を扱う予定であるという一見安全な仮定を立てるなら、本当にApple次第だ。
Just like the iPhone 10, then we might have some dates here
For instance, the original Apple watch was announced in September of 2014, but not released until April of 2015
Using that in modern times and well
Then we have some time that would put a potential announcement or release window as either later on in 2024 with the iPhone 16 or maybe we drift on into spring of 2025 either way
そうなると、発表やリリースの可能性があるのは、2024年後半のiPhone 16か、あるいは2025年の春になるかもしれない。
I ain't complaining now before you go
I just want to say one more thing if you are watching this right now
That means I'm already gone. I have frozen myself
I placed myself in my freezer and I am awaiting the announcement of Apple watch series 10. Don't worry
You don't need to send help. I'm cool
Literally, I set an alarm for around New Year's for my cat to come get me out of the freezer. So we're good
He wears a bowtie. So like you can trust him
Anybody did it happen yet?