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  • Hello everyone. Thank you for being here.

  • I'm so honored and humbled to have this opportunity.

  • Truthfully when I was asked to speak here I was so nervous,

  • and then I thought, the theme of today is 'Start Now',

  • so perhaps looking back at my journey

  • I can share three lessons that I've learned

  • that have been invaluable to how I've lived my life.

  • And I hope that these are useful to those of you

  • who are starting something now as well.

  • The first lesson is that knowledge is best acquired through human connection.

  • I was born in Pakistan,

  • my parents came from a humble origin,

  • my father was orphaned when he was 7-year-old,

  • and my mother was married to my father before she ever got to go to college.

  • So my parents worked very very hard

  • and gave us the best education that we could afford.

  • That meant that I had a privileged upbringing.

  • But all around me,

  • I could sense that something in my society was crumbling.

  • There was raising poverty,

  • gender imbalance,

  • extremism and religious radicalism

  • and terrorism.

  • I didn't understand it,

  • but I thought, perhaps I can go to those who live this truth.

  • So at the age of 14, I began volunteering in women's prisons.

  • In those prisons where women who had been convicted of crime

  • but also their children.

  • Children born in captivity who had never seen the outside world.

  • They had no one else.

  • I understood there

  • what it meant to be discarded before you were ever born.

  • And the conditions that lead to hatred, violence and resentment.

  • When I was 16, my best friend died in an earthquake,

  • because the building in which he lived was made from faulty material.

  • I dealt with my grief

  • by spending the next year volunteering in an earthquake relief camp.

  • I was the only female volunteer,

  • so that meant that any issue relating to women or girls

  • was brought to me.

  • For the next year I was taking women to the hospital

  • because breast milk had frozen inside them,

  • or spending the morning inside a hot tent,

  • chatting away with girls, knowing that we cannot go outside

  • because their fathers and bothers had told them they could not be visible.

  • That's when I understood what it meant to be a woman

  • in the hardest circumstances in the world

  • feeling that my very existence is a source of shame.

  • The lessons that I learned in these places, from these people,

  • I could never have found in school or in books,

  • and these were the lessons that guided my decision and my character

  • for the rest of my life.

  • So to those of you who are seeking knowledge,

  • I urge you, go to the heart of it.

  • Find the people who live that reality everyday

  • and approach them with empathy.

  • You will learn more than you can ever imagine.

  • The second lesson that I learned in life,

  • was that you have the power to influence anything

  • that you are truly passionate about.

  • When I was 18 years old,

  • I got a scholarship to go to Stanford University.

  • I was thrilled, my world opened up for me.

  • My mind brimmed with new ideas and possibilities

  • and I finally had a frame of reference with which to understand my own madness.

  • My professors told me I was a social entrepreneur,

  • and I finally felt like I fit in.

  • But on the other side,

  • my society was descending into chaos day by day.

  • Almost everyday there was news of a terrorist attack.

  • Radicalism was seeping through society.

  • I didn't know what to do but I felt fearful.

  • I would sleep with my phone on full volume,

  • waiting that dreaded phone call

  • that would tell me that my family had been hurt.

  • In my sophomore year, while watching the news,

  • I found a video.

  • A young girl from the Swat Valley, only 11 years old,

  • was speaking out against the violence.

  • In her area, the Taliban had banned female education,

  • but she didn't want to stop going to school.

  • So when no one was speaking, she did,

  • and she said, "Save my school.

  • This is my request to the world. Save my Swat Valley."

  • Her voice haunted me.

  • She lived only three hours from where I grew up

  • and it could have been me.

  • I knew I had to help her but I didn't know how.

  • So I reached out to her father,

  • I said to him, "What can we do?"

  • That summer I returned back to Pakistan with a plan.

  • I would host a summer camp,

  • and I would bring to that summer camp girls like Malala.

  • I would give them access to the world that I knew.

  • To the networks, the resources, the people,

  • the mentors that could help them be more effective activists.

  • And that's what I did.

  • It was one of the most profoundly moving experiences of my life.

