字幕表 動画を再生する 字幕スクリプトをプリント 翻訳字幕をプリント 英語字幕をプリント - Once again, 今回はまたまた、 behind me are 100 people, 100人集まってもらった and they range from the age of one 1歳から all the way to age 100, 100歳まで1人ずつだ and they're all gonna be competing これからこの全員で25万ドルをかけて for $250,000. 員で25万ドルをかけて Everyone go to your cubes, みんな自分のキューブに向かって and unlike any of my past videos, 以前の動画と違って、 these 100 people will decide themselves 25万ドルに値するのは誰か、 who deserves the 250 grand. この100人みんなで決めてもらう Everybody, enter your cubes! さあみんな、キューブに入って! The challenge has officially begun, ここからチャレンジがスタートだ if any of you decide to leave キューブから離れることを決めたり、 or even touch the red line, 赤線を踏んだりしたら you will be eliminated. そこで脱落 How far do you think you'll make it in the challenge? どこまでいけると思う? - I intend to go the whole way. 最後まで残るつもりだ - All right, let's see how the one-year-old's doing. さあ1歳児はどうかな? Do you think you'll win the money? 賞金ゲットできる? All right, have fun with the tablet. タブレットがいいよな - This is the line that's gonna make it この列は all the way to the end. 最後まで残るメンツだ - 48, feeling great. 48歳 絶好調 - It was clear from the beginning 最初から、 that the middle-aged people 中年層が最も集中力があって were the most focused and determined, 決意が固かったが、 but that didn't go for everybody. みんながそうじゃない If you step out, you lose. 出たら負けだぞ Okay, the two-year-old is now eliminated. あーそうか 2歳児は脱落だ As you'd expect, 予想通り、 the first to leave were the youngest, 最初に出たのはちびっ子達 Did you have a good time? 楽しかった? We'll ask in a year when he can speak, 成長したらまた聞こう and some of the older folks. 高齢者もだ - Yes sir, I'm ready to go. ああ準備はできてる - All right. よし - And already, 動画の撮影 by hour one of filming this video, 開始から1時間、 six people have been eliminated, すでに6人が脱落した and even more are about to be. このあとまだまだ脱落しそうだ Unlike this video right here, 前の動画は that was more of a last to leave, ただ最後まで残れば勝ち、 this challenge is about making friendships 今回は、25万ドル獲得者を決めるのは参加者だ and convincing people to like you. 友情を築いて They decide who wins the 250 grand 勝たないといけない and I didn't know it yet, 結果的に but this video was by far 今まで撮影したどの動画より the most intense video we've ever filmed. 激しい戦いになった - Shame on you! 恥を知れ! - Are you serious? マジで? - You're a kind person, あなたは…優しいわ don't eliminate me. 脱落させないで - Attention everybody, みんな注目! over the past hour この1時間で I hope you've all had a chance 友人を作れていれば to make some friends いいなと思う because you're going to need them. 友人が必要になってくるからね Throw 10 minutes on the board. 10分カウントする In the next 10 minutes, この10分以内に、 I need 10 of you to leave. 10人退場してほしい - Literally can't. そんなの無理 - And ultimately it is your responsibility as a group 最終的に10人にキューブから to convince 10 people 出ていくよう説得するのは to leave their queue, ここにいるみんなの責任だ and if you're not able to accomplish this, もし達成できなければ we're gonna randomly eliminate ランダムに 25 of you. 25人を退場させる Good luck. 頑張って - My gosh, ランダムで I don't wanna do the 25 random. 25人なんてイヤよ - We need somebody to leave! 誰か出てってよ! - I'm not leaving! 僕は出ない! - If you're past retirement age, 定年を過ぎてる人は you gotta go, 出てってほしい if you are not above the age of 12, あと12歳以下の子供もそう you gotta go! 出てってよ! - Already a minute's gone by 1分過ぎたけど and no one's left. 誰も出ない - If seven people leave with me, 誰か7人一緒に出てくれるなら I'll go out! 僕は出るよ! - Please! お願い! - Help! - Please! - 誰か! - 頼む! - I cannot be kicked out this soon. こんな早く追い出される訳にはいかない - Please, guys! 誰かお願い - Kids, you can come out! ガキんちょ、自分が出なよ You gonna take one for the team? チームのために犠牲に? - I can't do it, できない I came here for the long haul. 長時間かけて来た - Yo, do it for the greater good! もっと大きな利益のためだ! - 53, go! 53、出て! - No. - No! 出て行く? - Are you gonna get out? ゲーム買ってやるよ 約束する I'll buy you Roblox, I promise. 1人出た! 1人出たよ! We have one, we have one! 89番が - And even though 89 チームのため離脱を決めたが、 decided to take one for the team, まだあと8人だ we still need eight more people. もう誰も出ないの? Nobody, no takers? 失礼かもだけど - Not to be rude, 年配の人はみんな出ていくべきだ、 but like all the older people should leave, 退職金も貰ってる they got like retirement money. 僕は苦学生だ I'm in college, I'm struggling right now. 5、4、3、2、1 - Five, four, three, two, one! 残念ながら - You all were unfortunately 合意に達しなかった not able to come to an agreement, つまり、25人の脱落者がランダムに which means a random group of 25 contestants 選ばれることになる will now be eliminated ランダムなのか疑われないように、 and to ensure it's random, マシンを使って we're using this machine 脱落する出場者を to pick the contestants we're going to eliminate 1人ずつ選ぼう one by one. チャンドラー、ピンポン玉をつかんで Chandler, grab a ping pong ball. 最初の脱落者は… Our first elimination is 18番だ Number 18. おー 残念 - Oh, that sucks. あーマジでイヤ! - Please, almost, no! 次の脱落者は… 85番 - The next elimination is 85. いい? Remember, みんなの責任だ you guys chose this. 82番 82. - Oh. 80番 - Number 80. 残念だったね - I'm sorry, boss. そうだな - Okay. 99番 - 99. 心配ない、あと19人だけだ Don't worry, we only have 19 more balls to go. 12, 12, 24, 24, 22, 22, 19. 19. あー残酷だ - Oh, this is brutal. - 29. - おー - 29. - Boom. 残念だ - I'm sorry, son. そして最後の脱落者 - And our final elimination, 13番だ it was 13! - Oh, oh. チャンドラー、君が脱落させた人達だよ - Chandler, look at all the people you eliminated. ごめんな I'm sorry. 25人がいなくなった - We just lost 25 people. 私じゃなくて良かった - Grateful that it's not me, though. 残れたけど、 - Still here, 気分はイマイチだ but I don't know if I feel good about it. 数字が出る度に - Every number that came out, 次は俺かって、 "Is that gonna be me? 今日は帰るのか Is that gonna be me? 67人が残った、おめでとう Am I going home today?" いつものように、 - 67 of you remain, congratulations! 脱落したら And as always, そのキューブは破壊される once someone is eliminated, この過酷なチャレンジのあと、 we obviously destroy their cube. 回復する時間をあげることにした and after the onslaught from the last challenge, キューブの中でのんびりしてもらったけど、 I thought I'd give them some time to recover それ自体がチャレンジになった and so I let them hang out in their cubes for a bit, 一晩過ごしたくないなら which ended up being a challenge of its own. キューブから出ればいい - Hey, if you don't wanna spend the night, そうだよな all you gotta do is just step outta this cube. ってことで2日目が始まった時点で - That's what I'm gonna do. かなりの人数が脱落し、 - Because by the time Day Two started, 残った出場者は so many people had been eliminated, 55人まで減ってしまった we were already down 2日目の始まりは、 to 55 contestants remaining. 