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After reading tons of productivity books, I came across so many rules, like the two-year rule, the five-minute rule, the five-second rule.
生産性を高めるための本を読みあさった結果、2 年ルール、5 分ルール、5 秒ルールなど、たくさんのルールに出会いました。
No, not that five-second rule.
いや、その 5 秒ルールじゃない。
The problem is that these rules are meant for companies or entrepreneurs.
But I was able to adapt them to my studies during med school and drastically cut down on my procrastination.
So I'm going to share with you two different two-minute rules for the next two minutes.
では、これから 2 分間、2 つの異なる 2 分間ルールを紹介します。
The first two-minute rule comes from Getting Things Done by David Allen.
最初の 2 分間ルールは David Allen 著『Getting Things Done』からのものです。
He says, "If it takes two minutes to do, get it done right now."
「2分でできることは今すぐやれ 」って。
For example, if I need to take out the trash today, it takes two minutes to do.
例えば、今日ゴミを出しに行くのに 2 分かかるとします。
So if I'm thinking about it now, I might as well just do it now,
instead of writing it down on a to-do list or probably forgetting about it or having to come back to it later, which takes more than two minutes.
それを書き留めたり、おそらくそれを忘れたり、後で戻ってそれをしなければならなかったりするのではなく、2 分以上かかります。
That's how I see it.
So here's a list of things that might take two minutes throughout the day, like organizing your desk or watering your plants or clipping those nasty nails.
1 日中 2分かかるかもしれないことのリストを紹介します。机の整理や植物の水やり、または厄介な爪の切り取りなど。
I just do it when I notice it, but these little things start to add up.
So this rule biases my brain towards taking action and away from procrastination.
The second two-minute rule comes from Atomic Habits by James Clear.
2 つ目の 2 分間ルールは、James Clear 著『Atomic Habits』からのものです。
He says, "When you're trying to do something you don't really want to do, simplify the task down to two minutes or less."
「本当はやりたくないことをやろうとしているときは、その作業を 2 分以内に単純化すること」って。
So doing your entire reading assignment becomes just reading one paragraph or memorizing the entire periodic table becomes memorizing just 10 flashcards.
つまり、全ての読書課題を行うことは、1 つの段落を読むだけになったり、周期表全体を暗記することは、たった 10 枚のフラッシュカードを暗記することになります。
Now, some of you might think, "Yeah, this is just a Jedi mind trick. Like, why would I fall for it? How is this at all sustainable?"
And to that, he says, "When you're starting out, limit yourself to only two minutes."
So back in med school, I wanted to build a habit of studying for one hour every day before dinner.
医学部の頃、毎日夕食前に 1 時間勉強する習慣をつけたかったんです。
So I tried this trick, but I limited myself to just two minutes.
I'd sit down, open my laptop, study for two minutes, and then close my laptop and went to do something else.
座ってノートパソコンを開き、2 分間勉強した後、ノートパソコンを閉じて他のことをするんです。
It seems unproductive at first, right? It seems stupid.
But staying consistent with this two-minute routine day after day meant that I was becoming the type of person who studies daily.
I was mastering the habit of just showing up because a habit needs to be established before it can be expanded upon.
If I can't become a person who studies for just two minutes a day, I'd never be able to become the person that studies for an hour a day.
1 日 2 分勉強する人間になれなければ、1 時間勉強する人間にはなれないでしょう。
You got to start somewhere, but starting small is easier.
There's a lot of other useful tips from books.
I cover more here in this video on three books in three minutes.
この動画では、3 分で 3 冊の本を紹介しています。
Check it out. And if you guys like these types of videos, let me know in the comments below.
I'll see you there. Bye.