  • And the girl who I arranged all of this for

  • was no other than 11-year-old Malala.

  • What this taught me was that anything I wanted to change,

  • I had the power to affect.

  • Sitting in my dorm room at Stanford, sipping my Jamba Juice,

  • I had found a way to affect the life of a girl in the Swat Valley.

  • This girl would go on to become the most powerful voice for peace

  • in the entire world only 5 years later.

  • (Applause)

  • The truth is, there are no superheroes. There's just us!

  • We are the ones that we have been waiting for.

  • So the third and final lesson that I'd love to share with you,

  • is that there are critical moments in your life

  • where you have to make a decision about who you are,

  • and in those moments let your heart guide you.

  • It was 2012, I had graduated from Stanford,

  • I had an offer to join McKinsey & Company,

  • which was a dream job for any Stanford graduate.

  • So I took the job and I flew to Dubai.

  • It was an exciting year, I learnt exponentially,

  • and I knew that as long as I stay on track

  • my career was secure.

  • One year in, I had just landed in Egypt.

  • I turned on my phone and I saw a text that would move the Earth.

  • It said, "Malala has been shot."

  • I remember sitting in that plane and repeating in my head,

  • "Oh my god, what have they done!"

  • They had stopped her on her way back from school

  • and shot her in the head at point-blank range.

  • She was critically wounded.

  • Everyday we prayed that she would make it through the night.

  • But it wasn't just me and others who cared about Malala who were grieving.

  • Across the world, people had been shaken by her story.

  • There were vigils, protests in all parts of the world.

  • And when people weren't praying or hoping, they were angry.

  • They were angry that in the 21st century,

  • a girl can be shot in the head for going to school.

  • I knew then that what Malala had inspired

  • was the beginning of a movement that would change the face of our world.

  • I left my career and flew to Birmingham to be with Malala

  • when she was airlifted there for treatment.

  • I arrived the same day as her family.

  • She survived, and that to me is the greatest miracle

  • that I have ever witnessed or will ever witness.

  • It is what I remain grateful for everyday:

  • that Malala survived with no brain damage.

  • But as I sat with her and told her, "Malala,

  • so many people are praying for you and they want to help you.

  • What do I tell them?"

  • She looked at me and said, "I'm okay.

  • Can you ask them to help the other girls?"

  • That's when I knew that not only had Malala inspired a movement,

  • but she was going to continue her struggle

  • no matter what it took against all odds.

  • But now she had a greater platform than ever before.

  • She was no longer fighting a battle in the Swat Valley,

  • she was fighting a battle for girls all over the world.

  • And she needed people she could trust to help her.

  • I had a decision to make then.

  • Would I go back to my job? Or would I stay with Malala

  • and try and figure out what this meant?

  • Try and help her change the world and get girls in school.

  • I wasn't ready, I was terrified,

  • but it was now or never and I took the leap.

  • And honestly speaking, I've never looked back.

  • You see there are moments when we make decisions

  • that shape our destiny.

  • And in those moments we have to listen to our intuition.

  • Our heart already knows where we are meant to go,

  • it will never lead us astray.

  • I'd like to end my talk with this statement

  • that has come to embody this movement that Malala has inspired.

  • And I end with it because it holds one,

  • well, it holds all of these truths for me.

  • It's a statement that people across the world

  • have said without us asking.

  • And it is, "I am Malala."

  • So I end with that saying, I'm Malala,

  • not because I am her,

  • but because I understand what it means to be a girl who struggles,

  • due to that human connection,

  • and because I too struggle.

  • I am Malala, because I take control of my destiny

  • and I decide to change what I believe must be changed.

  • And I'm Malala, because I make that decision today,

  • and everyday, from the core of my heart.

  • Thank you.

  • (Applause)

Hello everyone. Thank you for being here.


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TEDx】スーパーヒーローはいない、ただ私たちだけ。マララとの旅 - シザ・シャヒッド at TEDxMidAtlantic (【TEDx】There are no Superheroes, Just Us: My Journey with Malala - Shiza Shahid at TEDxMidAtlantic)

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    kevin に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日