25万ドル獲得する人を We're gonna start the new day 満場一致で合意できるか確認していこう by seeing if you can all unanimously agree 全員が同じ人に投票すれば on who should win this $250,000. その人が If all of you 25万ドルを can agree on the same person, 獲得するんだ they instantly win しかし1人でも the $250,000, 違う人に投票したら、 but if only one of you チャレンジをして vote for someone different, 大量脱落 we're gonna do a challenge 25万ドルゲットするのは誰? and eliminate a bunch of you. - 14. Who do you think should win the 250 grand? 25万ドルゲットするのは? - 14. - 11. - Who do you think should win the 250 grand? 残念、 - 11. もうダメだ All right, 誰が賞金を獲得するか well it's already ruined. 一致しなかったから、 You all cannot unanimously agree チャレンジをしなくちゃ on who should win that money, 各列で so we have to do a challenge. キャプテンを決めてもらう Each row now has to decide on a captain キャプテンはその列の出場者を代表して and that captain will then represent 次のチャレンジに挑む all the contestants in their row 誰を選ぶにしても信頼できる人にして for the next challenge. 理にかなっていても、 Please make sure you trust whoever you pick, すごく残酷だ it will all make sense, それから15分間、 but it's gonna be very ruthless. 各列はキャプテンを For the next 15 minutes 誰にするか相談した each row tried to decide キャプテンになりたい? who their captain was going to be. 君が嫌なら - Do you wanna be the captain? 私達を犠牲にしないならいいわ - If you don't want to. みんなを追い出したりしない - As long as you choose to not sacrifice us. 何歳の出場者を代表にしたい? - I will not get y'all out. - 30. - What age do you want to represent your row? - 30. - 30. - 30. わかったよ! - 30. - 30. 手をあげる人いない? - We got it! やるよ - Hey, do one of y'all volunteer? - 64 - 私も64番がいい - I volunteer. この列で誰をキャプテンに? - 64. - I'm okay with 64. 私だ - Who in your row do you want to be captain? 戦って勝つつもりで - Me. ここに来た I came here to fight for this thing よし、 and I'm gonna win it. キャプテンが決まった - All right, ここから面白くなるけど your captains have been chosen. 熾烈にもなる This is where things get interesting 賞金を用意した and a little cutthroat. もしキャプテンがそのお金を受け取ったら We're gonna offer money キャプテンを含む and if any of you captains take the money we offer, その列全員が脱落となる you and your entire row まず最初は、千ドルだ are completely eliminated. 我慢よ!42番 My first offer is a $1,000. 行かないよ - Stay tough, 42! 1000ドルで自分の列が脱落なんて - I ain't going nowhere. 動くもんか I'm not eliminating my row for $1,000. 14番、頼む ダメ - I'm not moving! 安心しろ - 14, please don't. 動かないよ - Y'all are safe, 賞金ナンバー2 I'm not doing it. 5千ドルだ - Offer Number Two, ダメよ! $5,000. 退場して自分の列を - Don't do it! 全部脱落させた人には、 - If one of you step out, この5千ドルをやるよ eliminate your entire row, ダメだぞ42番 I will give you this $5,000. 脱落させないでくれ! - No, 42! しばらくはどこにも行かない - Don't eliminate us, 42! ダメだからね30番! - Don't expect me to go anywhere for a while. どんな決断でも妻には賛成してほしい - Don't do it, 30! - I just hope my wife agrees 次の賞金は、1万ドルだ with every decision I make. 動かないで! - Our next offer is $10,000. 1万ドルで仲間を傷つけたくない - Don't do it! 彼らのほうが大事だ - 10 grand isn't worth hurting these people, 2万ドルだ I like them a lot more than 10 grand. 誰かが出てくるまで続けるよ - 20 grand. まだまだ We're going until one of you step out. まだダメだ - That ain't enough, 今度は5万ドルだ that ain't enough. この時点では - We're now at $50,000. キャプテン全員頑張っていたが、 At this point, 5万ドルを出したところで all the captains have been holding strong, 数人のキャプテンが、 but it was clear once we had $50,000 on the line, 明らかに迷い始めていた some of the captains were having 動くなよ、42番! a harder time than others. マジか - Don't do it, 42! さあみんな、 - Geez. どんどん楽しんでいこう - All right everybody, 次の賞金は… let's really have some fun. 8万に、 The next offer is, 9万に、 that puts us at $80, まだだぞ、さあ積んで that puts us at $90, 新しい賞金額は10万ドルだ we're not done, put it up there. 最初にキューブから出た The new offer is $100,000 キャプテンのものだ for the first captain 14番、30番、42番、64番 そして100番さん to step out of their cube. 5人のうち1人出てくれば 14, 30, 42, 64 or Mr. 100, 金持ちにしてやる I just need one of you five to step out ダメよ30番! so I can make you rich. プレッシャーを感じてきた - No, 30! ダメだ42番! - Really starting to feel the pressure now. すごく嫌われることになりそうだな - No, 42! あっちで30番がヤバそうだぞ - Dude, I'm gonna be hated on so bad. 動かないでよ - Oh, I see 30 about to crack over there. とにかく我慢するんだ! - Don't move! 動くぞ! - Don't you dare! 出るよ - Oh, he's doing it! ごめん - I'm doing it. - Oh, oh! ちょっとマジで? - I'm sorry. 30番!なんで! - Are you serious? もう…ショック… 30, what the heck! 恥を知れ - I'm shocked. 恥を知れ - Shame on you, サイアク Shame on you! 30番が出てきた - That's crazy. これで20代と30代は - 30 has stepped out, 全員脱落だ All of the 20's and all of the 30's もっといいキャプテンを選べばよかったな are now eliminated. 無理だ、見られない You guys should have picked a better team captain. 息子のこと考える - I can't, I can't look. 30番のウソつき! I gotta think of my son. ほらこの列、 - You lied, 30! この列は最後まで - This line right here- 残るメンツだぜ - This is the line that's gonna make it 20代のみんな、 all the way to the end. 退場して - Everyone in the 20's, 30代のみんなも、 you can leave, 脱落だ、残念でした everyone in the 30's, 今、何考えてる? you're all eliminated, I'm sorry. やられたよ! - What's going through your head right now? ずっと気になっちゃって - That we got screwed! 我が子と もう ずっと離れてるって - I kept thinking, like, ここまでさんざん that sets my kid up for a long, long time. 裏切りを見せられたから、 - Because of how much betrayal 40代は何があっても has been shown so far in this video, 外に出ないよう the 40's made an alliance 同盟を結んだようだ to try to keep any of them 4人で from getting out, no matter what. 40代同盟だよ - 40 alliance hung together, またこの時がきた there's four of us. 投票して - It's that time again, 優勝者を決めてもらう cast up your votes またしても and see if you can all decide on a winner, 合意は得られず and like usual, チャレンジをやってさらに they couldn't agree. 脱落者を決める So, we'll do a challenge すぐ戻る and eliminate some more people. 次のチャレンジは残った出場者全員の I'll be right back. 年齢が書かれたルーレットを回す The next challenge involves a spinning wheel さあやろう、チャンドラー 回して that has all the remaining contestants ages on it. 現在36人残ってるけど、 So go ahead, Chandler, spin it. このチャレンジで Currently there are 36 of you remaining 16人が脱落することになる、 and we're gonna spin the wheel 残り20人になるまでルーレットを回す until we eliminate 16 of you with this challenge, よし 67番、 bringing your total down to the final 20. 君のキューブに行くよ All right, 67, 移動する間に… I'm coming to your cube, チャンドラー、もう一回まわして! and while I'm walking over to his cube, ルーレットは別の人のところに止まろうとしてる Chandler, spin it again. その場合、 That wheel is going to land on another person's age その人を脱落させるかどうか and when it does, 決めなきゃいけない you're going to have to decide 55番 whether or not to eliminate them. チャレンジは簡単だ - 55. 67番が - The challenge is simple, 55番を脱落させるか 67, you could choose 否かを選ぶ if 55 is eliminated 決断する前に or stays in the challenge. 