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  • There are two great things coffee and paying it forward and developers have combined the two in an app that's popping up in Cleveland area coffee shops right now.


  • Channel 3's Eric Seaver shows us the beauty of the CoffeeQ app.


  • You buy a coffee for a friend, your friend buys one for their significant other, then that person buys a cup for the guy in line behind them and so on Paying it forward just feels really good.


  • That's how creators of CoffeeQ hope customers use their new app.


  • We were inspired by a tradition in Italy where a person will buy a second coffee at a coffee shop and the barista will actually pour out that second coffee into a cup and leave it on the counter for someone who might be down on their luck.


  • Customers use the app through iPads at counters of participating shops selecting whether to buy a coffee for a neighbor.


  • A redeemable coupon code is sent to selected friends but if it's for a neighbor the barista can give the free cup to any deserving customer of their choice.


  • It's a great national way of putting Cleveland on the map in terms of donating back with coffee and digitizing the way people can pay it forward.


  • Beviamo in Shremont is one of five coffee shops already participating along with Poor Cleveland downtown.

    シュレモントのBeviamoは、ダウンタウンのPoor Clevelandとともに、すでに参加している5つのコーヒーショップのひとつである。

  • People like helping out other people and you kind of get like this good altruistic kind of feeling paying it forward.


  • And it's not just coffee lovers that benefit.


  • CoffeeQ donates a portion of every cup bought to local charities like Refugee Response in St.

    CoffeeQは、1杯購入するごとに、その一部をセント・フランクフルトのRefugee Responseのような地元の慈善団体に寄付している。

  • Maliki.


  • How do we make a cup of coffee more than just a cup of coffee?


  • And we are thinking about some different ways that we can create connections between people.


  • Shop owners say it's building community one sip at a time.


  • Try it out, make somebody else's and see you know how that trickle effect really does help and really does work.


  • Eric Siever, Channel 3 News.


There are two great things coffee and paying it forward and developers have combined the two in an app that's popping up in Cleveland area coffee shops right now.


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