字幕表 動画を再生する
Heads high, ponies!
Marching proud!
All together now, every one of you!
No pony left behind!
Life is so grand in our town We're always filled with cheer We never have to look around To know that we're all here In our town, in our town We don't have to wait To find out that our destiny Is just to emulate Let's see those big, happy smiles!
僕らの町はいつも陽気で満ちあふれている 僕らの町はいつも陽気で満ちあふれている 僕らの町はいつも陽気で満ちあふれている 僕らの町はいつも陽気で満ちあふれている 僕らの町はいつも陽気で満ちあふれている 僕らの町はいつも陽気で満ちあふれている 僕らの町はいつも陽気で満ちあふれている 僕らの町はいつも陽気で満ちあふれている 僕らの町はいつも陽気で満ちあふれている
Life is a smile in our town Our cue team marks the same Because we do not separate Ourselves by more than name In our town, in our town We dare not compete Winning only breeds the worst Ego-filled conceit You see?
僕らの町では人生は微笑み 僕らの出番は同じ印 僕らの町では名前以上に分け隔てがないから 僕らの町では競争する勇気がない 勝つことは最悪のエゴを生むだけ エゴに満ちた驕り 分かるかい?
Now everypony wins!
Life is a joy in our town We're all equal here No one is superior And no one shakes in fear In our town, in our town We work as a team You can't have a nightmare If you never dream!
私たちの町では、人生は喜びだ 私たちは皆平等だ 誰も優劣はないし、恐怖に震える者もいない 私たちの町では、私たちはチームとして働く 夢を見なければ悪夢は見られない
Other ponies argue Do you ever wonder why?
When you think your talent's special You don't see eye to eye There's just too many differences That lead to disarray But when you learn to act as one It's like a holiday!
In our town, in our town We don't complicate When you learn to simplify Life is oh so great Join in our utopia Come out of the dark And is by equality By our cue team mark!
In our town, in our town We don't complicate When you learn to simplify Life is oh so great Join in our utopia 暗闇から飛び出そう And is by equality キュー・チームのマークで!
Thanks for watching!