55番にひと言言ってもらうよ - Before you decide, 皆さんありがとう、 it's only fair that 55 gets to say his piece. いい時間だった - Thank you everybody, 頑張って it's been a great time, 脱落させられないよう good luck, guys. お願いしないの? - You don't wanna ask いや同じ立場だったら to kindly not be eliminated or anything? 同じことするから - No, 'cause if I was in the same position, 脱落を選ぶパスが来たな I'd do the same thing. - あー - 彼に委ねる - I mean, he's giving you a pass to eliminate him. わーそうか - Uh- - His choice. 誰かが出なきゃ - Wow, okay. それって脱落させるってこと? - Somebody's got to go- ああ - So, is that saying you wanna eliminate him? オーケー、最終決定だ - Yes. - よし - 残念だよ - Okay, the decision is final then. ありがとう - All right. - Sorry, boss. チャンドラー、回して! - Thanks, guys. 彼は退場を選ぶ余地を与えてくれた - Chandler, spin the wheel. 出だしは好調 - I mean, he gave me the leeway to let him go. このままうまくいきそう - That was an easy first one, おお 47だ、 surely they'll all go that well. 君が決断を下す前に Ooh, 47, 話すチャンスをあげるよ now we're gonna give her a chance to talk to you ねえ落ち着いてね before you make a decision. 私は残りたいの - Have peace of mind, 帰りたくない I would love to stay, 君の決断は? I don't wanna go. 残すよ - What is your decision? 生き残ったね - She'll stay. 彼女は脱落しなかったから、 - You survived. - Ooh, ooh! 次の脱落者を彼女が - And because she did not get eliminated, 決めることになった she now decides who stays 彼女は次の15人を脱落させても and who goes. 安全だ Technically you could eliminate the next 15 people 脱落のリスクはないけど、 and be safe. 残酷だよね No risk of elimination, 確かに but that'd be very cruel. - 43. - It would be. このチームに残りたい - 43. でも、最後はあなたしだい - Would love to stay on our little team, 私たちは一緒よ but it's ultimately up to you. 43は残すわ - We're staying together. フー!大好き 43 is staying. - Woo! 40代同盟の結束は固くなる Love you girl! この意味がわかるよな? - The 40's alliance was determined to hold strong. 次はあんたの番 - You know what this means, right? 君はラッキーな人だ Now you are in charge. チャンドラー、ルーレットを回して - You are one lucky person. 66. Chandler, spin the wheel! そうか 66. そこにいるね - Oh. - All right. 43番、あなたには難しい決断だと思う… - Right over there. でも私は残りたい - 43, I know it's a hard decision for you, わあ、泣けてくる but I'd like to stay. 彼女を残したら、 - Oh, that's gonna make me cry. コントロールを奪われる - If you let her stay, 君しだいだ she gets control. 66番、とても優しくて、 - Oh. - It's up to you. 知り合えてうれしいわ - 66, you are so sweet あー…このゲームで and it's been a pleasure getting to know you, 私たちは協力し合って unfortunately in this game 楽しい時間をすごしたけど、 we're trying to stick together ごめんなさい脱落よ and I've enjoyed you ありがとう but unfortunately you're eliminated. みんなありがとうね - Thank you, いいのよ thank you everybody, 楽しかった it's okay. 来てくれてありがとう、66 it's okay. ああ残酷だな - Thank you for coming out, 66. 君が誇らしいよ Oh, brutal. 42が43に及ぼす影響とは… - I'm so proud of you. コントロールを握ってないと - With 42's influence over 43- 脱落しちゃう - We gotta keep control - 戦争だ - そうね or we'll be eliminated. 40代以外は厳しい戦い - We're at war. - I know. 57. - Nobody outside the 40's was safe. 57のことはよく知らないだろ 57. 57、脱落よ - I mean, you don't even know 57. 40代よ、50代は戻ってくるから - 57 you're eliminated. 気をつけろ - 40's, watch out for the 50's - 65. 'cause they'll come back after you. ああ私よ - 65. ゲームのためなの、ごめんなさい - Oh, that's me. あなたも脱落よ - It's for the game and I'm sorry, おー you've also been eliminated. 65番もゲームから脱落させた - Oh! 彼女が傷ついてるのはわかってるが、 - She just took 65 out of the game こっちがコントロール and I know it's breaking her heart, しつづけないとな I know it is, 43番が脱落させるのをやめると but we cannot lose control. 別の人に決定権が渡り、 - 43 knows that if she stops eliminating people 自分たちが脱落させられる可能性がある and gives up control of the wheel, これは大ごとだ the next person could potentially eliminate her. ジオにとっては一大事だ That's a big one. 軽く決めないでくれ This means a lot to Gio. おい…11なのか? Don't take this decision lightly. ジオ - Is it, is that 11? 泣かないで - Gio, まだ終わってない don't cry yet, 俺の話をよく聞いて、 it's not over. 数秒で大きく変わる I want you to listen to me very carefully, このマイクを君に渡す、 the next few seconds determine a lot. 脱落させられないように I'm gonna hand you this mic 説得できるかは君しだいだ and it's up to you to convince that person あなたは…優しい人 not to eliminate you. だから僕のこと…脱落させないよね Do you understand? ジオを助けて - You are a kind person ジオを助けて and you are kind enough to not eliminate me. ジオを助けて - Save Gio! - Save Gio! ジオを助けて - Save Gio! すごいな - Save Gio! やめろ Save Gio! 今は情けをかける時じゃない そうだろ? - Oh, my gosh. わかった - Don't do it. ジオ、私はあなたを尊敬してる、 Now is not the time to develop a heart, okay? 出会った中で一番クールな11歳よ - Okay. あなたにはエネルギーと勇気にあふれ Gio, I admire you so much- - Yes. 未来はとっても明るいわ - You are literally the coolest 11-year-old I've ever seen. それでもここでの時間は終わりよ You've got tons of energy and spunk 本当にごめんなさい and your future is super bright, そっか but unfortunately your time here is over. 誰もが完全に言葉を失った I'm so, so sorry. みんな、大きな拍手を - All right. この子の脱落はとても残念だったから、 - Everyone was absolutely speechless. ステージで手伝ってもらうことにした Everyone, round of applause. ジオに拍手を I felt so bad about this elimination そして that I actually had age 11 come up 40代以外の参加者は and help me on stage. 危ない状況が続いた Give it up for Gio. - Gio! 全員が脱落するぞ - At this point, 40を超えていなければ everyone outside of the 40's 終わりよ knew they were in big trouble. もう一度言うね、まったく安全だと思えない - She's gonna eliminate everybody. - 17. - If you're not on 40, - 17, you're gone. 残念だけど脱落よ - Once again, I don't think it's safe for our side at all. どうも、あーあ - 17. 16歳だ - 17, 僕にはひいばあちゃんがいる、 unfortunately you are eliminated. 健康状態があまりよくないんだ - Thanks. ごめんなさい、あなたは、 - The 16-year-old. 脱落よ16君 - I have a great-grandmother, わあ she's not doing too good health-wise. 君を誇りに思うよ - I'm so sorry, 最高だ but you're also eliminated, 16. ウソみたいだけど、 - Ah, wow. どういうわけかルーレットでは - I am so proud of you, 40代が当たらなかった I'm so proud of you. - 52. - Believe it or not, 脱落よ for some reason the wheel 残念だ just kept missing the 40's alliance. ここまでは - 52. さあ - You're eliminated. このチャレンジでも難しい決断だ - Oh, my God. 自分を脱落させる? - Until this one, ルーレットを回したい and now もう一度回してみよう the hardest decision of the challenge. あなたも脱落よ Are you gonna eliminate yourself? おー - I think I'm gonna keep spinning, Jimmy. 残念だけど脱落よ - Okay, give us another spin. よし75だ - You've also been eliminated. 厳しいな - Ooh. - 62. - Unfortunately you are eliminated. じゃあね - All right, 75. 何も言う必要ないわ バイ - Brutal. 62番、彼女を - 62. 説得してみないか? - See ya, いいや you ain't even gotta say nothing, bye. なあ62番、 - 62, you don't even wanna at least 言わせてくれ try to convince her? いびきが恋しくなる - Nope, bye. 何て言った? 悪党め - Hey 62, いびきが恋しくなる I just wanna let you know あんたには怒ってないさ I'm gonna miss your snoring. その痛み分かるよ - What did you say, villain? あんたは残酷だ - I said I'm gonna miss your snoring. 