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So, my parents come and visit me in L.A., they stay with me for a few days, but eventually they get an Airbnb. This was the day they transitioned out of my house into the Airbnb.
Would you do me a favor? I move so quickly in and out of your house, I meant to get a handful of hangers. Would you put about five or six hangers out on the porch, and when
Dad and I go food shopping later, I will pick them up. Or just put them on one of the chairs outside so they're not sitting in dirt. Thanks. I send a picture of those hangers put on a table showing her they're not in dirt. She says, sorry to bother you honey, I just found a whole bunch of hangers in the closet, so you can put those hangers back in the house.
So she had the hangers at the Airbnb, and then I put my hangers back in my house. I don't know if this is interesting, but this is what we talk about. So, my mom lives in
Mexico, and the highways can be dangerous, and here's why. She texted me at 9.22am, dead black cow on highway this morning. Sad face. And I responded, no. We lost a lot of good milk that day. Okay, so I found an article online, and it was kind of mean. It was about me. So I texted my mom, and her response was, f*** her. Big deal. I drove to her house, and now I'm waiting outside. Thanks mom. That's why you don't f*** with my mom. Got a cold out of nowhere, and a thunderstorm, so no swimming today. Hoping it's allergies.
Your mother loves you. Yeah, no swimming and thunderstorms mom. Happy Mother's Day. Be careful on The View. It's a very politically motivated show. Maybe wear your hair up. Gives us height and slims our faces. Think about it. The outfit you wore on New Year's Eve was stunning. Mama's suggestions. Love you. Didn't ask her for any of those. Brett, I've just started watching a documentary called Moms Make Porn. These moms seem so wonderful, and I've only watched 20 minutes, and I have so little knowledge of this porn. I never watch it. I don't seek it out. I did see Deep Throat way back in 1970-something. I hated it, and I'm still uncomfortable with it, and I realize now why. I love sex, and I love sex with someone who loves me. This being paid to do things to men, men being aggressive, it makes me feel sick. There's something so out of my control about it. So out of my comfort zone. Anyway, just checking in. Happy Sunday.
お母さんはあなたを愛している。ええ、泳いだり雷雨になったりしないでね、お母さん。母の日おめでとう。The Viewには気をつけて。とても政治的な動機のある番組だから。髪をアップにしたら?背が高くなるし、顔も細くなる。考えてみて。大晦日に着ていた衣装は見事だったわ。ママの提案。愛してるわ。どれもママに頼んでないわ。ブレット、『Moms Make Porn』っていうドキュメンタリーを見始めたんだ。まだ20分しか見てないけど、このポルノについてほとんど知らないの。観たこともない。探したりもしない。1970年くら