寂しくなるよ - I'm not mad at you. 43, じゃあね no, I started feeling your pain, 43番に決断させることなく、 but you're just cruel. 62番は出ていった - I miss you already. 脱落者はあと1人だけ、 - Bye, y'all. 次の犠牲者は誰になるかな - Without even making 43 decide, よし、フィースタブルズを指した 62 left her cube みんなは and with only one elimination left, 世界最高のチョコレートをプレゼント let's see who their next victim is gonna be. ミルククランチ お気に入りよ All right, it landed on Feastables, うーん、クランチね that means all of you - ありがとう - いいんだ get the world's best chocolate. 彼は脱落したけど、 - Milk Crunch, that's my favorite. たたえるよ - Oh, Crunch. ウォルマートに行って Thank you, Jimmy. - No problem. 新製品を試してね Even though he's eliminated, さて… we'll still honor him. ついにルーレットが Make sure you go to Walmart 40代同盟の一人を指した and try our brand new formula. 41番大好きよ Anyways, だからあなたに、決定権を譲る when the wheel finally landed ついに人が変わった on someone else in the 40's alliance- 誰を指すかによっては、 - 41, I love you これが最後の回転になるかもしれない and that's why I'm gonna pass it on to you. よし、ミスター100歳 - We finally have somebody new. あなたを脱落させようとしている人に Depending on who it lands on, 言いたいことは? this just might be our last spin. 脱落させないでほしいと願ってる - All right, Mr 100, 投票しないでくれ do you have anything to say ミスター100歳、ごめんなさい to the person attempting to eliminate you? お元気で - I hope that you will not eliminate me すべてうまくいくことを願ってるからね and I ask you not to vote me out. アディオス - Mr. 100, I am so sorry, あーあ God bless you, 君の反応は分かるし、 I hope that everything works out for you. 君の行動をほめるよ Adiós. さあ 100歳に - Oh, no. 盛大な拍手を - I understand your response 最年長出場者が脱落するのを見て and I congratulate you on what you do. 誰もが深く悲しんだ - Let's give it up 彼はみんなの人気者だったから、 for age 100. 手ぶらで - Everyone was absolutely heartbroken 帰すことはできなかった to see our oldest contestant be eliminated 出場してくれたから and because he was clearly a crowd favorite, 2万ドルを渡そう I couldn't let him leave ありがとう without something extra. 楽しかったよ I'll give you $20,000 きつかったな for coming out and competing. 多くの人が - Thank you, 脱落するのを見てきた I've enjoyed being with you. みんなとても悲しんでると思う - It's been brutal, 特に43番はね we just watch a lot of people 脱落よ、脱落よ get eliminated, 脱落よ、脱落よ I know everyone's probably very sad right now. 脱落よ - Specifically 43. 個別の数字は言わなくていいだろ - Eliminated, eliminated, だな eliminated, eliminated, 今の気持ちを教えて? eliminated. 40代が嫌いになった、 - We don't need to say specific numbers. 俺の仲間は - True. 全滅させられたよ - How do you feel after the challenge? 50代は君たちを好きじゃないって - I've lost the love for the 40's, 半分やっちまったからな I'll say it out loud, マイクが相手の手にあったら they decimated my group. 俺らの半分もやられてた - The 50's don't seem to like you guys. 確かに - 'Cause we knocked half of 'em out. 教訓は、誰も信用するな If they had gotten the mic, 出場者は they would've knocked half of us out. 数時間休憩を取って、 - I agree. 勝者を決定できるか - The moral of the story is trust no one. もう一度投票した - And after letting the contestants 君たちはまったく recover for a few hours, 性格が合わないみたい we held another vote 新しいチャレンジをする to see if they could decide on a winner. ハードだよ Looks like literally none of you いいぞ can agree on anything. さてあそこに、 It's time for another challenge! 25万ドルが登場した It'll be intense. あっちの25万ドルと混同しないでくれよ - Good. 誰かが今すぐこれを - If you look over here, 持っていくことができる you'll see $250,000, マジで? not to be confused with the other $250,000, ウソでしょ… and one of you could walk out 説明に入る前に、 with this one right now. 部屋を真っ暗にする - What? カーテンを持ってきて - Oh, Lord. 話し合わないようにするのね - But before I tell you how, 難しいわね、 we need to black out all your rooms, 私たちはとっても強いチームだから bring in the curtains! 賞金が少し高くなるな - He doesn't want us talking to each other. 20個のキューブすべてを真っ暗にした - Which is tough 君たちのうち一人だけが自主的に 'cause we're such a strong team, so- 外に出て脱落した場合… - That really antes up the stakes a bit. この25万ドルを獲得できる - We have officially blacked out all 20 cubes. しかし2人以上が If only one of you voluntarily step out それを狙ったら、 and eliminate yourself, 全員脱落で you win this $250,000, 賞金なし but if any more than one of you タイマーがスタート try to go for it, 誰か25万ドルを獲得できるかな? you'll be eliminated 今日は10万ドルを逃してしまった and win nothing. 今回は、ここに来た目的を果たすぞ The timer has started, Just letting you know, let's see if someone wins $250,000. 言っておくが、 - I literally missed out on $100,000 today, 俺は退場するぞ this time I'm gonna get exactly what I came here for. もし君たちも同じことをするなら、一緒に脱落になる Just letting you know, できるかもしれないわ I will be stepping out, -64番、行く? - ええ so if you wanna join me, あなたと42番が行っても then we can be losers together! お金はもらえない - I think I might do it. そうよね - 64, you going? - Yep! このチャレンジの賞金を自分のものにするために - Well, if you go and 42 goes, 42歳が全力なことは you don't get nothing! 誰の目にも - That's right! はっきりしていた - It was abundantly clear that age 42 ってことで… was going to do everything in his power みんなが出るかどうか to secure this challenge's prize money 決めている間に、 for himself, トップ・トゥループスについて話すよ which means while they're deciding 無料の携帯ゲームで、 if they wanna step out of their cubes, 戦って、土地を奪い、 I wanna tell you guys 新しいキャラのロックを解除する about "Top Troops". ゲームの中にいる? "Top Troops" is a free to play mobile game まだその話はしてない where you battle enemies, conquer lands, ごめん and unlock new characters. トップ・トゥループスでは、 - Are you in this game? 自分の軍隊を訓練して - I haven't got to that talking point yet. 戦いに参加できる - My bad. 実を言うと、 - With Top Troops, トップ・トゥループスには俺のキャラがいるんだ I can literally train my own army かっこいいな to fight in massive epic battles. だろ、俺がゲームに出てる That right there, Mack, 14日間俺のキャラをテストするために、 is actually my very own character in Top Troops. 独自の戦闘チャレンジができる - He's really handsome. 俺のキャラは敵のダメージを抑えられるんだ - I am, bro, I'm in a video game, and for the next 14 days 俺のチャレンジでそれを使うと、 to test out my character, さらに強力になるよ they gave me my own battle challenge. それいいな My new character can literally lower the enemy's damage 概要欄のリンクで and if you use it in my challenge, 今すぐダウンロードするか、 it gets even more powerful. 貸して、 - That's pretty cool. ノーランのQRコードをスキャン - Download Top Troops now 期間限定で宝箱と by using the link in the description シャードをゲットして or lemme see that, 軍隊のロックを解除しよう scan the QR code on Nolan's face right now. こいつをどかしてくれ For a limited time you get a king's chest わかった and 15 shards on me 頼むよ to help unlock exclusive troops. おお - Please get this thing off my face. 出ていくぞ - I got you. 残り60秒だ - Please. まだ一人しか出てない Oh. 優勝と同額の賞金を - I'm walking out. 獲得することになるぞ - 60 seconds left! 誰かが賞金を持って出ていく可能性がある - There's only still one person out. 自分が去ることを決めたら、 He's literally gonna win the same amount of money 黙っていないといけない as the grand prize. こちら側からは誰も出てない - Someone can leave with this money right now 現時点で、 and if you do decide to leave, 42が25万ドルを you must remain silent. 持って帰ることになりそうだ - Nobody's gotten out on this side. 50代よ、団結だ As of right now, 岩みたいにね 42 is gonna walk away ケイシー、いるか? with a quarter of a million dollars. ケイシーはいるぞ - 50's, hanging tight? よしいいぞ - Like a rock! 3 2 - Casey, you sticking? 外に出るヤツ以外 - Casey's staying. は口を出すな - All right, bud. 時間切れだ - Three, two, 誰かが25万ドルを step out now 獲得したかどうか気になるよな or forever hold your peace. 警備員、カーテンを下ろせ One, time is up! 見回すと、 Let's see if someone just won 42がいる、 a quarter of a million dollars! 出たのは1人だけだ Guards, drop the curtains! それも… If you look around, 残り2秒までだ you'll see that 42 ずっと向こうにいる誰かが was the only one to step out. 最後の最後で出てきたんだ - Until 何てこと two seconds remained 残念ね42 and someone all the way over there stepped out 半端に、やるなってこった at the last second. 40代のリーダーが消えた - Oh, my God! - What? おー - Sorry, 42. 君たちはまだ残った - As they say, "Go big or go home." 覚えておいて - 40's just lost their leader. つらいわ - Oh. 2人が賭けに出たけど - And you guys are still playing, 失敗だ just remember that. 俺ははっきりと声を出した、 - This is tough. あんたは何が起こるか - You both have rolled the dice わかってたんだ and it didn't work out. 金よ 嫌いだよ - I made my voice very loud and clear - 仕方ない - いいんだ and you knew what was gonna happen, 今日のストレスはこれで終わり so you basically said, 今夜はたくさん友達を作ってくれ "Money, I don't like you." お隣さんが いなくなっちゃった - It happens. - That's okay. 俺ははっきりと大きな声で - I think that's enough stress for today, みんなに伝えたんだ make sure you make lots of friends tonight. 聞いてくれ、 - My neighbor is gone now. 勝者は一人だけだって - I made it very, very, very loud and clear, うまくいったよ with my voice telling everyone, 残り2秒までは "Listen, すまん2秒数えたぞ there's only one winner here." 俺は時計がスタートする前から決めてたんだ It seemed to have worked 50代が受けた犠牲を until the last two seconds. すぐには - Sorry, two seconds count. 忘れられなかったみたい My decision was made before the clock started. 俺が言いたいのは、 - It looks like the 50's were not so quickly 40代よ、 going to forget 50代は戻ってくるから気をつけろ the damage that they took yesterday. この動画を実現させてくれたトップ・トゥループス - All I gotta say, 40's, に改めて感謝 watch out for the '50's, に改めて感謝 'cause they'll come back after you. 必ずダウンロードしてね - And thanks again to "Top Troops" これまでに82人が for making this video possible, このチャレンジから脱落したが、 make sure to go download it 俺たちはペースを緩めるつもりはない after you finish the video. おはようみんな So far, 82 people 誰が25万ドルをゲットするか、 have been eliminated from this challenge, 意見が一致するかな? but we're not slowing down anytime soon. たぶんね Good morning, everybody, タブレットで投票してくれ do you think you're all gonna agree きっと 同じ人に投票したんだろうな on who should win the 250 grand? なあ、 - Maybe. 次のチャレンジの準備する? - Throw the votes up on the tablets, - ああ - そう思った surely everyone voted for the same person. 人数が減ったから - Let's be honest, 満場一致ではなくなった should I just get the next challenge ready? よし、次のチャレンジだ、 - Yeah. - Yeah, I figured. ブリーフケースを持ってきて - It's getting less unanimous この時点で、40歳以上の人は全員 as we have less people. 次のチャレンジが何なのか 気づいたようだ All right, time for the next challenge, 数字が書かれたケースがある bring out the briefcases! ディール・オア・ノー・ディールだ At this point, all the people older than 40 ウソだろ、これは began to pick up on what the next challenge was. ディール・オア・ノー・ディールだ - There are cases with numbers on 'em, れってまるで ディール・オア・ノー・ディールよね like "Deal Or No Deal". あー… - Oh my goodness, 次のチャレンジはとても人気のある this is "Deal Or No Deal", I think it. 番組によく似ている、 - It almost looks like the "Deal Or No Deal". ディール・オア・ノー・ディールだ Um... 俺たちは番組の顔を起用した - Our next challenge looks really similar ホーウィー・マンデルだ to the very popular show - わあ - よう、ホーウィー "Deal Or No Deal", 40歳以上の人はホーウィーが大好きだ and so we brought out the face of the show himself, どうもありがとう Howie Mandel. 14歳、見たことがないかな - Oh wow! - What up, Howie! 私を知ってる? - Everyone over 40 really loved How. 待って - Thank you, please. 知ってるかも - 14-year-old, you might not have seen it. 音楽アーティストかな? - Do you know me? 40歳より下でも - Wait, wait, wait, ディール・オア・ノー・ディールを見たことが なくても I might know some of, is it music, 心配しないで、 are you a music artist? 途中でルールを説明するから - And if you're also under the age of 40 そこにある18個のブリーフケースを見て and haven't seen "Deal Or No Deal", 半分は脱落で don't worry, 半分はセーフって書いてある I'll explain the rules along the way. 番号を選んでくれ If you look at those 18 briefcases over there, 14? half say eliminated なるほどね and half say safe. ブリーフケースを開けて、 I need you to pick a number. 俺も含めて - 14? 誰にも見えないようにね - Makes sense. 中身を見た? Open this briefcase where no one else, ああ including me, 14歳の次に若いのは? can see what's inside. - たぶん私よ - よし、今度は41だ Do you know what's inside? 41には選択肢が与えられた - Yes. 14のブリーフケースを自分のために取るか、 - Who is the next youngest person here? 残っているブリーフケースからランダムに1つを選ぶか - [41] I think it's me! お互いの心を読むことができるかな - All right, now I'm going to 41. 41 now has the option 14番のケースには何が入ってるの? to steal 14's briefcase for herself セーフって書いてる or choose at random one of the remaining briefcases. それをもらうわ Let's see how well they're able to read each other. 41 ケースを 開けて - Hey, what's in the case, Number 14? いいね、楽しんでそうだ - It says safe. いいや、 - I'll steal it from you. こうやって思い出してるんだ 41, open the case. ケースを開けて - I love it, he's having such a good time. やったー - No, I am, わあ this is like I'm reminiscing. なぜ彼はウソをついて、 Open the case. ケースを守らなかった? - Safe! - Oh! これで全員の勝率が低くなった Wow. 新しいブリーフケースを選んでくれ Why wouldn't he just lie 何番にする? and keep his safe case? 13 That means everyone's odds just got worse. ラッキーサーティーンだ It's time to pick a new briefcase, 次に若い出場者は what number will it be? 43歳だ - 13. ねえ14、ケースに何が入ってる? - Lucky 13. 中身は…脱落だ - Onto our next youngest contestant, おー age 43. - Hey, 14, えっと… what you got in your suitcase? 正直、この時点では - It says eliminated. 彼が本当のことを言っているのかわからなかった - Ooh. 14、セーフじゃないって指切りする? - I- - I'm gonna be honest, セーフじゃないよ at this point I didn't even know わあこれは戦略かな? if he was telling the truth or not. じゃあ自分のケースを選ぶわ - 14, do you pinky swear that it says not safe? 14 ケースを開けて - It says not safe. わかった - Whoa, is this a strategy? 脱落だ - I think I'm gonna pick my own suitcase today. あー14… - 14, open your briefcase! 残念だな、ぼうや - All right. 君の脱落者リストに - Eliminated. 加わったね - Oh, 14. - Oh, no. 決して終わらない - I'm so sorry, buddy. また会おう、君は最高だ - Also another person ありがとう on your elimination list, 正直でいたくて言っちゃった、 it never ends with her. 脱落したよ - See ya, buddy, 正しい行動だった気がする you're the best. - Thank you. ブリーフケースは16個だ So, I wanted to be honest and I was 番号を選んで and I got eliminated. ラッキーナンバーの3 I feel like what I did was the right thing. 今回はマイクも必要ないね、 - There are 16 brief cases, 横に並んでる pick your number. 俺たちには同盟がある - I'm gonna go with lucky number three. 俺を信頼してくれ - We don't even need a microphone for this one, 君がセーフなら they're side by side. ブリーフケースは取らないよ - We still have an alliance, セーフかい? you can trust me or not. セーフじゃないわ If you are safe, 難しい判断をしなくちゃいけない I'm gonna let you keep your briefcase. - 取らない - わかった Are you safe? 彼は43のケースを取らないことにした - I am not safe. 開けてくれ - Ah, now I have to make the hard decision. 彼女がウソをついて No steal. - Okay. このケースが実際にはセーフなら、 He chose not to steal 43's briefcase. 40代は一気にお互いを信頼できなくなる Open it up for us. 同盟も崩壊するだろう If she is lying おー and this case does in fact say safe, 強力な同盟なんだな the 40's will not be able to trust each other any longer 残念だよ43 and their alliance will be broken. 大好きだぞ43 - Oh! - Oh. これは埋められるよりももっと最悪だ - That is a strong alliance, 間違いないね I'm so sorry, 43. 15個のケースが残って、 - We love you, 43! 8個だけがセーフだ - This is almost worse than being buried. 本当のことを言うこれは脱落だ - It's definitely worse. 私は運命に従うわ 15 cases are left 44 脱落だ and only eight of them are safe. 厳しいな - I'm going to tell you the truth, I'm eliminated. 元気でね - I'm just gonna go with the fates. 番号を選んで 44, he is eliminated. 10 - This is brutal. - 10 - こっそり見て - Good luck, man. お金はないけど - Pick whatever number you want. 誠実さはある - 10. セーフだった - 10. - Make sure no one sees it. ウソはついてない? - I didn't walk in here with money, さあ人生最大の決断を くだす時だ I walked in here with integrity, ああ、ハラハラする it's says safe. どうかな、奪うか、奪わないか - Are you telling the truth? 奪うわ - You are making the biggest choice of your life. もう戻れない、 - Whoa, he adds suspense. - And that is, 君の未来はこの中の答えにかかっている steal or no steal? ヤバい、はあ~… - I'm gonna take it. ケースを開けて - There's no turning back, お~! your future lies inside this case. 本当だったんだ - I can't, ah. どうももありがとう - Open the case. それじゃあ次は、 - Oh! どう出るか見てみよう She was telling the truth. ケースの中身はなんだった? - Thank you so much. 脱落 - Let's see if at some point 君を信じて奪わないよ she decides to move on herself. ケースを開けて - No. 正直さゆえに - What do you want him to think is in your case? 脱落したけど - Eliminated. 彼女は仲間 - I'm gonna believe you を救った and let you keep your case then. 本当だな? - Open the case. 俺はずっと - While her honesty did in fact 正直だっただろ get her eliminated, 手短に言うと it did save two of the people 脱落だ in her alliance. - Thank you. ホーウィー俺がやる - Are you honest, 48? 奪うか、奪わないか - I've always been honest with you, 51, よしいいねー! you know that. さあ、君の決断は? I'm gonna make it easy for you, 彼からは 取らない it says eliminated. 彼は正直者だったのか? - Howie, I got this one. 3、2、1 Steal or no steal? ウソだ! - I love that! うまいね! - Anyways, quarter mill on the line, 51? よくやったぞ - I am going to not steal. 勉強になるな - Let's see if 48 was telling the truth. ウソの付き方ね Three, two, one! トップ9入りだ、 - He was lying! 51歳はどうなる? Well played, 17で that was well played! よし、今いくぞ - I hope you all learned. 彼の言葉を信じる - That's how you lie, folks. 脱落だ - You made it to the top nine, 奪うか奪わないか? let's see if 51 does, as well. 奪わない 17, Howie, here we go, 奪わない、よし、 17 is coming up. 見てみよう - I'm gonna trust whatever he says. 本当だ - It says eliminated. それじゃ 君は脱落 - Steal or no steal? 最悪 - No steal. 一つ危機を逃れたとはいえ、 - No steal, all right, ゲームからは逃れられない let's show her. 俺は準備…オーケーだ - He was honest. じゃあ正直に言うわね、 - 51, you're now eliminated. 7番目のケース - That sucked. 中身は脱落 - Even though 54 just dodged a bullet, 脱落行きのチケットだな、 she's now faced with an elimination. 君はウソをつかない - Hi 54, I am ready. これは難しい - I'm honestly gonna tell you 奪うか奪わないか? that in box number seven, この世の決断という決断がぜーんぶ it says eliminated. 私にかかってる気分だよ - I know you are giving my ticket outta here あー… because you won't lie to me. じゃあ奪おう - This is a tough decision, よし steal or no steal? 今脱落だって、言われたのに、 - And now I feel like there's a whole world それをもらう? sitting on my shoulders right now. ああそう決めた、そう、もらうよ Um, 爆弾に飛びつくんだな ah, steal. 信じるのか? - All right. あー、信じるよ - Even though she said it has eliminate, 彼女のためにそうしたい you're gonna steal it? 孫にも会えるしね - That that is what I said, yes, steal. そうか… - He's jumping on a grenade for her. うわー、 - Do you believe her? 他人のために - Uh, I do, こんなことができるなんて I want the best for her. ここでつまずきそうだな I mean, I'll see my grandchildren. 君のおかげで簡単な決断だった - Oh, my gosh. 感謝するわ Wow, 何か与えるチャンスが来たら、 that might be the most selfless thing 与えるべきなんだよ I've ever witnessed in my life. ホーウィーにも会えて - I feel like I'm gonna trip over this thing. 最高だ You gave me the easiest choice I have made. 次のケースを開いたあとも、 - God will bless you. 彼女は正直でいることを選んだ - You have a chance to give something, ケースの中身は脱落よ give that to that person じゃあいらない and I did win, ゲーム終了間近、 I met Howie Mandel. 安全なケースはあとわずかだ - And when faced with yet another elimination case, 安全なケースだ she chose honesty a second time. じゃあ奪うわ - I'm just gonna tell you that it says eliminated. 彼を信じる - No, I'm not gonna steal it. え? - As the game neared it's end, あー… we were running out of safe briefcases. ああ、ウソ! - I got one of the safe boxes. 最後に残った2つをめぐって、 - I'd like to steal, 彼らがどう出るか、 I believe him. まるで予想できなかった What? 67歳と、96歳、 - Oh. どちらが勝って、どちらが脱落か - Oh, no! 自分で選びたい? - And once we got to the final two briefcases, れとも彼に選んでもらう? we had no idea if they were going to lie 選んでくれ or tell the truth. ここまで残るとは大健闘ですね、 It's between 67 and 96, あなたのように元気でいたいものだ one is safe and one is eliminate. 来年はスキー板がほしいんだ Do you wanna pick the briefcase そう or do you want 96 to pick the briefcase? どちらを選ぶ? - Go for it, 96. -16 -16だ - It's amazing that you're here, 誰にも見られないように I hope I have the energy at your age that you have. 確認して - And I wanna downhill ski next year. 中身はなんだった? - Okay. 脱落 Which case do you want? 親父も96歳で、 - 16. - 16 it is. 嘘ばっかりついてる - We're gonna open and look at the case 最後のケースを取るか、 so nobody else can see it. 彼のケースを奪うか - What's in the case, 96? 奪わない - Eliminate. 俺たちはドラマをより盛り上げるために、 - My dad is 96 years old, 最後に残った2つのケースを he done told a whole lotta lies. 同時に開けることにした、 - Do you want to take the last case on stage 勝者はどっちだ? or steal 96's case? トップ9なら25万ドル獲得、 - No steal. じゃあいくぞ - And because these are our final two briefcases, 3、2、1 we're gonna take the drama up a notch 勝った、 and open them both at the same time セーフだ to see who's moving on. 96歳のウソだ Top nine for $250,000, 絶好調だ やったな I'm gonna give us a countdown, さすがは three, two, one. トップ9最年長 - You're staying. これで、 We're staying! ついにトップ9に - The 96-year-old lied. 絞られた - I'm alive and kicking. さらにヤバいことになるぞ - That is why he's the oldest person 大詰めよ、 left in this challenge. - Woo! 残るは9人 - And with that, 絶対に勝ってみせる we are now down 緊張してる to the top nine. 40代同盟だ、フゥ~! The next challenge will be even crazier. 気持ちがめちゃくちゃ上がってる、 - It's end game, すごいことが起こりそう we're down to the final nine. 彼らのお互いへの信頼は、 I am planning on winning this game. 最終日にはかなり - Super nervous. り薄くなってた - 40's alliance holding strong, woo! 我が家へようこそ - Emotions are running high, 周りはみんな消えて真っ赤だね I think it's gonna get pretty crazy soon. 血の海さ - And as we rolled into the final day of this video, 彼らは信頼できる? the contestants trust for each other いや、全然 was running thin. 残ったメンバーで、 - Welcome to my humble abode. 誰が一番信用できる? - Around you is just a sea of red X's. 47歳だ、 - A sea of blood. 始まった時から、 - Do you trust those people over there on the other side? お互いどこまでやれるかな - No, I don't. って話してた - Out of every single person left in this room- 最後の2人になれたら - Okay? - Who do you trust the most? 最高だと思う - 47, 100%. 戦略は? When we got into this it was entirely about, そんなのないわ "Let's see how far 誰があの札束の山を the two of us can get", ゲットするか決めるために… and if it ends up being the last two of us, これから君たちには脱落者を that would be amazing. 4人選んでもらう、 - What's your strategy? 決め方は簡単だ - I don't have a strategy. それぞれ、 - Since you cannot agree 自分が勝つべき理由をアピールしてくれ、 on who wins that giant wad of cash over there, それから誰がこの挑戦を続けるのに you are now going to choose four people ふさわしいか、 to eliminate from this competition. ふさわしくないか投票で決める The way that you'll decide is simple, 参加者たちが、ここまで下したあらゆる決断が、 all of you will tell the room 今につながっている why you think you deserve the prize money, 賞金の使い道は? and as a group you'll have to decide 援助が必要な whose story is worthy and not worthy 息子がいるんだ for continuing this challenge. 全て捨てて…フィリピンを出てきた Every decision you have made this entire video 保険に入れなくて、 leads to this moment. ひどい神経障害なの Let 'em know what you'll spend the money on. 難病のいとこを助けたい、 - I've got a son who's got 彼女 pretty significant special needs. 小さな子供が3人いるの - We leave everything back in our country, Philippines. 大変だよな - I have no health insurance, うちには、自閉症で言葉を話せない娘がいて、 I have horrific neuropathy. もうすぐ7歳になるんだ - My cousin, she has lupus, この先の道のりも、 so I wanna help her, 困難だと思う she has three little ones. 涙が出てくるわ - This is so hard, y'all, 悲しいわね I also have an autistic, nonverbal daughter みんなに財産を分けてあげたい who will be seven at the end of the month, みんなの願いや希望を she needs so much work ランク付けするなんて、 and we've got so far to go. できるわけないよ - No, I'm crying for everybody, 賞金が手に入ったら it breaks my heart. 投資に回すつもりよ Just wanna give all my money away to everybody. 君の慈善活動は - How can we possibly rank それほど重要じゃない somebody's wishes and hopes なんて、 higher than anyone else's? 不公平だよな - Invest the money for 90 to 120 days パンデミックで職を失いかけたわ on my mining platform. 一人ずつ選んでいかないか? - It's so unfair to say, いいわ "Well, your charity's not as important よし、じゃあ始めよう as this or that", 私のことを、 it doesn't seem fair. 引き取ってくれた - Almost lost his business during the pandemic- 娘にあげたい - We'll vote one at a time for who's not moving on. 話を聞くほど… - Okay. - Okay, 決めるのが、 let's start with the obvious. 難しくなる、 - I wanna give it to my daughter このへんで決断しないと 'cause I'm living with her. さあ、全員の話が終わった She took me in when I could not- 誰が残り誰が去るか、 - This is getting harder and harder 決めるのは彼らだ the longer it goes. - 決められない - 61は? Let's make our decision to move on どうやらここのみんなは because it's not getting any easier. 61を脱落させるみたい - Now that you've heard each other's stories さあそれぞれの話を聞いて、 and now it is up to all of you to decide 誰が家に帰るべきか who will stay and who will go. 意見をまとめる時がやってきた - I dunno what to do. - Let's start with 61. 結果はこうだ - The people on this side of the room ワオ… have decided on 61. - 一位は? - 61だ - After hearing everybody's stories, 私ね it's time to see who you collectively think トラブルメーカーよ、 should go home. さあ Reveal the results. ここでお別れね Wow. 残る3人の脱落者も、 - Who was it? - Aw, 61. 投票で決定する - That's me. もう分からない - She's a troublemaker, 46歳でもいいな you know what, 決まり so long, goodbye. 説得力は、正直なかった - Three more competitors need to be voted out, 終了だ it is up to you to decide. よし - I don't know what I'm gonna do. 気分は? - We can do 46 if we need to. やばいよ、 Do it now. - Oh. 仲間を落とすんだから - 46, he wasn't very convincing with much. 結果はこうだ - The votes are in, 一位は、46か all right. 君たち同盟は? - Nervous? ジミー… - Extremely, うわあ、そうか I'm about to knife my alliance. 46、君も脱落だ - You voted, let's see the results. 信じがたいことだけど、 Every vote was on a 40-year-old. 40代同盟がここで完全に崩壊した I thought you all had an alliance? 次は? - Bro. 96 - Whoa, all right. もうこんなの嫌 46, you have been eliminated. 結果は、こうなった - I cannot believe that just happened, ああ…96か the entire 40 year old's alliance just imploded. みんなに感謝するよ、 - Who's next? 参加できて光栄だ 96. 最後の投票だ - I can't do this anymore. 72? - Let's see what you all decided. 決まりだ Whoa, 96 year old. 最後の脱落者の発表の前に、 - Good luck and I thank everybody, 今回は誰に投票したか、 I'm happy I was on this show. 聞いてみよう - The final vote coming up. 誰に投票した? - 72? 72だ Do it now. 72に一票 - We're ready for the last elimination of this challenge そんな and this time I'm gonna have you tell me あなたは、誰に投票した? what number you voted for. 41 Who did you vote for? 41に、一票 - I voted for 72. 誰に入れた? - One vote for 72. 72、 - She's a sweetheart. だからこれでおあいこね - 72, who did you vote for? 誰に投票した? - 41. 41だよ、 - One vote for 41. 彼女には希望がある Who did you vote for? 家を買う姉の手助けに… - I voted for 72, だから、彼女に so we're even 72. なるほど - Who did you vote for and why? - 誰に入れた? - 72 - I voted for 41, 72に3票、 it was more wants and dreams- 41に2票 - I will help my twin sister to get a house- 彼女で決まるぞ - Instead of needs. 誰に入れた? - That ties it up. 72? Who did you vote for? - 72. 決まりだ That's three votes for 72 72に入れた and two votes for 41. 72が、過半数獲得 The deciding factor here, 残念だけど、脱落だ who did you vote for? たった一人が、勝者になる - 72? 残念だけどいつかこうなるって、 Do it now. 分かってたんだ - I voted for 72. いよいよ正念場だね - That means 72 received the majority of votes. ここまで勝ち残ったみんな I'm sorry, you are eliminated. 誰が勝者か、 - Only one person gets that money. 決めきれなかった君たちに、 - Unfortunately, we knew we had to もうこれ以上逃げ場はないぞ make some cuts at some point. 離れ離れはよくないな、 - It's now time to play the game. 特に、56にとっては - Attention final contestants, フェアじゃない again and again you have failed いよいよ今回の挑戦 to unanimously vote for a winner 最大のどんでん返しが始まる時がきた and now you no longer have a choice. 君たちは初めて、 I don't like that you guys are so far apart, 自分のキューブの外に出ることができる especially 56 over here, 最後の挑戦のために、 doesn't feel fair, 今から全員 so boys, I think it's finally time この巨大キューブの中に集まってくれ to reveal the biggest twist in this whole video. 箱から箱へ For the first time since this video began, 繰り返し言ってきたけど、 you may now exit your cubes, 誰がゲームに勝つかは、 you will not be eliminated, 君たちにかかってる and make your way down 今から一時間以内に to the giant cube 誰が for your final challenge. - Wait, I was just in a cube. 賞金25万ドルを獲得するか、 - As I've been saying this entire video, みんなで決めてくれ the decision of who wins this money もし一人に決めきれなかった時は is ultimately up to you, さあ、出てきて so we're gonna throw an hour up on the screen マックとタレクが火炎放射器を持ってるだろ and when that hits zero, 2人は俺の指示ひとつで、 whoever's left in this cube 躊躇なくこの札束を燃やすぞ will win the $250,000, 時間がない and if for some reason there's more than one person, がんばれ boys, come on out. 賞金をつかむのは一人だ You'll notice Mack and Tareq are holding flamethrowers みんな甲乙つけがたいと思う ここにいる全員がね and they will not hesitate そうね to engulf this money in flames upon my command. キリがない話だろ Time is ticking, みんなふさわしいもの best of luck. でもこれは - Only one of us is walking away with that money. そういう話じゃないよな? - I feel like there is not one person here こうしてたって選べっこない、 above anyone else. - Amen. だったら何か別の方法で - That goes from one to 100. 決めなきゃ - We all deserve this money. 何か案はある? - It's not deserve, 指示してほしいくらいよ it's win the game. 辞退してもいい人は? - Any thoughts? いいね - If we cannot agree in one person, なんとなく思いついたの、 then we gotta find ways to get there. こんな話は出なかったから - Any ideas on that? んん - I would've much rather they told us what to do. 誰も出る気はないか - Is anyone willing to leave? 俺はみんなに比べて少し不利なんだ、 - That is a fair question. 彼女の話を聞いてない - I just thought I'd throw that out there, 聞いてる間に why not? お金が燃えるわ We haven't discussed that. - Mm-hm. でも聞かなくちゃ - So, none of us wanna leave? 人生の話だろ - So, I'm kind of at a disadvantage with y'all, それぞれ苦労してるってことよ I don't know your story. 私だって - If she tells you her story, じゃあ何も共有せずに、 that money's gonna burn. 今知ってることだけで - But my story is me, 決めるのか? my story's my life! 残り15分じゃ無理よ - I have struggles, 時間をムダにしてるだけ she has struggles. - I have struggles. 時間がない、 - So, do we not wanna share anything 誰かが出ていかないとね or do we just make it as we know right now? 息できない - We can't share, もう外に出たい… we got 15 minutes- - We only have- ダメ、あなたもここに - We're just killing time right now. 残るべき人よ - Time is dwindling, 自信を持って someone needs to start leaving now. 座ってることもできないんじゃ、 - I can't breathe, 投票なんて無理だな I'd just rather walk out. みんなここに、 - Don't, you deserve to be here - 人生かけてるの - そうとも just as any of us. じゃああなたを追い出す? - If you're not strong enough to sit there そんなのいやよ and say that I can stay, 君は逃げ出すことも I don't see how you can vote somebody out. ないだろうな - This isn't a fight, okay, 彼女にも this is life. - It is life. いてほしいだけ - Do I wanna pick you out? 全員一歩も引かず、 No, I don't want to. かなりピりついてるよね - You're not the one that can't handle it ランキング投票は? and wants to walk out. すぐ紙を用意して - But I'm not gonna let her walk やってみましょう and that's it. こんな感じ? - All five are still in the cube. やり方は超シンプルだ I can literally feel the intensity. 賞金にふさわしいと - What about ranked choice voting? 思う順にランク付けして - Quickly write down in paper 5人の中で一番安定して what ranking looks like. 上位にいた人が、 - This is how it would look. 勝者となる - 48's idea is pretty simple, この投票システムなら、 everyone chooses in order すぐ決まる who they think deserves the money the most いいと思うわ and whoever appears at the top 君が集めて of all of the lists the most consistently まとめる? will win the money. ああ集計してる、 - So it would just be one vote and we're done, 結果をまとめるよ that's ranked choice voting. よしいいぞ - I'd say we do that. - 結論は出た? - ああ - Do you wanna collect them 準備できたら and tally it? 出てきてくれ - That's what I'm doing, 56歳は5位 if you wanna come over and show me, then I'll start writing. 2人は同率3位だ All right, we're ready. マジかよ - You've come to a conclusion? - Yes. さあ行くわよ - Whenever you guys are ready, しがみつかせてちょうだい feel free to step out. そして残ったのは、47歳と48歳、 - 56 was in fifth place, 挑戦初日から 41 and 64 tied for third- 固い同盟を組んできた2人に、 - Oh, my God. - I knew it. 絞られたんだ - Come on sister, だけど、 I need somebody to hold on to anyway. 25万ドル手にするのはどちらか一人だけだよ - And now it's come down to 47 and 48, 俺は2位 who have had the strongest alliance - 47 is our winner. in this whole video 勝ったのは彼女だ since the very first day, 信じられない but as you know, ああ神様!感謝するわ only one of them can win this $250,000. 47歳、おめでとう - I came in second. 君は苦労しながらも、 - 47 is our winner. 強い同盟を組んで、 - That's crazy. 最後まで Thank you, Jesus, 周囲の人のために戦った Thank you, Lord. 彼女にもいてほしいだけ - Congratulations, 47. だからこそみんな君が25万ドル You struggled to eliminate other players, だって思ったんだろう you built the strongest alliance 大丈夫、残った4人も and even to the very end, 1万ドル獲得だ you fought for those around you- すばらしい体験だ - I'm not gonna let her walk. 信じられない - That is why 100 people ultimately decided that それじゃ、最後にもう一つサプライズだよ that is your $250,000 さあ入って and don't worry, all four of them ママ! are gonna walk away with $10,000. すごいわ - It's been absolutely amazing. これで助けられる、 - This is crazy. もう大丈夫 - 47, we have one final surprise for you! 今回の動画は Come on out. 俺のお気に入り。 - Mommy! 長尺だけど - You made it, sweetie! みんなも楽しめたかな? - Yeah! アマゾンプライムで I can finally help you, Mom! とある番組も準備中だから - Oh, yeah. - I can finally help you. 続報を待っててくれ - This was definitely one of my favorite videos to film. Let me know in the comments if you enjoyed the longer video format, we're trying it out to prepare for our Amazon Prime show dropping later this year, but I'll tell you more about that later on.
B1 中級 日本語 米 チャレンジ ケース ドル みんな 投票 キューブ Ages 1 - 100 Decide Who Wins $250,000 18 0 imwhite2013 に公開 2024 年 05 月 26 日 シェア シェア 保存 報告 動画の中の単語